a) The most probable scenario of the Rossi-IH Trial
Some twelve years ago, Freeman Dyson and I have made simultaneously an important philosophical discovery and have popularized it on the Web, in this form:
You can read more here if you wish:
As you can state, the authors have discussed friendly and we could establish that Dyson has arrived to this conclusion based on religion while I based on secular arguments, so it is a case of perfectly independent discovery. If we ignore the ubiquity of the Evil in this most interesting World -it was a positive discovery. However, a bit later I have made a rather negative discovery that does not add to or subtract from the former : OUR UNIVERSE IS THE SLOWEST OF ALL POSSIBLE UNIVERSES" This fatal slowness is measured naturally by the very ratio of he huge inter-galactic distances and the snail like speed of light. I almost made an intellectual depression- all my friends here well know my quasi-obsession for speed, instant, immediacy, agility whatever...
I made this introduction only to help you to understand and have empathy for my shock caused
by the following anticipation of most probable scenario of the Rossi contra IH Trial. The author, my reader friend A.S. is a British analyst, as far I understand a reputed Law analyst- who has alluded more times to some connections to Woodward. It was obvious from the start that Alf is actually more on the side of IH, however I am a reasonable man and blogger very tolerant even receptive to broad range of opinions. What he has to say:
"Dear Peter,
I regret that my analysis will bitterly disappoint you- taking in account your age, health state and desire to see the technology legit, confirmed and working. Small chances, Pete. It will be confrontation between the results of the ERV to which Rossi will add energy bills demonstrating that the plant has obtained excellent results day by day and each week and month of the 12 and the results of IH based on the same measurements demonstrating "no trace of excess heat ever-never"- I heard (but better cut this) that IH has obtained the signatures of three
Nobelists and almost one hundred reputed physicists on their document., including some LENR experts and a psychologist. A built-in lie detector will show all the time that THEY tell the Truth about the Test.
Rossi will try for sure to make a lot of fuss and noise that during three long years of collaborations and demos made in cooperation for investors the IH people has completely forgotten or avoided to tell that there is no excess heat as claimed by him.
IH will answer with dignity that they are no "fast-company" , we do not have a culture of not strive for exaggerated reaction speeds- what they wanted to avoid is to hurt the feelings of the inventor; Rossi is a very sensitive man, see his touching story about a crow and two small birds- (shown here too,last Sunday) Your merit too Peter, they have taken seriously your over-pessimistic "this is the slowest world possible. " Rossi's insinuation that his asking-money was a revelation for IH leading them to a new reality will be in vain, and you will not believe why: the very different attitude of the parts from the start of the conflict. While Rossi was complaining unfriendly all the time and has sent his army of supporters speak bad things about IH, IH has tried very hard to help Rossi with wise advises how to make a non-existing and non-functionl technology good, has made a lot of positive propaganda for the work and
personality of the inventor, has sent more people to discover virtues and merits of Rossi's former collaborators as Giuseppe Levi and Mats Lewan. A generous campaign to improve the PR of the Rossi group- very high ethical standard, I could even say noble but will abstain for the moment..
Therefore you will see a judgment as wise as Solomon's it will be taken a decision that IH indeed needs a longer period to make a well documented and deeply understood decision- to pay or not to pay.
Most probable a new 10 years 1MW test will be ordered.
A committee of experts and bureaucrats will establish if is about 3653 or 3654 days taking in account he leap years etc.
I know that the near future events do not fit your plans but "Dura lex, sed lex"and refering to the future of New Energy: "Fiat justitia, pereat mundus"
Very truly ours,
Alf Stokes.
Such slowness kills me fast!
b) The answer of Ed Storms to his AXIOMS
Thanks Peter, you understand. The first step is to agree on what is real, i.e. the AXIOMS. Next, we need to make the explanation totally consistent with these axioms. This essential process in missing in efforts to explain LENR.
1) ONce, more time coming back A volte... molte volte... RITORNANO!
Well readable with Google Translate gives an answer to the accusations of IH agaisnt Levi
2) GS5-3 Pressure Puzzle - An Open Challenge
I have received a message from Yuri Bazhutov:
7) Excellent Geopolitical #LENR Analysis by Doug Marker
a) The most probable scenario of the Rossi-IH Trial
Some twelve years ago, Freeman Dyson and I have made simultaneously an important philosophical discovery and have popularized it on the Web, in this form:
You can read more here if you wish:
As you can state, the authors have discussed friendly and we could establish that Dyson has arrived to this conclusion based on religion while I based on secular arguments, so it is a case of perfectly independent discovery. If we ignore the ubiquity of the Evil in this most interesting World -it was a positive discovery. However, a bit later I have made a rather negative discovery that does not add to or subtract from the former : OUR UNIVERSE IS THE SLOWEST OF ALL POSSIBLE UNIVERSES" This fatal slowness is measured naturally by the very ratio of he huge inter-galactic distances and the snail like speed of light. I almost made an intellectual depression- all my friends here well know my quasi-obsession for speed, instant, immediacy, agility whatever...
