Thursday, June 30, 2016



1- Change is not merely necessary to life - it is life. ( Alvin Toffler)

2- Change is the process by which the future invades our lives. (Alvin Toffler) 

3- Man has a limited biological capacity for change. When this capacity is overwhelmed, the capacity is in future shock. (Alvin Toffler) 

4- The illiterate of the 21st Century are not those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. (Alvin Toffler

5- The future always comes too fast and in the wrong order. (Alvin Toffler)

6- Knowledge is the most democratic source of power. (Alvin Toffler)
7- One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition. (Alvin Toffler)
8- The great growling engine of change - technology. (Alvin Toffler)
9- Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. (Alvin Toffler)
10- Technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more technology possible. (Alvin Toffler)

11- It is better to err on the side of daring than the side of caution. (Alvin Toffler)

12-Rational behavior ... depends upon a ceaseless flow of data from the environment. It depends upon the power of the individual to predict, with at least a fair success, the outcome of his own actions. To do this, he must be able to predict how the environment will respond to his acts. Sanity, itself, thus hinges on man's ability to predict his immediate, personal future on the basis of information fed him by the environment.

13- Change is the only constant (Heidi Toffler)


a) In memoriam Alvin Toffler

So Alvin Toffler has died last Monday and I remembered with deep nostalgia  reading, first "The future Shock" and later "The Third Wave", both important and influential.  Toffler's role is explained in the following sentence

 "His insights about how society behaves when too much change happens too quickly helps to guide our new direction for The World Future Society."

We (I am speaking about my wife and me plus our closer circles) have liked very much these writings, Toffler was a huge literary talent and for persuasiveness. However then we were living in an anomalous  society (here the term is perfect, for LENR it must be avoided!) see my Septoe:

42. The Future Shock was amortized by irrationality.

Then after 1990 our world became a bit more rational politically, socially and economically speaking and the Future has arrived, is accelerating and we can participate more actively to it. It does not happened exactly as Toffler has predicted it but we have understood that In predictions there exists things fundamentally more important than inerrancy- as catching the Spirit of the time and Toffler has done this masterfully. Has he predicted the Internet /Web? It seems yes, in a way!
Perhaps Toffler has exaggerate a bit with the SHOCK; I asked my 0 years old grand-daughter Nora if it was difficult to advance from Mama's laptop to her own tablet and then to the smartphone she received at her birthday. Not at all it was much more painful to learn to read, write and the basics of math, IT is more human and rational.

b) LENR's specific shock(s) 

The case of Cold Fusion/LENR: its past was shocking enough, its present is a teal shock and its future has to be made also so, but in the best sense!
 Iwas repeatedly shocked by the slow development of the LENR field in contrast with the Tofflerian future in action. Now when this started to change, dark forces conspire to kill the LENR technology dream.
Please complete the details yourself.


Of Mice, Materials and Men

Who is talking about LENR on social media forums?


A poem for IH and their silence at the death of their LENR dreams

Do not go gentle into that good night

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Space team discovers universe is self-cleaning
it is also about a source of cosmic energy

A Good slogan: "Face your fears"

Fear comes from a deep-seated place of feeling rather than thinking.
(Jeff Wise)

tensions of modern learning

Wednesday, June 29, 2016



The Rhino Principle.
A rhino is not a particularly subtle or intelligent creature, yet it has managed to dominate the savanna through sheer determination and aim. It takes initiative when it sees something it wants and puts everything into what it does best: charge!

I've always been suspicious of collective truths. (Eugene Ionesco)

It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question. (Eugene Ionesco)


a) Why is IH fabricating so many memes?

More readers have asked why the supporters of IH try to create so many anti-Rossi and again so many pro-IH memes? A first aspect showing they are not good in the art of Memetics is the "optimal density" of memes. Exactly as in agriculture where it is an optimal density of plants at crops, too dense memes start to mutually annihilate each other; just remember the incompatible "the plant is impossible" (people killed by heat not removable) and the other"the plant does not work at all" Indeed is if a list of memes  is done and used according to a plan, or an "everything goes" ineffective mentality rules without control.
 Why do they do this? Because, very probably,  they do not have anything better! If they did, they would not have  made another motion to dismiss The situation is: Rossi wants to go in Court, IH wants to escape. You can guess three causes why is this soo......please! 

b) The stoppable subtleties of Jed Rothwell's personal memes

Admirable hyperactive for his followers< Jed Rothwell has created his own discussion thread serving simultaneously as a meme generator, a guillotine for everything Andrea Rossi and a training camp for his, very specific subtleties.

