Yes, the dispute caused by the Rossi-IH conflict and trial has escaped under control,
cannot be called more as rational and is now an orgy of VUCA-iness and of mixing and confusing points of view.
The opposing parties are searching zealously for Vulnerabilities of the Enemy expertly using highly Uncertain correlations, crippling the Complexity of situations in a few condensed formulas by detailocide and presenting even toxic Ambiguity as something crystal clear directly supporting their views.
We are working now with imponderables, approximations false superlatives- sanctifications vs. demonizations, replacing facts (that are only guessed) with impressions, moral values as character, reputation, mixing in past, charm, charisma, anecdotes, extreme values as "tests and Test great success" vs "all test and test entirely failed" - probably from or before birth"
I am also emotionally implicated this time because I do not like to see my LENR technology dream assassinated. If it fails it should do this due to its weakness and irreality not by executioners.
However I still can say when a problem is not solvable in the given premises and thi is orders of magnitudes too wicked to have a Solution.
But a Solution exists and it was delivered by a friend who is objective and far from this tempest- a first class scientist , doing unique experiments and the thinker and
author of a bright LENR theory supporting the spirit of Six Pillars of LENR: Leonid Urutskoev, Professor of Physics at Moscow.
Leonid wrote (my translation)
The Rossi #ECAT #LENR saga: What to Expect from the @ApcoWorldwide PR Machine!
Yes, the dispute caused by the Rossi-IH conflict and trial has escaped under control,
cannot be called more as rational and is now an orgy of VUCA-iness and of mixing and confusing points of view.
The opposing parties are searching zealously for Vulnerabilities of the Enemy expertly using highly Uncertain correlations, crippling the Complexity of situations in a few condensed formulas by detailocide and presenting even toxic Ambiguity as something crystal clear directly supporting their views.
We are working now with imponderables, approximations false superlatives- sanctifications vs. demonizations, replacing facts (that are only guessed) with impressions, moral values as character, reputation, mixing in past, charm, charisma, anecdotes, extreme values as "tests and Test great success" vs "all test and test entirely failed" - probably from or before birth"
I am also emotionally implicated this time because I do not like to see my LENR technology dream assassinated. If it fails it should do this due to its weakness and irreality not by executioners.
However I still can say when a problem is not solvable in the given premises and thi is orders of magnitudes too wicked to have a Solution.
But a Solution exists and it was delivered by a friend who is objective and far from this tempest- a first class scientist , doing unique experiments and the thinker and
author of a bright LENR theory supporting the spirit of Six Pillars of LENR: Leonid Urutskoev, Professor of Physics at Moscow.
Leonid wrote (my translation)
"The intensity of the legal dispute regarding LENR, especially in the CMNS group is quite surprising for me. I o not fully understand the legal nd commercial aspects of the problem, and you well know that my interest is strictly on the scientific side/aspects.
And I think the main question regarding the Test is:
Had been there observed/measured isotopic shifts in the Li and Ni powder?
If there are important isotopic shifts Then we can talk about
Nuclear reactions if not, then there were no nuclear reactions
The excess heat issue is not so important and unequivocal. More specifically the amount of excess heat must comply with the mass defect of the weight of the original powder.
I trust the results of the Lugano just because there were observed isotopic shifts. And the results were obtained on two different mass spectrometers- there is no reason to not believe our colleagues.
. Moreover, the laser mass spectrometer revealed the presence of a larger isotopic shift. And from my research, I know that LERN effects are superficial. Rossi could hardly know about it and therefore this result was impossible to falsify.
So, what must be done is the to verify the presence of isotopic shifts in the spent fuel. (N.T. and to show the trends of the shifts – increasing after 10), 200, 300 days when samples were taken, is there logic and consistency).
I f the effect exists than with certainty the device- energy source will be realized. And its name, E-Cat or otherwise is not so important.
As for Calorimeters, I always treat them with great care and teach my students: the scientific study of calorimetry always plays a supporting role. It can only serve as a guide to roughly understand that if we changed something in an experiment that we are moving in the direction of increasing effect, or in the opposite direction.
In engineering the opposite is true: Calorimetry - the primary tool for detecting the device efficiency actions.
But what is surprising: was it impossible to conclude within a month that there is NO excess heat? Why was it necessary to prolong the test for an entire Year?