I made this introduction only to help you to understand and have empathy for my shock caused
by the following anticipation of most probable scenario of the Rossi contra IH Trial. The author, my reader friend A.S. is a British analyst, as far I understand a reputed Law analyst- who has alluded more times to some connections to Woodward. It was obvious from the start that Alf is actually more on the side of IH, however I am a reasonable man and blogger very tolerant even receptive to broad range of opinions. What he has to say:
"Dear Peter,
I regret that my analysis will bitterly disappoint you- taking in account your age, health state and desire to see the technology legit, confirmed and working. Small chances, Pete. It will be confrontation between the results of the ERV to which Rossi will add energy bills demonstrating that the plant has obtained excellent results day by day and each week and month of the 12 and the results of IH based on the same measurements demonstrating "no trace of excess heat ever-never"- I heard (but better cut this) that IH has obtained the signatures of three
Nobelists and almost one hundred reputed physicists on their document., including some LENR experts and a psychologist. A built-in lie detector will show all the time that THEY tell the Truth about the Test.
Rossi will try for sure to make a lot of fuss and noise that during three long years of collaborations and demos made in cooperation for investors the IH people has completely forgotten or avoided to tell that there is no excess heat as claimed by him.
IH will answer with dignity that they are no "fast-company" , we do not have a culture of not strive for exaggerated reaction speeds- what they wanted to avoid is to hurt the feelings of the inventor; Rossi is a very sensitive man, see his touching story about a crow and two small birds- (shown here too,last Sunday) Your merit too Peter, they have taken seriously your over-pessimistic "this is the slowest world possible. " Rossi's insinuation that his asking-money was a revelation for IH leading them to a new reality will be in vain, and you will not believe why: the very different attitude of the parts from the start of the conflict. While Rossi was complaining unfriendly all the time and has sent his army of supporters speak bad things about IH, IH has tried very hard to help Rossi with wise advises how to make a non-existing and non-functionl technology good, has made a lot of positive propaganda for the work and
personality of the inventor, has sent more people to discover virtues and merits of Rossi's former collaborators as Giuseppe Levi and Mats Lewan. A generous campaign to improve the PR of the Rossi group- very high ethical standard, I could even say noble but will abstain for the moment..
Therefore you will see a judgment as wise as Solomon's it will be taken a decision that IH indeed needs a longer period to make a well documented and deeply understood decision- to pay or not to pay.
Most probable a new 10 years 1MW test will be ordered.
A committee of experts and bureaucrats will establish if is about 3653 or 3654 days taking in account he leap years etc.
I know that the near future events do not fit your plans but "Dura lex, sed lex"and refering to the future of New Energy: "Fiat justitia, pereat mundus"
Very truly ours,
Alf Stokes.
Such slowness kills me fast!
b) The answer of Ed Storms to his AXIOMS
Thanks Peter, you understand. The first step is to agree on what is real, i.e. the AXIOMS. Next, we need to make the explanation totally consistent with these axioms. This essential process in missing in efforts to explain LENR.
I have attempted to use this process in my books and in the recent summary paper. As you say, we need to use the Zeroth Rule of Projects. This can also be stated as First Do NO Harm. In other words, try to add nothing that distracts from what can be shown to be real. Apply imagination only as a last resort. Always work with nature. I will add a favorite of my own "Do Not Nitpick". Instead, look for the major features of the process. As with prospecting for gold, the gold will be found in the mountains and rivers. These features need to be mapped first.
Thank you so much, dear Ed!
1) ONce, more time coming back A volte... molte volte... RITORNANO!
Well readable with Google Translate gives an answer to the accusations of IH agaisnt Levi
2) GS5-3 Pressure Puzzle - An Open Challenge
3) Quantum Tunneling Water?
4) Andrea Rossi is the Nobody:
5) Information about ICCF-20- updated:
6) Yuri N. Bazhutov Plasma Electrolysis System (Video in Russian)
6) Yuri N. Bazhutov Plasma Electrolysis System (Video in Russian)
I have received a message from Yuri Bazhutov:
Dear Peter,
I hope you will read understand the text in Rusian:
, bw8Pr5ehrM3NQ
, DpqR0irM3Zj
Complete video, compressed video.MPEG4 and non-compressed video MPEG@2of Shestopalov.