This it is:
I was wrong about Rossi, but what I fear most is that I might be partly right

Subtle as a rhinoceros, Jed writes here about the very document that has irreversibly convinced him that there was no excess heat in the 1MW experiment- he has received this from Andrea Rossi
Subtle as a rhinoceros he seemingly suggest here: "Andrea Rossi is a collection of sins and evilness, however even he is able to appreciate a genius, a genuine high class expert and this must be the reason that this otherwise very secret document has found me. Unfortunately, contrary to Rossi's expectation the paper has convinced me quasi instantly but beyond any doubt ,that the  plant does not work at all, the Test  is worse than a disaster."  
The text is imagined but this must be the idea. A possible- but morally impossible! alternative is that Jed has invented the ghost document thing as a - again- subtle trap for Rossi who desperate seeing that Jed convinces everybody that no excess heat- will come with is data and Jed will officially mas sacrate and annihilate them- an easy pray for him!. Rossi did not want to comment about Rothwell's calorimetric genius, he knows why?!

I have to confess that I have not searched the rothwellisms thoroughly- surly I will not be one of his biographers however the following statement- a strong pro-IH mme: has an even higher degree of rhinocerian subtlety- it is text and context- not extract:

"Our enemies will put fraud front and center. This will be another blow against cold fusion, thanks to Rossi. By the grace of God we may still have money from I.H., 
without which this field would be dead, dead, dead."

Some critics have found it needs a few definitions, then Jed has never spoken about the grace of God- as far I remember- the message is crystal clear: "IH is the savior of LENR!"    Isn't it too much to say that without money from IH LENR would be 3-times dead; simply dead is not sufficient? Money from SKINR, possible from the ARMY, money outside US as in Japan, India, Russia, China,  EU etc.will not be able to keep LENR  in a half dead  state? For Jed, the idea that LENR needs even more new ideas and young researchers than (micro)-funding is too subtle? He says directly to al LENR researchers: "Be against Rossi, be with IH- otherwise your research will die, die, die!" Further- no comment!

c) Re-read Eugene Ionesco's play- we LENR fighters have to avoid rhinocerization!

It is plenty of absurdity in this process of creating the memes of IH. I well remember this play about people losing their humanity
I am terrified and will not tell more, my readers can decide if the meme-factory has something rhinocerian in it or, if on the contrary it is a congregation of angels?!

However, I will finish in Jed';s NEW style asking:
"For God's sake, IH please go boldly and openly to the Trial!"


1) Is Clueless Jed Rothwell Paid or Played to Slander Penon and the ERV Reports on the MW COP~50 E-Cat Plant?

2) Andrea Rossi answers

Gerard McEk
June 28, 2016 at 8:11 AM

Dear Andrea,
You recently said that the light of the QuarkX has given you an idea how the Rossi-effect may work. (In other words: you may have seen the light).
1. Do you make any progress with the theory and
2. Do you expect it to lead to new patents?
In the past you said that you were preparing many patents.
3. Do you expect some of these to be published soon?
4. Is there any progress in the domestic QuarkX or
5. Do you expect that the lower temperature Ecat to be the most suitable solution?
Thank you for answering our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard

Andrea Rossi
June 28, 2016 at 3:55 PM

Gerard McEk:
1. yes
2. yes
3. no
4. yes
5. I do not know yet
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,

3) Andrea Rossi does not answers and does not comment:

June 28, 2016 at 1:52 PM

Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
sifferkoll link given here

My comment: IH again tries to escape from the litigation. If 1/100 of the slanders and the lies deposited in the blogs by the mad dogs of IH were true, IH would be eager to go in court…the fact that they are trying to delay and to suffocate the litigation makes clear that they are afraid of it.
Evidently they know that you have evidence that will defeat them in Court, where what counts is not the chattering of the mad dogs, but the real evidence.
In fact it appears that you are fighting to go in Court, they are trying to run away.

4) Russian language video: "News re LENR and CNF philosophical storm:
Seminar: "Philosophical Storm"  June 28, 2016 presentation of Igor Iurievich Danilov
First part: QuarkX of Andrea Rossi
Second part: Microbes of Tamara Vladimirovna Sahno and Viktor Mihailovich Kurashov

5) Did Jed Rothwell Admit Being an IH Contracted Spin Doctor with a Freudian Slip?

