The Great Exploration of the LENR field has started and in a few years it will become a mass action worldwide. As all important explorations, it will stimulate the apparition of helping industries mainly for supplying the pioneers with the necessary tools, means, stuff whatever they need for progressing faster. A special case but not unusual is the archery department of the exploration industries- it is well known that during explorations a surprisingly high number of people finds can be many ethically founded reasons to shoot arrows in the backs of the pioneers and explorers.
Bow and arrows have a great history, were used in many bloody wars till replaced by chemical explosions driven projectiles in many forms and sizes. See please:
The greatest master of archery in the history was a guy called Robin Hood, notes from his times say that if Robin did not hit his standard target perfectly- from the distance of 1 English mile, a half-farthing coin exactly in the center- he became depressed, invoked incipient Alzheimer and Parkinson and spoke so dirty medieval swear words that I decided to not reproduce them for you.
An archery book- this time about the Japanese bow, was a revelation for me:
Unforgettable- however it has not converted me to mysticism, I have no talent for it. In a way a precursor of Robert Pirsig's fundamental book:
OK, explorers are not hit by arrows due to sport reasons (or only rarely) -they are systematically hunted by groups of people specialized in this. A mixed bunch- paid killers, hyper-rowdys, shamefully failed explorers seeking consolation for theirm for their broken careers and serial blunders, simple sadists driven by hatred and envy. creatively impaired persons seeking a preoccupation, idealists and perfectionists- the worse of all and many more- no time for a complete taxonomy- many mixed, hybrid and fluid cases.
Take this picture as metaphorical and/or virtual, the shooters are actually using electronic arrows and their bow is the Internet and also the Press. If you discuss with them they will claim connection to the great historical good deeds of investigative journalism , however they make more lowly things. Social responsibility has not much to do with them.
In the Rossi case that is in discussion, some of the arrows were so full of dirt that were actually converted in boomerangs hitting the shooter. Do not ignore the Kurdish proverb Motto!
Note This writing is not a scientific analysis, not an ERV report, just a clumsy essay in the hyperbolic genre..
1) Rossi: 1MW Plant Customer Bought Three More Plants:
2) nterview With Hank Mills on the E-Cat and Replication
3) Lattice Energy LLC - Battery energy density - product safety - thermal runaways and ultralow energy neutron reactions - April 14 2016
The Great Exploration of the LENR field has started and in a few years it will become a mass action worldwide. As all important explorations, it will stimulate the apparition of helping industries mainly for supplying the pioneers with the necessary tools, means, stuff whatever they need for progressing faster. A special case but not unusual is the archery department of the exploration industries- it is well known that during explorations a surprisingly high number of people finds can be many ethically founded reasons to shoot arrows in the backs of the pioneers and explorers.
Bow and arrows have a great history, were used in many bloody wars till replaced by chemical explosions driven projectiles in many forms and sizes. See please:
The greatest master of archery in the history was a guy called Robin Hood, notes from his times say that if Robin did not hit his standard target perfectly- from the distance of 1 English mile, a half-farthing coin exactly in the center- he became depressed, invoked incipient Alzheimer and Parkinson and spoke so dirty medieval swear words that I decided to not reproduce them for you.
An archery book- this time about the Japanese bow, was a revelation for me:
Unforgettable- however it has not converted me to mysticism, I have no talent for it. In a way a precursor of Robert Pirsig's fundamental book:
OK, explorers are not hit by arrows due to sport reasons (or only rarely) -they are systematically hunted by groups of people specialized in this. A mixed bunch- paid killers, hyper-rowdys, shamefully failed explorers seeking consolation for theirm for their broken careers and serial blunders, simple sadists driven by hatred and envy. creatively impaired persons seeking a preoccupation, idealists and perfectionists- the worse of all and many more- no time for a complete taxonomy- many mixed, hybrid and fluid cases.
Take this picture as metaphorical and/or virtual, the shooters are actually using electronic arrows and their bow is the Internet and also the Press. If you discuss with them they will claim connection to the great historical good deeds of investigative journalism , however they make more lowly things. Social responsibility has not much to do with them.