Demonstration of work of FAKEL D2MT with COP=3
I also give the link to the video of Starukhin. Two days on one file here v=CtGKaAzvgoM&index=3&list= PLiXQWn1tFNwBq8QUBp6Sh5Poxz2Ub us0S
Take alook and tell what is not understood
I hope you will read understand the text in Rusian:
Complete video, compressed video.MPEG4 and non-compressed video MPEG@2of Shestopalov.
Demonstration of work of FAKEL D2MT with COP=3
I also give the link to the video of Starukhin. Two days on one file here
Take alook and tell what is not understood
See please the variant written by Doug for Ego Out- below:
Physics is on the verge of an Earth-shattering discovery
This is an essay that considers the possibility and likely consequences of a disruptive new energy technology emerging very quickly.
In looking at the Rossi eCat 'ERV' report claims as published by Andrea Rossi, few people that I know of, expected the claimed
results to include a COP of 50. I think most if not all, who expected any results at all, imagined it might average out at at
least 3 but optimistically up to 6. The announcement that it reached 50 for such a long period of the test was stunning to say
the least. A COP of 50 is not a simple advance, it would be spectacular and if accepted today, an energy game-changer and a
perfect example of a ‘disruptive’ technology. One that has the potential in a very short period to shift the way energy is
created and used. Changes that would alter the fate of many countries, especially those who have built their economies on selling
oil that is on average dearer that cheap Arab oil but still profitable for them. Some countries (esp in Sth America & Africa &
some parts of the Middle East, plus those European countries who rely on their more expensive off-shore oil. Some could face
political collapse if their oil loses its strategic role and value. Oil is an intrinsic part of most nations foreign policies.
Saudi Arabia is a special case and is of concern for a number of special reasons. It is a fragile country in this regard. Fragile
in the sense that a shift away from oil as a primary could see the Saud family dynasty overthrown and Sunni Wahhabi extremists
take over. This is what they are already attempting to do in Syria and Iraq. It is interesting that just in this past month the
US Govt has directly intervened in the affairs of Saudi Arabia who have now committed to: one, divesting themselves of 100% control
of their nation's oil reserves (still the largest in the world); and two, to open the country up. The current closed to outsiders
approach has to end. Dropping their isolation is the best way to undermine the Wahhabi extremists who are taking full advantage
of the closed nature of Saudi Arabia society because of the isolation enforced in the past by the Saud family. Any deeper turmoil
in the Middle East could be a harbinger of world war 3. The tensions are ripe. One fuse could well be a disruptive technology
emerging that kicks the feet from under oil as a primary strategic commodity ruled *and managed* by nations’ and intrinsic in
their foreign policies. Anyone in any doubt only needs to read Daniel Yergin’s Pulitzer prize winning book “The Prize”. The story
is an amazing one. The_Prize:_The_Epic_Quest_for_ Oil,_Money,_and_Power
If, as I personally suspect, the attacks on LENR and even Rossi, are all about delay, the need being to get the world in order
first. If this were to be the case, then the current contradictions, the claims and counter-claims, seem to fall into place.
The bigger picture has national interests and conflict avoidance at heart. The small picture is to get LENR on the table as a
working ‘new energy’ we can all make use of. Climate issues are a seperate matter also needing consideration.
I expect the current debate to continue at a shrill level. What I watch out for are the people who have a clear history of
whipping up anti LENR and anti Rossi hysteria. That choice of word is IMHO a perfect fit for much of what is being said about
Andrea Rossi. The way he is spoken about by supposedly well educated intelligent people is simply irrational unless the nature
of the personal attacks is to serve a purpose or is part of a hidden agenda. The evidence seems to be to delay LENR emergence
at all costs and Rossi the man is one cost. Also, consider how many of the better known anti-Rossi attackers, are so certain
they know 100% what they claim is true, that this somehow allows them to be so virulent in their claims, when, none of them
thus far have been directly involved.
Does anyone remember the hysteria that occurred in the USA in web forums over the US decision to invade Iraq. I remember it
only too well and how nasty and shrill the pro-invasion ‘voices’ got. Those of us outside the US had a very different view
of if Saddam Hussien had the weapons of mass destruction that the administration claimed and used as the justification for
the invasion. Then years later we learned (via leaked documents) that some US Govt agencies and military interests set up
teams to go into forums and chat sites to force their views anywhere that serious questions were being raised against the
invasion. I had not experienced anything that nasty before until now, but acknowledge the 'Pons & Flichman episode also got
very nasty. So today the virulence is about anti LENR remarks and in particular some rather vicious personal attacks on Rossi
and now even other open minded blog journalits like Peter Gluck, Jed Rothwell and Matts Lewan. These are people who seek to
keep an open debate and avoid extreme positions that are showin g up in the anti side of the debate.