The correct link to the Calaon paper is this:

Understanding of molecular hydrogen has implications from industry to medicine

Tuesday, June 28, 2016



The rule or domination by a meme or memes which are cultural practices or ideas that are transmitted verbally or by repeated actions from one person's conceptions to the minds of other people.

My Septoe: "20. We live in memecracies, ideas dominate us."

In the original introduction to the word meme in the last chapter of 'The Selfish Gene,' I did actually use the metaphor of a 'virus.' So when anybody talks about something going viral on the Internet, that is exactly what a meme is, and it looks as though the word has been appropriated for a subset of that. (Richard Dawkins)

Image result for memes quotes


a) IH 's plan seems to be based on memes- killer for Rossi and friendly for them

'Meme', the cultural equivalent of "gene" is a concept and word of vital importance  however paradoxically it is not a strong meme itself- it is a bit too intellectual. However you cannot think well if you do not consider the existence of memes. I have written a lot about them including in this Blog. 
If you are not familiar with memes please read at least:

It is my pleasure to announce you that now again memes have helped me to solve a prob;em I found first very difficult- in retrospective I was slow and non-creative and rigid in thinking.
It is about the enigma of the furious and seemingly senseless character and plant and technology assassination campaign of the IH propagandist lead by Jed Rothwell. (see a new opus by him below). 

Why, for Hermes's sake, if they are right and can automatically  win the Trial?
Why, for Minerva's sake, if they are wrong, does it help when facts speak at the Trial?

First it is obvious that IH manifests a totally negative enthusiasm toward the Trial and try very hard to escape from it see papers at 4) Legal battle. No traces of the noble spirit of "Fiat Justitia, pereat mundus",_et_pereat_mundus Justice at any price, but perhaps the cost is too high and the chances to win not so very high.
So what they actually do is clear:

Stay calm but angry, inventive, efficient, and make MEMES- two types: 
A- Killer anti-Rossi and anti- what belongs to Rossi memes;
B- Friendly nice pro-IH memes
A-memes are cheap, free, but B-memes have a cost and need more fantasy.. and money. PLEASE read for that the opinions of Doug Marker.

The plan is to disseminate these memes on the Web, make them contagious, the Press, the public opinion and perhaps even the jurors from the Court  will be memefied so the 'obviously good' will increase tremendously its chances to defeat the 'evidently malefic.'
We live in memecracies. Indeed?

 b) Jed Rothwell's  new opus 

Did Rossi and IH have a valid contract that states; that if the general performance test were successful . . ."

I have not read the contract carefully, and I know little about contracts. Here is what I know: the performance was not successful. The data from Rossi proves that the machine did not work.

"IH has not paid and said the Test was not good; where is the first written document with serious warnings from IH to Rossi saying this; was it after the 1st, 2nd or 3rd ERV report?"

This is not a technical question. This has no bearing on calorimetry or science. This question illustrates how you have missed the point. You cannot judge a technical question by looking at people's behavior, or by examining business contracts. This question is fluff.

The dispute between Rossi and I.H. is about calorimetry. It is about flow rates, temperatures, steam quality and instruments. Your questions are irrelevant. Even if you knew the answers, they would not bring you one millimeter closer to knowing whether the machine worked or not.

Instead of waiting to learn the technical details, you obsess over these unrelated, non-scientific questions and gossip that has no bearing on the technical issues. I do not understand how a person with a technical background could make such a mistake. 

So dear Jed there are only technical questions, later you say we have to apply the Scientific Method. Please apply it to Rossi's question regarding persuasion of the investors, OK?


1) Ok, So What Did Really Happen When Industrial Heat F*cked Up the Deal with Leonardo/Rossi? And Why?

2) Jones Day Lawyer Drones on Repeat in Another MTD. However, again Showing the Malicious Intent of IH!
6) The mystery of the irrational withdraw of the ECAT support

 7) TheNewFire - LENR News

8) Yet Another LENR Theory: Electron-mediated Nuclear Reactions (EMNR) 
9) Andrea Calaon∗ Independent Researcher, Monza, Italy 