The whole situation is very unclear to me. Apparently I do not understand/know something very important in this story "
This is simple and straightforward- excess heat and isotopic shifts, bound by a cause-effect relationship are Siamese twins. Isotopic shifts are MEASURABLE aand unassailable- the central piece in the forensic drama. Heat measurements are already attacked - air can be injected in the steam, but mass spectrometry results coming from Rossi, IH and the ERV repeatable in tens of labs- are rock solid.
Thinks to Leonid's cutting of the Gordian Knot I am looking with more detachment to the battle field where centaurs made of facts (the lower body) and fantasy- the rest
are killing each other. Unfortunately slogans that would fit fascists and communist activists- as asking for the deportation of Rossi's helpers have also appeared.
It is break and brake time, I believe.
The Rossi #ECAT #LENR saga: What to Expect from the @ApcoWorldwide PR Machine!
MFMP Team Starts New Live Glowstick Experiment
MFMP Team Starts New Live Glowstick Experiment
"This is simple and straightforward- excess heat and isotopic shifts, bound by a cause-effect relationship are Siamese twins. Isotopic shifts are MEASURABLE aand unassailable- the central piece in the forensic drama. Heat measurements are already attacked - air can be injected in the steam, but mass spectrometry results coming from Rossi, IH and the ERV repeatable in tens of labs- are rock solid."
ReplyDeleteI agree. But Rossi has only ever had two sets of isotopic shift results. the first one caused quite a storm here showing that Ni had been converted to Cu. Skeptics pointed out that the isotopic fractions were all natural. Rossi however continued to fine the results "interesting" - they supported his current theory for e-cat operation. Three years later Rossi admitted that the ash was "contaminated". He never said this at the time.
So the second (Lugano) sample of ash from Rossi can really not be trusted. It too could be contaminated, in this case with the bought 62Ni that we knew Rossi was using (at one time) as fuel.
That is the non-technical argument. There is then the technical argument. 98% conversion to 62Ni has remarkably implausible whatever reactions might be happening. And it would have to be 98% conversion of only a small part of the Ni - because otehrwise the excess heat just from the Ni conversion would be far in excess of what was found.
When you look technically at the isotopic shifts they fall apart. Since LENR is extraordinary and not understood you can always make a set of assumptions that allow 62Ni with LENR. But they are very contrived.
I'll happily lead you through why that is if you like.
Many people were hoping for MFMP isotopic shift results and I agree that if they discovered such it would be very significant. But they have not, so this box thus far remains unticked.
Peter - I respect your emotional commitment to LENR. I think perhaps you are making a big mistake here traducing IH, or at least giving some room for Rossi to do so. IH will likely be a major LENR funder over the years to come and that from Darden's philanthropy.
ReplyDelete"We are working now with imponderables, approximations false superlatives- sanctifications vs. demonizations, replacing facts (that are only guessed) with impressions, moral values as character, reputation, mixing in past, charm, charisma, anecdotes"
I agree - much of the flak is speculative and unsubstantive.
However the facts about the Rossi tests that supports IH's PR are real. The fact that Penon writes reports that show he is not qualified as a tester is not imponderable, impression, character. It is simply that his report from july-Aug 2012 e-cat testing is very very poor quality. There are technical issues, like the way that what was left out could account for the apparent excess heat, but the defects in his test methodology are so glaring the cannot be denied. If you do not accept this I will happily post a short summary here with a link to the report so that everyone can validate it for themselves.
I won't repeat the issues about Lugano - they are highly technical and were addressed by me in writing more than 6 months ago. Since then no-one has been able to challenge my refutation - it is maths not imponderable, not impression, not character.
Rossi, according to his actions, respects nothing except his self-interest. You cannot in the interest of good PR for LENR smooth over the proven defects in his published test reports because it comes back to hurt people like Darden who do not deserve that.
Mr Clarke - what Industrial Heat and Tom Dardan are doing to Dr Rossi is not about Science its about money and Control of a billion dollar new energy source.
Delete"I trust the results of the Lugano just because there were observed isotopic shifts."
ReplyDeleteThat is not logical. The excess heat results are just wrong. the testers misunderstood how to do thermography on Alumina. And my recalculation is quantitatively self-validating because the claimed "acceleration in COP" vanishes more precisely than would be possible if there was a mistake.
Independently, you make a judgement over whether Rossi's ash sample from Lugano is contaminated. But even if it valid, and thus an indicator of LENR, that cannot change the math showing those Lugano observations consistent with an electric heater COP = 1.
Dear Tom,
DeleteOnly the multiple analyses can solve the problem.And these have to include the morphology aspects the structure of the areas with more or less isotopic changes.
No shift, story over for a long time.