In the Rossi case that is in discussion, some of the arrows were so full of dirt that were actually converted in boomerangs hitting the shooter. Do not ignore the Kurdish proverb Motto!
Note This writing is not a scientific analysis, not an ERV report, just a clumsy essay in the hyperbolic genre..
1) Rossi: 1MW Plant Customer Bought Three More Plants:
2) nterview With Hank Mills on the E-Cat and Replication
3) Lattice Energy LLC - Battery energy density - product safety - thermal runaways and ultralow energy neutron reactions - April 14 2016
4) Brillouin- Senior Management Team:
So IH invested in Brillouin (BEC).
BEC's team seems to have strengthened a lot.
It includes Carl Page.
McKubre is effectively an insider to IH.
He/his team is probably the one who convinced IH that Rossi's thing does not work.
BEC is obviously in direct competition with Leonardo Corp (LC).
IH have chosen BEC over LC.
5) Possibly interesting announcement from ETIAM- today
Announcement - new share issue
Etiam Ltd's extraordinary general meeting has decided to arrange a new share issue. Upcoming announcement of the new share issue will be published on Etiam's website in the near future.
"We wish to welcome everyone to join in with our new share issue. Etiam has managed to make the LENR work with relatively low budget so far. By the help of the new share issue we wish to push forward our persistent work for LENR" states Dr. Elers, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
6) From Andrea Rossi's Blog
April 14, 2016 at 4:51 PM
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Do you think that, thoeretically, the so called Rossi Effect could also not to be connected with LENR ?
Andrea Rossi
April 14, 2016 at 6:14 PM
Peter Gluck has written that LENR territory is in good part inexplorated: I agree with him. An inexplorated territory contains unknown things, still to be discovered. What is beyond ? Only God knows, this is why we have to continue to work and study:
“Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e conoscienza”
Warm Regards,
- IH know Rossi has what he says but are not yet ready to protect/exploit
it thus IMHO IH are stalling and this will continue. Because they have
several 'irons in the fire' they are just not ready. They appear to me to be
- Rossi has vested interests in being recognized for racing out front in LENR
o patents once the USPTO stops lead-footing on 'new energy' such as LENR
o general recognition (esp after enduring what he has been through)
o financial reward and the eternal glory there to be had
- The anti LENR 'forces' are running wild seeking to spin this dispute in every
negative way they can. It was amusing to see prominent anti LENR/Rossi
personalities switch 'overnight' from abuse & attacks on IH to pretending they
are IH's NBFs (new best friends). Certainly spells out their apparent motives.
- In the emerging detail from the contract and reviewing the past 5 years of
Rossi activity, he is emerging as remarkably in tune and on tune. In one
sense a dark veil has been lifted on the whole chain(s) of events.
Doug Marker (DSM)
The magical feature of LENR is that once a metalize hydride is formed, it becomes stable and the LENR process reinforces the structure of the metalize hydride through the application of a positive feedback loop where the magnetism produced by Surface Plasmon Polaritons(SPP)s further compresses the hydride and keeps it stable. This positive feedback loop allows topological superconductivity based on hydrogen bond symmetry to survive at ANY temperature even on the sun.
For example, Mark LeClair of Nanospire produces metalized water that he calls a "water crystal". This crystal is used to produce hot fusion where the heaviest transuranic isotope can be formed. The water crystal can stay together at temperatures and pressures that are found in a supernova.
Today, most people think that LeClair is a wacko, but in the future, he will be remembered with honor.
and citing: …u-people-wouldnt-believe/
Fulvio Fabiani:
We have photographs of creatures that emit pure light that have completely melted the reactor down, all in a very quiet way. You just turn off the stimuli system and the reaction is switched off. It’s impressive.
This observation tells us that the metalized hydride superconductor can decouple from the metal lattice that produced it and become free floating as an Exotic Neutral Particle(ENP). The stimulus is a form of EMF and the light that the particle emits is a form of hawking radiation. This description is very much like the description of ball lightning.