An attempt is made to build an LENR theory that does not contradict any basic principle of physics and gives a relatively simple explanation to the plethora of experimental results. A single unconventional assumption is made, namely that nuclei are kept together by a magnetic attraction mechanism, as proposed in the 1980s of the past century by Valerio Dallacasa and Norman Cook. This assumption contradicts a non-proven detail of the standard model, which instead attributes the nuclear force to a residual effect of the strong interaction. The theory is based also on a property of the electron which has been known for long, but has rarely been used: the Zitterbewegung (ZB). This property should allow the magnetic attraction mechanism that binds nucleons together, to manifest also between the electron and any isotope of hydrogen, leading to the formation of three neutral pseudo-particles (the component particles remain separate entities), collectively named here Hydronions (or Hyd). These pseudo-particles can then couple with other nuclei and lead to a fusion reaction “inside” the electron. The Coulomb barrier is not overcome kinetically, but through what could be interpreted as a range extension of the nuclear force itself, realized by the electron when some specific conditions are satisfied. The most important of these necessary conditions is that the electron has to “orbit” the hydrogen nucleus at a frequency of 2.055 × 1016Hz. This frequency corresponds to photons with an energy of about 85 eV or equivalently a wavelength of 14.6 nm in the Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV). So the large quanta of nuclear energy fractionate into EUV photons during the formation of the Hydronions and during the coupling of Hydronions to other nuclei. The formation of Hydronions requires the so called Nuclear Active Environment (NAE), which is what makes LENR so rare and difficult to reproduce. The numbers suggest that the NAE forms when an unshielded atomic core electron orbital that has an “orbital frequency” near to the coupling frequency is stricken by a naked Hydrogen Nucleus (HNu). This theory therefore implies that the NAE is not inside the metal matrix, but in its immediate neighbourhood. The best candidate atoms for a NAE are listed, based on the energy of their ionization energies. The coincidence with the most common LENR materials appears noteworthy. The Electron Mediated Nuclear Reactions (EMNR) theory can explain also very rapid runaway conditions, radio emissions, biological NAE, and the so called “strange radiation”. ⃝
c 2016 ISCMNS. All rights reserved. ISSN 2227-3123 Keywords: EMNR theory, Extreme ultra violet, Hydronion,

10) Electron Deep Orbits of the Hydrogen Atom
J. L. Paillet-1 , A. Meulenberg- 2 
1 Aix-Marseille University, France, 
2 Science for Humanity Trust, Inc., USA, 

This work continues our previous work [1] and in a more developed form [2]), on electron deep orbits of the hydrogen atom. An introduction shows the importance of the deep orbits of hydrogen (H or D) for research in the LENR domain, and gives some general considerations on the EDO (Electron Deep Orbits) and on other works about deep orbits. A first part recalls the known criticism against the EDO and how we face it. At this occasion we highlight the difference of resolution of these problems between the relativistic Schrödinger equation and the Dirac equation, which leads for this latter, to consider a modified Coulomb potential with finite value inside the nucleus. In the second part, we consider the specific work of Maly and Va’vra [3], [4]) on deep orbits as solutions of the Dirac equation, so-called Deep Dirac Levels (DDLs). As a result of some criticism about the matching conditions at the boundary, we verified their computation, but by using a more complete ansatz for the “inside” solution. We can confirm the approximate size of the mean radii of DDL orbits and that decreases when the Dirac angular quantum number k increases. This latter finding is a self-consistent result since (as distinct from the atomic-electron orbitals) the binding energy of the DDL electron increases (in absolute value) with k. We observe that the essential element for obtaining deep orbits solutions is special relativity.


Some thoughts on why Jed Rothwell is so surprisingly persistent with his comments and claims that the entire Rossi 12 month test was a failure (and by default plus his blunt claims that Andrea Rossi and his claims dishonest).

Firstly, those of us who made published comments about IH's highly questionable behavior (such as my own comments published here) honed in on these aspects ...

1) That IH had paid 2 lots of money to Rossi for eCat tech

2) That IH have been in a relationship with Rossi for close on 3 years and not given any prior clear indication before the 12 month test of any issues with that relationship.

3) That Rossi's claim that IH used the early phases of the 12 month test to do fundraising. (this was very damning to IH's position).

4) Especially, that when this all exploded, the loudest anti Rossi voices were almost all known anti LENR people as well and thus were clearly biased and opportunistically leaping in to exploit the Rossi IH rift but were still using the situation to attack LENR in general.

What I am seeing, is that IH have adjusted their tactics in their publicity battle with Andrea Rossi by privately enlisting the support of people we all know are pro LENR (such as Jed Rothwell - and 1 or 2 others). Jed is currently and without doubt, a champion for IH's position. The issue you (Peter) raise regadring this is how is Jed able to be so certain when few others have access to what ever it was/is that he has been given access to.

The outcome: Jed is proclaiming (probably with some sense of justification) that we now need to accept 'Jed says' vs 'Rossi says'.

IMHO, it is clear that IH have set out to enlist the support of recognized pro LENR identities to counter the quite effective anti IH messages that Andrea Rossi put out around the time he filed his lawsuit.