No one should argue that nations are not aware of the limited life span remaining for oil as a primary source of energy.
Governments worldwide have met and chosen to work together to devise alternative non-polluting sources for a replacement
primary energy. The belief is the world has 30-40 years of known oil reserves and new ones are still being located.
The Tokamak as our saviour. Tokamaks (from Wikipedia) "is a device that uses a powerful magnetic field to confine plasma
in the shape of a torus. Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that move around the torus
in a helical shape."
There are several Tokamak projects underway in several countries. Notably ‘ITER’ in France a combined effort between China,
Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and the USA. Then there is an even longer term follow-on ‘DEMO’, plus China also has its
seperate ‘CFETR’ project. But the Tokamaks seem to be still decades away even *if* they can be made both effective *and*
efficient. The point that needs to be made here is that Tokamaks are massively expensive and massively complex and as of
today massively under-performing. The goal is for 500MW out for about 50MW needed to drive one. A rough COP of 10. Perhaps
in 20 years if we are lucky.
Wind power is a help but is not a large scale solution, it is expensive to set up, expensive to run and maintain and
requires constant subsidization. Denmark is a world leader in manufacturing windmills and as well as exporting them
uses them to supply a significat percentage of their national needs. But, they are highly subsidised. Denmark also has
a particularly large area of shallow ocean surronding its landmass and a good average of wind to run the windmills.
Solar panels are also not yet a satisfactory solution and have similar cost to manufacture, logistics and maintenance
problems as wind power devices.
LENR as a solution is in a class of its own once it is finally accepted, the devices refined and the biased bickering
about the lack of a theory is put into perspective.
If however Rossi has his ‘miracle’ eCat, or there is perhaps some other known LENR such as Brillouin's boiler, or even some
under the radar LENR project, that have working potentially disruptive new energy technology. Then there are the other
claims such as that of Randall Mills and his brilliant light technology,
then disruption may well be nigh.
A 'potential disruption’ line of logic can not be easily dismissed or sneezed at. The energy claims *are* out there, the
consequences of any of these claims being real and perhaps ready to be developed are monumental. Those who choose to rail
against LENR based on their conviction that the science hasn’t come up with the theory, need to read about the history of
science and the blatant opposition to new theories that has dogged science since it began. So many discredited ‘theories’
later allowed science to leap ahead in the way it has. LENR *has* already been proven to be real. The propagandists refuse
to admit it. So, those who argue otherwise have a problem or an agenda. The LENR issue is “is it ready for prime time”.
Back to the Middle East, we have seen the consequences of national aspirations of Middle East people rising to the surface.
The map of the Middle East is crumbling and the artificial boundaries set as a consequence of the WW1 and WW2 western carve
ups (read Daniel Yergin’s book about this) are no longer useful nor defensible. The same might be said of African nations
too. Many of these were western political carve ups that cut across traditional tribal boundaries and loyalties.
One recent regional upheaval has been the Iranian revolution. The Shites of Iran saw a potential to create a grand Shite
Caliphate encompassing Iran (dominantly Shite), Iraq (dominantly Shite), Syria (where Shites are a minority but rule the
country as the Alahwite sect of Shia, Lebanon (where Shite Hizbollah militias have effective control) and Gaza another
Hizbollah stronghold. Had Iran obtained a nuclear weapon capability, that along with Irainian expansion (as was happening
post the Iran-Iraq war) then the potential for a Middle East conflagration was well brewed.
However, the western powers have managed to contain Iran, and despite the misgivings of some western allies (read Israel)
the US has recently pushed to end Iran’s isolation and has promoted the acceptance of its status as a potential regional
superpower. A reality that horrifies the Sunnis led by the Saudi Arabia.
In retaliation for Iran’s ambitions, groups of Iraqi Sunnis combined with Syrians, began fighting for their own Sunni
Caliphate. It would take part of Iraq, part of Syria, all Jordan and if they could, all Saudi Arabia. ISIS/ISIL are the core
of that movement. It is a continuation of the dreams promoted by the Saudi Osama Bin Laden and an extension of the Wahhabi
movement that is so strong in religiously controlled Saudi Arabia. These Sunni extremists have shown they are a force to be
reckoned with. IN Syria and Iraq, they are using captured oil to fund much of their revolution.