J. Fisher has seen these floating ENPs produce alpha particles as seen on CR-39 detectors with the angles of the particle tracks pointing back to a central point of causation as the ENP floated on the hot steam coming out of an electrolytic LENR experiment.
In order for a reactor to meltdown, the metalized hydride must be independent of the reactor that created it. This ENP must live off the environment and be free to extract energy from the LENR reactions that it catalyzes. The metalized hydride is conceived inside a cavity in the metal lattice but it can leave that location of its creation an travel freely in the air unless it is confined electromagnetically.
These metalized hydride ENP that escape from the reactor will remove a large amount of energy from the reactor that created it unless the ENP is confined to that reactor. A open electrolytic reactor will produce a diminished COP as these ENPs exit the electrolytic reactor from the glass sides and the open top.
Leadership and Change: Build These Three Muscles
Announcement - new share issue
Etiam Ltd's extraordinary general meeting has decided to arrange a new share issue. Upcoming announcement of the new share issue will be published on Etiam's website in the near future.
"We wish to welcome everyone to join in with our new share issue. Etiam has managed to make the LENR work with relatively low budget so far. By the help of the new share issue we wish to push forward our persistent work for LENR" states Dr. Elers, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
6) From Andrea Rossi's Blog
April 14, 2016 at 4:51 PM
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Do you think that, thoeretically, the so called Rossi Effect could also not to be connected with LENR ?
Andrea Rossi
April 14, 2016 at 6:14 PM
Peter Gluck has written that LENR territory is in good part inexplorated: I agree with him. An inexplorated territory contains unknown things, still to be discovered. What is beyond ? Only God knows, this is why we have to continue to work and study:
“Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e conoscienza”
Warm Regards,
This is a current assessment of what IMHO is unfolding ...
- Rossi has what he says and is very impatient to do something with it.
He is in no mood nor has he any desire to hide his success.
it thus IMHO IH are stalling and this will continue. Because they have
several 'irons in the fire' they are just not ready. They appear to me to be
in a bind. Caught out with little place to hide and left to claim they haven't
yet accepted the test results. Certainly they could reverse that claim in an
instant if they need to but then the 'new energy' cat will be out of the bag.
Sydney Australia
Hydride superconductors are based on the special position(topology) of the hydrogen bonds. Given enough pressure, any compound will become metallic and therefore become superconductive.AXIL SAYS
The magical feature of LENR is that once a metalize hydride is formed, it becomes stable and the LENR process reinforces the structure of the metalize hydride through the application of a positive feedback loop where the magnetism produced by Surface Plasmon Polaritons(SPP)s further compresses the hydride and keeps it stable. This positive feedback loop allows topological superconductivity based on hydrogen bond symmetry to survive at ANY temperature even on the sun.
For example, Mark LeClair of Nanospire produces metalized water that he calls a "water crystal". This crystal is used to produce hot fusion where the heaviest transuranic isotope can be formed. The water crystal can stay together at temperatures and pressures that are found in a supernova.
Today, most people think that LeClair is a wacko, but in the future, he will be remembered with honor.
and citing:
Fulvio Fabiani:
We have photographs of creatures that emit pure light that have completely melted the reactor down, all in a very quiet way. You just turn off the stimuli system and the reaction is switched off. It’s impressive.
This observation tells us that the metalized hydride superconductor can decouple from the metal lattice that produced it and become free floating as an Exotic Neutral Particle(ENP). The stimulus is a form of EMF and the light that the particle emits is a form of hawking radiation. This description is very much like the description of ball lightning.
J. Fisher has seen these floating ENPs produce alpha particles as seen on CR-39 detectors with the angles of the particle tracks pointing back to a central point of causation as the ENP floated on the hot steam coming out of an electrolytic LENR experiment.