But the questions you (Peter) raise, are valid questions and deserve to be answered. Clearly there will be no answers from Jed who argues he doesn't know other than the material passed to him to enlist his active anti Rossi remarks.

So, by enlisting people who are known to be pro LENR people, IH are effectively countering the harsh criticism some of us directed at them and also those people who we know are both anti LENR and anti-Rossi and who leaped on the IH bandwagon as champions of their battle with Rossi. 

It seems to me IH saw itself in difficulty in the word war until it was able to associate its position with pro-LENR people and break away from only being supported by the opportunity grabbing anti-LENR voices we all know so well.


In regard to IH actively enlisting pro-LENR people to publicly join in their defense, If I were in their shoes (they are clearly in a difficult position) I would do what they are doing too.

But, it does raise the question as to what kind of inducements or assistance that IH might be offering these people to go public on their behalf and in their defense against Andrea Rossi.

I know that all LENR researchers need and seek support so when pro-LENR people clearly become vociferous supporters of the IH position against Andrea Rossi, it justifiably raises the question as to what 'rewards' tangible / intangible, these pro IH voices are being offered.
All such questions are valid and deserve answers.

Doug Marker

Monday, June 27, 2016



What is impossible in LENR ? That Andrea Rossi will give it up before everybody will be able to get energy from it.
That is the only impossibility I can be sure of,  (Andrea Rossi).

Image result for paavo nurmi quotationImage result for jesse owens quotations

“Citius, Altius, Fortius.
Faster, Higher, Stronger.” (Olympic quote) 


In soccer, LENR and Life Citius always wins !

Yesterday my wife and I were watching soccer UEFA EURO 2016 Belgium vs, Hungary. After a few minutes remembering my career as apprentice chronometrist for athletics from the 1950s my father acting then as coach- I told my wife:"see the Belgians are running so much faster, under 10.5 seconds per 100 meters while the Hungarians are slower then 11 seconds per 100 meters. it will be  catastrophe. 
Something similar happened a few days ago when the Albanians "outrun" the Romanian team. Fastness is so important in other sports too, I remember that as a kid I was sent to maestro Pellegrini's fencing school and he was contented with me- clumsy but very fast moving hands. It was in our period of reading Dumas and Michel Zevaco etc.  so it was a cult of fencing and duelling but it is over now I have some duels with LENR people as below.

It is not easy to speak about fastness in classic LENR  However Rossi obviously loves speed inclusive in development.

b) Facts can be understood only in their context.

Jed Rothwell:
You have not seen the data, so you have no basis to be convinced. Or not convinced. This is a technical issue. Opinions don't count. Everything hinges on flow rates, temperatures, instrument specifications, and so on. Based on these factors, experts at I.H. concluded that the reactor is not producing any excess heat. I am far less capable than those experts, but to the best of my ability, looking at a sample of that data, I too reached that conclusion.

You, Peter Gluck and everyone else will have to wait to see the data, and also the analysis of it from Rossi and from I.H. You cannot decide anything until then. You cannot even have an opinion. The rules of engineering and science say that every judgement must be grounded in facts, and you have no facts.
I think it is a grave mistake for Peter to assume he knows what is going on, and to assume that Rossi is right in this dispute, and that I.H. and I are lying. Since he has no facts, this reaction is purely emotional. It is irrational. Since he has no engineering details, he trots out all kinds of half-baked notions about business contracts, or the timing of announcements, or he quotes lies spread by Rossi -- as if you can draw a technical conclusion from such fluff! It is pathetic.

Peter is wrong. He will regret it if the facts are ever revealed. In science, you must never let your emotions or wishful thinking overrule rational, objective, fact-based analysis.

Jed continues stubbornly to non-answering to my 5 stupid, nosy and irrelevant questions and, as a symptom of something I still do not want to  define exactly he answers to an imaginary question I have never put

This question, his not mine can be formulated as: 

"Rossi says test good, IH says test bad. Being a Rossi fan and having b ovo great prejudices against IH, I believe Rossi. Why, on which basis, you, Jed are certain that IH is right? IT IS AN NONEXISTENT QUESTION!

I will repeat and explain my questions in a form a bit more accessible  for you, supposing you are right 100%.
Rossi wrong, IH right. e will state together if this manoeuvre contributes to the missing IQ of the questions, makes them less impertinent and gives them a minimum of sense and relevance.