The fear from the anti-Iranian powers is that with the US-Iran peace, based on a commitment of Iran not to develop a bomb,
now signed, that the Iranians are free to expand trade and export oil without constraint which could allow them to become
so wealthy that no one could stop them doing whatever they want including secret work to proceed on their nuclear weapons
program. The balance between moderates and hard liners in Iran is on a knife’s edge.
So a what-if scenario is that ‘what-if’ the western powers (America in particular) know that there is a replacement for oil,
ready and capable. Then establishing peace with Iran means that Iran will have very limited time to take advantage of its
oil. The prices could (and would) drop to a small profit more in norm with any other useful (but not political) commodity.
Iran’s ambitions would and could be held in check, i.e. Iran could not use its oil muscle to threaten neighbors or anyone
else. It seems to me this is a valid scenario that has been stitched up and being enacted now.
Getting Saudi Arabia under control seems to be the current item on the agenda and the goal seems to be to starve the Wahhabi
extremists of an opportunity to overthrow the Saudi government and then have in their hands the power that oil would give
them. The Saud family are on thin ice. They are an anachronism in this modern age. They have been getting away with it
because they controll the world’s greatest oil reserves and also one of the cheapest in cost per barrel to lift.
I don’t know what today’s real cost per barrel to lift are (it is all online though) but there is a big difference. The
cheapest was always the Iraq oil, Saudi oil came close, but then the cost starts to rise markedly. Off-shore oil is much
dearer per barrel to lift, Alaskan oil even more so. Many of the smaller oil nations such as Venezuela and Nigeria have of
late only kept their production costs around sale price. Any significant drop in price would hit them hard.
So again, the case exists that a sudden introduction of a disruptive new cheap energy could topple many producing nations.
The political instability would affect us all. At worst trigger a new world war.
So, if LENR has been proven, then the governments of the world have some very serious challenges they must deal with before
any shift in the balance of energy power shakes up the world.
What is the use of owning a cheap eCat if we are all off fighting world war 3.
In looking at the Rossi eCat 'ERV' report claims as published by Andrea Rossi, few people that I know of, expected the claimed
results to include a COP of 50. I think most if not all, who expected any results at all, imagined it might average out at at
least 3 but optimistically up to 6. The announcement that it reached 50 for such a long period of the test was stunning to say
the least. A COP of 50 is not a simple advance, it would be spectacular and if accepted today, an energy game-changer and a
perfect example of a ‘disruptive’ technology. One that has the potential in a very short period to shift the way energy is
created and used. Changes that would alter the fate of many countries, especially those who have built their economies on selling
oil that is on average dearer that cheap Arab oil but still profitable for them. Some countries (esp in Sth America & Africa &
some parts of the Middle East, plus those European countries who rely on their more expensive off-shore oil. Some could face
political collapse if their oil loses its strategic role and value. Oil is an intrinsic part of most nations foreign policies.
Saudi Arabia is a special case and is of concern for a number of special reasons. It is a fragile country in this regard. Fragile
in the sense that a shift away from oil as a primary could see the Saud family dynasty overthrown and Sunni Wahhabi extremists
take over. This is what they are already attempting to do in Syria and Iraq. It is interesting that just in this past month the
US Govt has directly intervened in the affairs of Saudi Arabia who have now committed to: one, divesting themselves of 100% control
of their nation's oil reserves (still the largest in the world); and two, to open the country up. The current closed to outsiders
approach has to end. Dropping their isolation is the best way to undermine the Wahhabi extremists who are taking full advantage
of the closed nature of Saudi Arabia society because of the isolation enforced in the past by the Saud family. Any deeper turmoil
in the Middle East could be a harbinger of world war 3. The tensions are ripe. One fuse could well be a disruptive technology
emerging that kicks the feet from under oil as a primary strategic commodity ruled *and managed* by nations’ and intrinsic in
their foreign policies. Anyone in any doubt only needs to read Daniel Yergin’s Pulitzer prize winning book “The Prize”. The story
is an amazing one.
If, as I personally suspect, the attacks on LENR and even Rossi, are all about delay, the need being to get the world in order
first. If this were to be the case, then the current contradictions, the claims and counter-claims, seem to fall into place.
The bigger picture has national interests and conflict avoidance at heart. The small picture is to get LENR on the table as a
working ‘new energy’ we can all make use of. Climate issues are a seperate matter also needing consideration.