In order for a reactor to meltdown, the metalized hydride must be independent of the reactor that created it. This ENP must live off the environment and be free to extract energy from the LENR reactions that it catalyzes. The metalized hydride is conceived inside a cavity in the metal lattice but it can leave that location of its creation an travel freely in the air unless it is confined electromagnetically.
These metalized hydride ENP that escape from the reactor will remove a large amount of energy from the reactor that created it unless the ENP is confined to that reactor. A open electrolytic reactor will produce a diminished COP as these ENPs exit the electrolytic reactor from the glass sides and the open top.
Leadership and Change: Build These Three Muscles
ADVERTISMENT Please read this, in my opinion it opens nice possibilities.
Introducing a Real Time Chat Room for the LENR Community
To help facilitate learning, participation and dialogue between LENR fans I've built a chat room for use by anyone who wishes to share ideas and discuss current events associated with LENR.
Please feel free to share this room's url with anyone you like and please come by and take a look around.
The room will be moderated and there is a strict no defamation policy.While standard forum participation is usually great, some may want to discuss things and post images and videos in real time and get immediate responses from colleagues and acquaintances - and have a place to hang out with friends who share a common interest in LENR, or discuss a testing event live as it's happening.
For those LENR Curious folk who don't have enough time to keep up with all the various posts and comments in this fast paced area, I will be posting daily highlights, including: good comments, blog posts and articles from around the web, links to new testing runs/replications and whatnot.
There is also an associated google drive folder for documents and reference materials:
Posters will have to login via FB, Twitter or Chatwing. If using a browser,

To see previous messages from past hours or days just scroll up and more old messages will load.
there are also chatwing apps...
Apple: app/chatwing/id924625444?mt=8
Android: apps/details?id=com.chatwing
If anyone has any questions just email me at fibb DOT eestor AT gmail
I hope to see you there some time. All the best in your various endeavors to support progress and reporting in the area of LENR.
PS: If anyone is curious to know more about me start with my disqus profile: EEStorFanFibb/
______________________________ ____
ADVERTISMENT Please read this, in my opinion it opens nice possibilities.
Introducing a Real Time Chat Room for the LENR Community
To help facilitate learning, participation and dialogue between LENR fans I've built a chat room for use by anyone who wishes to share ideas and discuss current events associated with LENR.
Please feel free to share this room's url with anyone you like and please come by and take a look around.
The room will be moderated and there is a strict no defamation policy.While standard forum participation is usually great, some may want to discuss things and post images and videos in real time and get immediate responses from colleagues and acquaintances - and have a place to hang out with friends who share a common interest in LENR, or discuss a testing event live as it's happening.
For those LENR Curious folk who don't have enough time to keep up with all the various posts and comments in this fast paced area, I will be posting daily highlights, including: good comments, blog posts and articles from around the web, links to new testing runs/replications and whatnot.
There is also an associated google drive folder for documents and reference materials:
Posters will have to login via FB, Twitter or Chatwing. If using a browser,
To see previous messages from past hours or days just scroll up and more old messages will load.
there are also chatwing apps...
If anyone has any questions just email me at fibb DOT eestor AT gmail
I hope to see you there some time. All the best in your various endeavors to support progress and reporting in the area of LENR.
PS: If anyone is curious to know more about me start with my disqus profile:
You are far too gentle with McKubre, the history of cold fusion shows him to be one of the worst arch villains. SRI and McKubre have been constantly promoted as experts when their experiments were always ridiculously minimal in terms of results. They created a strategy that called for use of a super calorimeter instrument that only they had built at incredible profit out of millions of EPRI dollars and while indeed it was a good instrument the experiments within were paltry and pitiful at best. Others who were invited to run experiments in the EPRI funded lab were systematically destroyed with 'faint praise' or secret bad mouthing by McKubre who clearly could never accept that others were better at this field of work than he. Ever it has been when technicians enounter true inventiveness and talent. When looking at the tell-tale signature of the 'arrows' sticking in the backs of pioneers you will most certainly find in abundance those of McKubre.
ReplyDeleteYou stated this on today's ego out.
