I have many times greater chances to live to see a working commercial LENR device than to see the spirit of peace and understanding ruling the LENR field. Just now the specific meta-agriculture there consists in planting mines.
A special piece of wisdom of Stalinist style Gary Wright
Published on April 17, 2016 It is very possible that Andrea Rossi will try and hide by withdrawing his lawsuit. That is why it is very important for Industrial Heat LLC to file a counter lawsuit with their answer. Please see our article – Industrial Heat LLC vs. Andrea Rossi – the Don Corleone of Free Energy. By accepting the Click here to continue reading.
Please also take a look to this comment:
Not my style to cite such things but I was attacked perfidiously and unjustly.
Other: Looking at the comments at the site of Mats Lewan, I found this idea:
"For now Rossi’s statements are more substantiated than IH’s. If the latter were right they must admit to have swindled Woodford." Disturbing.
V.I. Dubinko, D.V. Laptev
(Submitted on 6 Feb 2016)
I have many times greater chances to live to see a working commercial LENR device than to see the spirit of peace and understanding ruling the LENR field. Just now the specific meta-agriculture there consists in planting mines.
A special piece of wisdom of Stalinist style Gary Wright
Published on April 17, 2016 It is very possible that Andrea Rossi will try and hide by withdrawing his lawsuit. That is why it is very important for Industrial Heat LLC to file a counter lawsuit with their answer. Please see our article – Industrial Heat LLC vs. Andrea Rossi – the Don Corleone of Free Energy. By accepting the Click here to continue reading.
Please also take a look to this comment:
Not my style to cite such things but I was attacked perfidiously and unjustly.
Other: Looking at the comments at the site of Mats Lewan, I found this idea:
"For now Rossi’s statements are more substantiated than IH’s. If the latter were right they must admit to have swindled Woodford." Disturbing.
2) Binding Energy of Subatomic States of Hydrogen Vladimir K. Nevolin National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia.
Abstract Traditional quantum mechanics methods have demonstrated the possibility of the existence of subatomic states of hydrogen. The de Broglie’s formula was used, which links Einstein’s equation for the rest energy of the quantum particle with the Planck's constant. Binding energy was calculated, amounting to ~105 eV, which is more than two orders what was previously predicted. Conditions of experimental observation of subatomic hydrogen are discussed.
3) Recipe to create a LENR reactor ( a discussion)
4) Replicators Beware — Been There, Seen it Happen (Fredrick Hibbs)
2) Binding Energy of Subatomic States of Hydrogen Vladimir K. Nevolin National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia.
Abstract Traditional quantum mechanics methods have demonstrated the possibility of the existence of subatomic states of hydrogen. The de Broglie’s formula was used, which links Einstein’s equation for the rest energy of the quantum particle with the Planck's constant. Binding energy was calculated, amounting to ~105 eV, which is more than two orders what was previously predicted. Conditions of experimental observation of subatomic hydrogen are discussed.
3) Recipe to create a LENR reactor ( a discussion)
4) Replicators Beware — Been There, Seen it Happen (Fredrick Hibbs)
5) On the LENR Forum. thanks to Lou Pagnuco:
Chemical and nuclear catalysis driven by localized anharmonic vibrationsV.I. Dubinko, D.V. Laptev
(Submitted on 6 Feb 2016)
In many-body nonlinear systems with sufficient anharmonicity, a special kind of lattice vibrations, namely, Localized Anharmonic Vibrations (LAV) can be excited either thermally or by external triggering, in which the amplitude of atomic oscillations greatly exceeds that of harmonic oscillations (phonons) that determine the system temperature. Coherency and persistence of LAV may have drastic effect on chemical and nuclear reaction rates due to time-periodic modulation of reaction sites. One example is a strong acceleration of chemical reaction rates driven by thermally-activated "jumps" over the reaction barrier due to the time-periodic modulation of the barrier height in the LAV vicinity. At sufficiently low temperatures, the reaction rate is controlled by quantum tunneling through the barrier rather than by classical jumping over it. A giant increase of sub-barrier transparency was demonstrated for a parabolic potential well with the time-periodic eigenfrequency, when the modulation frequency exceeds the eigenfrequency by a factor of ~2 (parametric regime). Such regime can be realized for a hydrogen or deuterium atom in metal hydrides/deuterides, such as NiH or PdD, in the vicinity of LAV. We present an analytical solution of the Schrodinger equation for a nonstationary harmonic oscillator, analyze the parametric regime in details and discuss its applications to the tunnel effect and to D-D fusion in PdD lattice. We obtain simple analytical expressions for the increase of amplitude and energy of zero-point oscillations (ZPO) induced by the parametric modulation. Based on that, we demonstrate a drastic increase of the D-D fusion rate with in-creasing number of modulation periods evaluated in the framework of Schwinger model, which takes into account suppression of the Coulomb barrier due to lattice vibrations.