I expect the current debate to continue at a shrill level. What I watch out for are the people who have a clear history of
whipping up anti LENR and anti Rossi hysteria. That choice of word is IMHO a perfect fit for much of what is being said about
Andrea Rossi. The way he is spoken about by supposedly well educated intelligent people is simply irrational unless the nature
of the personal attacks is to serve a purpose or is part of a hidden agenda. The evidence seems to be to delay LENR emergence
at all costs and Rossi the man is one cost. Also, consider how many of the better known anti-Rossi attackers, are so certain
they know 100% what they claim is true, that this somehow allows them to be so virulent in their claims, when, none of them
thus far have been directly involved.
Does anyone remember the hysteria that occurred in the USA in web forums over the US decision to invade Iraq. I remember it
only too well and how nasty and shrill the pro-invasion ‘voices’ got. Those of us outside the US had a very different view
of if Saddam Hussien had the weapons of mass destruction that the administration claimed and used as the justification for
the invasion. Then years later we learned (via leaked documents) that some US Govt agencies and military interests set up
teams to go into forums and chat sites to force their views anywhere that serious questions were being raised against the
invasion. I had not experienced anything that nasty before until now, but acknowledge the 'Pons & Flichman episode also got
very nasty. So today the virulence is about anti LENR remarks and in particular some rather vicious personal attacks on Rossi
and now even other open minded blog journalits like Peter Gluck, Jed Rothwell and Matts Lewan. These are people who seek to
keep an open debate and avoid extreme positions that are showin g up in the anti side of the debate.
No one should argue that nations are not aware of the limited life span remaining for oil as a primary source of energy.
Governments worldwide have met and chosen to work together to devise alternative non-polluting sources for a replacement
primary energy. The belief is the world has 30-40 years of known oil reserves and new ones are still being located.
The Tokamak as our saviour. Tokamaks (from Wikipedia) "is a device that uses a powerful magnetic field to confine plasma
in the shape of a torus. Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that move around the torus
in a helical shape."
There are several Tokamak projects underway in several countries. Notably ‘ITER’ in France a combined effort between China,
Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and the USA. Then there is an even longer term follow-on ‘DEMO’, plus China also has its
seperate ‘CFETR’ project. But the Tokamaks seem to be still decades away even *if* they can be made both effective *and*
efficient. The point that needs to be made here is that Tokamaks are massively expensive and massively complex and as of
today massively under-performing. The goal is for 500MW out for about 50MW needed to drive one. A rough COP of 10. Perhaps
in 20 years if we are lucky.
Wind power is a help but is not a large scale solution, it is expensive to set up, expensive to run and maintain and
requires constant subsidization. Denmark is a world leader in manufacturing windmills and as well as exporting them
uses them to supply a significat percentage of their national needs. But, they are highly subsidised. Denmark also has
a particularly large area of shallow ocean surronding its landmass and a good average of wind to run the windmills.
Solar panels are also not yet a satisfactory solution and have similar cost to manufacture, logistics and maintenance
problems as wind power devices.
LENR as a solution is in a class of its own once it is finally accepted, the devices refined and the biased bickering
about the lack of a theory is put into perspective.
If however Rossi has his ‘miracle’ eCat, or there is perhaps some other known LENR such as Brillouin's boiler, or even some
under the radar LENR project, that have working potentially disruptive new energy technology. Then there are the other
claims such as that of Randall Mills and his brilliant light technology,
then disruption may well be nigh.
A 'potential disruption’ line of logic can not be easily dismissed or sneezed at. The energy claims *are* out there, the
consequences of any of these claims being real and perhaps ready to be developed are monumental. Those who choose to rail
against LENR based on their conviction that the science hasn’t come up with the theory, need to read about the history of
science and the blatant opposition to new theories that has dogged science since it began. So many discredited ‘theories’
later allowed science to leap ahead in the way it has. LENR *has* already been proven to be real. The propagandists refuse
to admit it. So, those who argue otherwise have a problem or an agenda. The LENR issue is “is it ready for prime time”.
Back to the Middle East, we have seen the consequences of national aspirations of Middle East people rising to the surface.
The map of the Middle East is crumbling and the artificial boundaries set as a consequence of the WW1 and WW2 western carve
ups (read Daniel Yergin’s book about this) are no longer useful nor defensible. The same might be said of African nations
too. Many of these were western political carve ups that cut across traditional tribal boundaries and loyalties.
One recent regional upheaval has been the Iranian revolution. The Shites of Iran saw a potential to create a grand Shite
Caliphate encompassing Iran (dominantly Shite), Iraq (dominantly Shite), Syria (where Shites are a minority but rule the
country as the Alahwite sect of Shia, Lebanon (where Shite Hizbollah militias have effective control) and Gaza another
Hizbollah stronghold. Had Iran obtained a nuclear weapon capability, that along with Irainian expansion (as was happening
post the Iran-Iraq war) then the potential for a Middle East conflagration was well brewed.
