My friends, I confess that I have chosen quotations about CORE just because it happened today that I (we all) could 'finalmente' (eventually) met the core -DAILY VALUATION OF THE ENERGY MULTIPLE- of the ERV Report for the 1MW, 1-year Test of Andrea Rossi. It looks like an IHcide document and surely it will be attacked by crowds from the IH Planet.
An attack in course (Doc 129) is bantam-weight.
I apologize to my friends with whom I had the current discussions- see you tomorrow.
I know the documents are still far from the decisive relevance but at least they start to speak about the test and some technical issues.Going to ERVise a bit- have waited for this day. DAILY NEWS
1) New documents at the Miami Court Pacermonitor re the Rossi vs Darden litigation
Scientists Plan to Replace Fossil Fuels With Nuclear Fusion by 2030
Oh the humanity! Poker computer trounces humans in big step for AI
My friends, I confess that I have chosen quotations about CORE just because it happened today that I (we all) could 'finalmente' (eventually) met the core -DAILY VALUATION OF THE ENERGY MULTIPLE- of the ERV Report for the 1MW, 1-year Test of Andrea Rossi. It looks like an IHcide document and surely it will be attacked by crowds from the IH Planet.
An attack in course (Doc 129) is bantam-weight.
I apologize to my friends with whom I had the current discussions- see you tomorrow.
I know the documents are still far from the decisive relevance but at least they start to speak about the test and some technical issues.Going to ERVise a bit- have waited for this day. DAILY NEWS
1) New documents at the Miami Court Pacermonitor re the Rossi vs Darden litigation
Monday, January 30, 2017 128 RESPONSE in Opposition re124 Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Fourth Amended Answer, Additional Defenses, Counterclaims and Third-Party Claims filed by Leonardo Corporation, Andrea Rossi. Replies due by 2/6/2017.(Chaiken, Brian) Att: 1 Att: 2 127 RESPONSE in Opposition re124 Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Fourth Amended Answer, Additional Defenses, Counterclaims and Third-Party Claims filed by James A. Bass, J.M. Products, Inc., Henry Johnson. Replies due by 2/6/2017. (Leon de la Barra, Francisco) 126 RESPONSE in Opposition re124 Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Fourth Amended Answer, Additional Defenses, Counterclaims and Third-Party Claims filed by Fulvio Fabiani, United States Quantum Leap, LLC. Replies due by 2/6/2017. (Nunez, Rodolfo) 125 ORDER REQUIRING EXPEDITED RESPONSE as to124Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Fourth Amended Answer, Additional Defenses, Counterclaims and Third-Party Claims; Responses due by 1/30/2017; Replies due by noon on 1/31/2017. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 1/30/2017. (ps1)T-1 Later it became accessible:01/31/2017 0129.0_IH_reply== 0129.1_Exhibit_A Chart showing daily utility usage vs Penon and FabianiHowever 0128.1_Exhibit_1 is the core (and the "cuore") of the ERV report 2) News from the MFMP:
Bob Greenyer:Cosmic Ray Finder - A muon spotter?
"Today I tested a tool that is designed to look for cosmic rays. Established background signal (3 in 17 hours), and then tested it with several radioactive isotopes because we have them and can do that on behalf of the community. I recorded all data and have shared all captures and the application so others can give it a go. Please consider contributing to the author of the application.
3) Rossi Describes QuarkX Setup in More Detail Petroldragon e E-Cat: due storie parallele (actually from Krivit's New Energy Times) 5) It is aBall Lightning meeting -interesting subject of Physics and ChemistryThursday Feb 01, 2017 at the Physics section of the Moscow State University at 18.30 in the auditorium Ts-65 it will be held a seminarium on Ball Lightnings В среду 01.02.2017 г. на физфаке МГУ в аудитории Ц-65 в 18-30 семинар по ШМ is meeting No 89 about "Physics of ball lightnings and phyico-chemical processes in long lived highly energetic and plasma objects"
Authors I.N. Bekman, G.K. Lavrenchenko, M.A. Haskov, G.B. Razantsev:
"Neutron, polyneutrons, neutronic matter and their place in the Periodic Table"
6) Updated COLDFUSIONCONNECTIONS of Doktor Bob: 7) From Andrea Rossi's JONP: KI January 31, 2017 at 6:08 AM Dr Andrea Rossi From tha papers published so far it appears that you are bringing on evidence of all you said in your complaints, while IH is just trying to bring on arguments either not related to the agreement at the base of the litigation, or based on mere assumptions and futile accusations. Isn’t it true? Cheers, K.I. Andrea Rossi January 31, 2017 at 12:17 PM KI: My attorneys forbid me to talk about issues related to the trial in Court. I can say, though, that I feel optimistic after all the things that have been produced and that are incoming. Warm Regards, A.R. 8) From the Coldfusioncommunity.orgRvD: Judge demands fast response IN CONTEXT-1 |
Scientists Plan to Replace Fossil Fuels With Nuclear Fusion by 2030
Oh the humanity! Poker computer trounces humans in big step for AI