NOTE. I see logical rational straight thinking and discussions are not on your list of strengths so I must have more patience with you, just first I want to tell you about FACTS that are your privilege and not given to dorinary people:
Facts have significance only in context.
A first fast example. You read;

"Edmond Dantes has mercilessly ruined the lives of three rich and happy men"

What  a sadistic rascal is the natural reaction to this but if you put the fact in proper context - the story of Count Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas= changes the understanding of the facts completely, isn't? Now your facts being OK let's return, for the lasttime to the lowly evaluated questions

1- Did Rossi and IH have a valid contract that states; that if the general performance test were successful, they should pay a great sum to Rossi? Possible answers Yes and No- the contrct was broken by IH. 
Seemingly facts missing it was not and it has opened Rossi's way to a Trial. Jed please do not sya me that IH is happy with Trial, I am stupid but not sooo stupid!
It means if Rossi's results were indeed  such a catastrophe total and continuous to maintain the contract.. why 's sake (the Greek God of Greed)

2- IH has not paid and said the Test was not good; where is the first written document with serious warnings from IH to Rossi saying this; was it after the 1st, 2nd or 3rd ERV report? 
What could be confidential or secret in such a document of angelic honesty- "you are in trouble, we do not see excess heat even with the magnifier glass!" Harmony between thoughts, words and action is essential even to a company.It did not happened even at the end of the test or at the receipt oh ERV report no. 4. It happened when the Trial started. What is ou fact, in what context?

3- IH employees have participated at the test in parallel with Rossi's men; is there a written document showing they are in any way discontent with the test and the test being “a disaster”?

Is this a toxic question?  Rossi says they were there- what is the fact yu know and those who ask- no?

4- When was the total incompetence of the ERV discovered; i.e. the inadequacy of the measuring instruments and when was it stated that the measurements are fatally flawed? (a document dated in 2015?)

As far as I can understand the methods of measurement were the same- dreadful from start o finish, they were never good then. This is a sad but explosive fact in the context of  a vlid 94 milliion contract.
for a successful test.

5- Rossi claims: “All I know is that Darden and JT Vaughn collected $150 million after the test of the 1 MW E-Cat began, using the first and second report of the ERV as a tool to get the money, then after the 4th report ( equal to the former ones) they said what they said and did not pay” Is this slander and false accusations? Is this slander or false accusation?

This question deserves its color, it can be an infamous accusation but it comes from Rossi and who knows better the facts related to the 1MW plant?  Is it a stupid question? Not at all because it is disturbing It is nosy only if it false, completely. It is not relevant for Jed but it can be relevant for many people some of them quite influential due to its deeper significance.

So Jed I ask you to not invent my questions, retract at least "nosy" and feel free to play with your facts
that are flawed like the ultraviolet unicorns- invisible, intangible, unverifiable  missing birth certificates
and.. prepare to get facts from the Trial. My own sources say, but I can not reveal their identity that
the trial will take place in the first 5 days of September. A new rule- all the witnesses will be obliged to perform an IQ test before testifying. You have arranged this, ?


1) Excess Heat Generation in Ni + LiAlH4 System (New Report by I.N. Stepanov and V.A. Panchelyuga)

2) LENR afternoon with Ubaldo Mastromatteo- more videos
Pomeriggio Lenr Ubaldo Mastromatteo (5)
Claudio Pace have to ask Ubaldo to send us the text! not clear yet in which extent it is about LENR in the frame of rational mysticism

3) An interesting paper signalled by EGO OUT on June 25, is discussed here:
[Vo]:Ukrainian Paper on the active particle of LENR

4) A cold fusion paper in Dutch:

5) Andrey Illich Fursov (Russian Historian, sociologist, polytologist and publicist): About the Nuclear Cold Fusion of Ivan Stepanovich Filimonenko

6) At June 21, 2016 at Geneva Switzerland it was a press conference about an epochal discovery of transmutation of chemical elements by a biochemical method.
At the press conference have participated Tamar SahnoViktor Kutashov scientists
who made this discovery and Vladislav Karabanov administrator and leader oif this project.
Link to the patent for this invention

Very interesting I started to discuss with Vladimir Vysotskii about this he is the greatest specialist in biochemical transmutations.

7) Also see the above info, here:
Russian Team “Actinides” Announces Discovery of Industrial Biochemical Method of Elemental Transmutation (Press Conference and Press Release)
8 ) Greg Goble
Energy 54+ Black Swans listed by Paul Maher
Umair Haque: "The Art of Awakening"
It is time for a LENR awakening!

Why rudeness at work is contagious and difficult to stop