However, the western powers have managed to contain Iran, and despite the misgivings of some western allies (read Israel)
the US has recently pushed to end Iran’s isolation and has promoted the acceptance of its status as a potential regional
superpower. A reality that horrifies the Sunnis led by the Saudi Arabia.
In retaliation for Iran’s ambitions, groups of Iraqi Sunnis combined with Syrians, began fighting for their own Sunni
Caliphate. It would take part of Iraq, part of Syria, all Jordan and if they could, all Saudi Arabia. ISIS/ISIL are the core
of that movement. It is a continuation of the dreams promoted by the Saudi Osama Bin Laden and an extension of the Wahhabi
movement that is so strong in religiously controlled Saudi Arabia. These Sunni extremists have shown they are a force to be
reckoned with. IN Syria and Iraq, they are using captured oil to fund much of their revolution.
The fear from the anti-Iranian powers is that with the US-Iran peace, based on a commitment of Iran not to develop a bomb,
now signed, that the Iranians are free to expand trade and export oil without constraint which could allow them to become
so wealthy that no one could stop them doing whatever they want including secret work to proceed on their nuclear weapons
program. The balance between moderates and hard liners in Iran is on a knife’s edge.
So a what-if scenario is that ‘what-if’ the western powers (America in particular) know that there is a replacement for oil,
ready and capable. Then establishing peace with Iran means that Iran will have very limited time to take advantage of its
oil. The prices could (and would) drop to a small profit more in norm with any other useful (but not political) commodity.
Iran’s ambitions would and could be held in check, i.e. Iran could not use its oil muscle to threaten neighbors or anyone
else. It seems to me this is a valid scenario that has been stitched up and being enacted now.
Getting Saudi Arabia under control seems to be the current item on the agenda and the goal seems to be to starve the Wahhabi
extremists of an opportunity to overthrow the Saudi government and then have in their hands the power that oil would give
them. The Saud family are on thin ice. They are an anachronism in this modern age. They have been getting away with it
because they controll the world’s greatest oil reserves and also one of the cheapest in cost per barrel to lift.
I don’t know what today’s real cost per barrel to lift are (it is all online though) but there is a big difference. The
cheapest was always the Iraq oil, Saudi oil came close, but then the cost starts to rise markedly. Off-shore oil is much
dearer per barrel to lift, Alaskan oil even more so. Many of the smaller oil nations such as Venezuela and Nigeria have of
late only kept their production costs around sale price. Any significant drop in price would hit them hard.
So again, the case exists that a sudden introduction of a disruptive new cheap energy could topple many producing nations.
The political instability would affect us all. At worst trigger a new world war.
So, if LENR has been proven, then the governments of the world have some very serious challenges they must deal with before
any shift in the balance of energy power shakes up the world.
What is the use of owning a cheap eCat if we are all off fighting world war 3.
Physics is on the verge of an Earth-shattering discovery
The only reason why all this mess with LENR is not yet fixed is simple: Introducing this technology is a true challenge and the "world" need some help to do that.
ReplyDeleteNo, it is still simpler. It's a combination or foolishness and fraud.
DeleteI very human thing. Not difficult to understand, really.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Most probable a new 10 years 1MW test will be ordered.
ReplyDeleteA committee of experts and bureaucrats will establish if is about 3653 or 3654 days taking in account he leap years etc."
What is the rationale behind this? I don't understand at all why the court would order a 10 YEAR test
because an 1 year test was too short to IH to say straight it does not work. (the Rossi technology)
Well, that is obvious nonsense.
DeleteWell said, that "Alf Stokes" rant was completely off the rails. At least it got an interesting reaction out of Mr. Rossi, does anyone have the original version? He edited his response and removed most of it.
DeleteAccording to Rossi who has talked to the CEO of Volvo, it will take 20 years to develop a LENR engine to replace the internal combustion engine. So oil is safe from LENR for a long time yet.
ReplyDeleteThe first power source to go will be nuclear energy because it is a political problem for the U.S, and the west. Solar and wind will be next. Coal utilities will go when the existing coal power plants are regulated out of business.
Gas will be hit very hard because LENR will be a direct replacement for gas in industry.
Oil will remain as a transportation fuel for many more decades unless someone can get the Papp engine to work without radiation. I don’t think that the SunCell will work well enough to produce a self-powered fuel free transportation engine.
According to Rossi who has talked to the CEO of Volvo, it will take 20 years to develop a LENR engine to replace the internal combustion engine. So oil is safe from LENR for a long time yet.