6) From Andrea Rossi's Blog:
Andrea Rossi
April 18, 2016 at 5:55 PM
I need to work. Only my work will generate good products and good jobs, and these will be the resolutive ingredients to realize the E-Cat dream.
Warm Regards,
Glowing nanomaterial to drive new generation of solar cells
Physicists have discovered radical new properties in a nanomaterial which opens new possibilities for highly efficient thermophotovoltaic cells, which could one day harvest heat in the dark and turn it into electricity
Real World Problem Solving: The probability of life
6) From Andrea Rossi's Blog:
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I appreciated the fresh air from Francesco Celani. About fresh air: we, your followers, are preparing a nice surprise for the “pure scientists” that are attacking you and that tried to stop your work the dirt way, in close contact with the snakes.
You do not know us, but we are strongly taking your back against this dark work. You will get fun, stay tuned, because we discovered very well who they are, how they make money, why they want your death.
You are working hard for all of us, and at the same time you are making a duel, David against Goliath; Goliath has put hidden men to shoot at your back during the duel, but there we are too, and we discovered anything of them. Next week there will be fun in the blogosphere.
You think how to work for us, we think how to defend you.
Godspeed, Andrea! Never give up !
I appreciated the fresh air from Francesco Celani. About fresh air: we, your followers, are preparing a nice surprise for the “pure scientists” that are attacking you and that tried to stop your work the dirt way, in close contact with the snakes.
You do not know us, but we are strongly taking your back against this dark work. You will get fun, stay tuned, because we discovered very well who they are, how they make money, why they want your death.
You are working hard for all of us, and at the same time you are making a duel, David against Goliath; Goliath has put hidden men to shoot at your back during the duel, but there we are too, and we discovered anything of them. Next week there will be fun in the blogosphere.
You think how to work for us, we think how to defend you.
Godspeed, Andrea! Never give up !
April 18, 2016 at 5:55 PM
I need to work. Only my work will generate good products and good jobs, and these will be the resolutive ingredients to realize the E-Cat dream.
Warm Regards,
Glowing nanomaterial to drive new generation of solar cells
Physicists have discovered radical new properties in a nanomaterial which opens new possibilities for highly efficient thermophotovoltaic cells, which could one day harvest heat in the dark and turn it into electricity
Real World Problem Solving: The probability of life
The magnetic fields inside the LENR reactor are monopole flux lines. This EMF field type seems to be different from the two pole variety. The Color charge theory inside the nuclei assume that superconductive monopole flux lines confine quarks. If the monopole flux lines that are produced inside of a LENR reactor are strong enough, then that LENR produced monopole field could shield the monopole fields found inside the nucleus. If this screening is powerful enough, this magnetic screening could deconfined quarks and turn the nucleus into a quark soup.
ReplyDeleteThe production of Kaons in LENR where strange matter is found indicate strongly that a quark/gluon plasma is produced in LENR. When a quark/gluon plasma condenses, any kind of nucleus can form together with muons and lots of electrons.
Rossi produces lots of electrons in his quark reactor.
The strength of the LENR reaction can be weakened by magnetic interference. DGT could not transmute Ni61 because they used an electric arc that interfered with monopole screening. Rossi can transmute any nickel isotope. Also even Z nuclei with zero nuclear spin transmute easily whereas odd Z nuclei don't and these MNR active elements produce intense RF interference.
The missing counter question is easy: nothing. Since Gates is no fool, he is unlikely to invest in hoodlum like LENR.
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