Patrick Ellul (thanks) writes
So IH invested in Brillouin (BEC).
BEC's team seems to have strengthened a lot.
It includes Carl Page.
McKubre is effectively an insider to IH.
He/his team is probably the one who convinced IH that Rossi's thing does not work.
BEC is obviously in direct competition with Leonardo Corp (LC).
IH have chosen BEC over LC.
Here is a comment from A.R. related to this.
Dear Andrea,
When you state that IH has made successful replications, did they themselves prepare and process the fuel material to be used in the reactors — including catalyzers — according to IP provided to them, or did they simply use fuel pre-prepared by Leonardo Corporation?
Andrea Rossi
April 7, 2016 at 8:32 PM
Hank Mills:
They prepared everything, the charges, the body of the reactor EVERYTHING !!!.
I just teached to them what to do.
They never used anything pre-prepared by Leonardo Corp.
Now, let me talk to you of a very singular coincidence: Brillouin has always made only electrolytic apparatuses: go to read all their patent applications made before their agreement with IH, and you will find confirmation of what I am saying ( I know their patents by heart, because I have studied them and probably I know them better than themselves : I wrote about 100 pages of notes about their patents ). And now the singular coincidence: they make the agreement with IH in April 2015, and Voilà , they made a public demo in Capitol Hill ( Washington, DC) with a device that is the Copy-Cat of something I am familiar with. Nothing that Brillouin has ever made before the agreement with IH. What a coincidence !!!
Warm Regards,
The demonstration by Brillouin on Capital Hill
ReplyDeletewas Nov 9 2015
Proposition: "In fact anything coming from the energy of electron orbitals (chemistry) cannot access the nuclear world."
ReplyDeleteThere is an important principle in Physics called "Dual" that allows two apparently dissimilar systems to produce an analogous result. The Higgs field and superconductivity are dual, in that the Higgs field gives mass to electrons, and superconductivity gives mass to photons.
The SPP produces monopole flux lines in the same way that the monopole quarks produce monopole flux lines and the associated monopole flux carriers, the gluons. The electrostatic and magnetic field are dual. It so happens that SPP also produce gluons because of this electrostatic and magnetic duality.
SPPs produce a screening of the strong force through the projection of monopole based gluons into the nucleus that results in quark deconfinement. Under this mechanism, mesons are produced from protons and neutrons as the monopole flux line that connect quakes together weaken and eventually fail.
Dual superconductivity is a promising mechanism for quark confinement. [Y.Nambu (1974). G.’t Hooft, (1975). S.Mandelstam, (1976) A.M. Polyakov (1975)]
For the theory and assiated math see:…s/QCD-TNT-III_Shibata.pdf
Proposition: "In fact anything coming from the energy of electron orbitals (chemistry) cannot access the nuclear world."
ReplyDeleteThere is an important principle in Physics called "Dual" that allows two apparently dissimilar systems to produce an analogous result. The Higgs field and superconductivity are dual, in that the Higgs field gives mass to electrons, and superconductivity gives mass to photons.
The SPP produces monopole flux lines in the same way that the monopole quarks produce monopole flux lines and the associated monopole flux carriers, the gluons. The electrostatic and magnetic field are dual. It so happens that SPP also produce gluons because of this electrostatic and magnetic duality.
SPPs produce a screening of the strong force through the projection of monopole based gluons into the nucleus that results in quark deconfinement. Under this mechanism, mesons are produced from protons and neutrons as the monopole flux line that connect quakes together weaken and eventually fail.
Dual superconductivity is a promising mechanism for quark confinement. [Y.Nambu (1974). G.’t Hooft, (1975). S.Mandelstam, (1976) A.M. Polyakov (1975)]
For the theory and assiated math see:…s/QCD-TNT-III_Shibata.pdf
Link in previous post is not functional, so here is the correction.
Non-Abelian dual Meissner effect in SU(3) YangMills
theory and confinement/deconfinement phase
transition at a finite temperature
Akihiro Shibata
Computing research center, High Energy Research
Organization (KEK)