ReplyDeleteThe first power source to go will be nuclear energy because it is a political problem for the U.S, and the west. Solar and wind will be next. Coal utilities will go when the existing coal power plants are regulated out of business.
Gas will be hit very hard because LENR will be a direct replacement for gas in industry.
Oil will remain as a transportation fuel for many more decades unless someone can get the Papp engine to work without radiation. I don’t think that the SunCell will work well enough to produce a self-powered fuel free transportation engine.
The main issue with oil, is that today it is an instrument of political power. It is intrinsic in a nation's foreign policy.
DeleteCountry's will readily go to war over it (USA invasion of Iraq - the public justification of overthrowing a tyrant was plain BS - the real reason was fear that Iraq's cheap oil might fall under control of Iran if Saddam were toppled by Iraq's majority Shia people, and effectively now run Iraq but only after the US was able to secure control of Iraq's oil).
The day that 'new energy' devices emerge that are low-cost, small, require little maintenance, can produce heat, light & thus electricity, then oil will simply revert to a commodity. Yes it will be with us for a very long time (as long as it can be economically produced) but only as a useful commercial commodity and not worth fighting wars over.
Doug Marker
I could believe 20 years with old E-cats. But if Qark-x is true, and is able to produce electricity directly. it would be pretty easy to continue with current plug-in hybrids and teslas technology.
DeleteWhat Volvo might have meant is renewing existing car base would take 20 years.
A link that details oil production and also lists nation by nation the 'lift' cost of their oil per barrel.
ReplyDeleteThe price ranges from $3 for Saudi oil up to $120 for Siberian oil. The current price is sitting at approx $37 and sinking. Any disruptive technology will only sink the price lower.
Doug Marker
In that link posted above to oil production. Look at the chart titled
ReplyDelete"Breakeven oil price by country".
It is clearly a problem for most oil producers and getting worse if the price of oil keeps dropping - currently listed at that site as $37 a barrel.
Again, if someone has a disruptive energy technology close to being useable (even if still a few years) then the picture gets very bleak for some of those nations.
Doug Marker
In addition to the above cost of manufacture. Look at these charts forecasting prices into coming years.
ReplyDeleteThe forecasts appear to be predicated on oil recovering and the countries producing getting back in the black.
If that is slowed or doesn't happen than there will be a a crisis.
Doug Marker
The fate of Saudi Arabia ? ...
ReplyDeleteHere too are some opinions claiming the imminent collapse (I hope that has been staved off) – but, such opinions raise the specter of a cash rich country collapsing.
ANALYSIS: The House Of Saud: Is It About To Burn Or Just Collapse?
Another view “The fall of the house of Saud”
Middle East Time Bomb: The Real Aim of ISIS Is to Replace the Saud Family as the New Emirs of Arabia
Saudi royal calls for regime change in Riyadh
There are many more such frightening scenarios
Hello Peter
ReplyDeleteMost probable a new 10 years 1MW test will be ordered.
A committee of experts and bureaucrats will establish if is about 3653 or 3654 days taking in account he leap years etc.
Experts and Bureaucrats do nothing for 27
years but want to hold someone up for 10
years that did.UNBELiEVABLE.
I don't want to insult my American friends
but A.R. might be thinking he should have
gone to China or Russia instead of the Home of the Free.US took only 10 years
to get to the moon.
Dear Peter, Don't worry about Lenr/cold fusion powered cars needing to wait 20 years to become realities. The incremental as opposed to innnovative comfort minded folks that have brought IKEA to the world are not where to look. I would suggest that TATA of India will be able to get a cold fusion version of their wonderous Nano car to market very much quicker.
DeleteA very interesting thought. Tata being who and what they are fit that role to a 'T'.
They would grab with open arms any opportunity to compete with China let alone any other nation.
A new energy that works plus the fact that India is renowned for its high share of brilliant scientists, would be mana from heaven to them at this period in their global resurgence.
Doug Marker
Hi DSM, please come back to ecatnews. I miss getting humiliated by you. The way you thrashed us all actually was so embarrassing! But you know I loved it right. :-p
Deleteimagine IH Attorneys advising Tom Darden, just tell Rossi IT DOES NOT WORK and settle with him years down the road after we ware his attornies out - Brillouin energy has the Rossi IP and is working to re-name the Rossi Effect to the Robert Godes Effect - Crooks
ReplyDeleteHi boys Mary here. Roger's out tonight but I still wanna play. Popeye's just can't get it up!
ReplyDeleteThough I don't believe LENR will ever yield usable energy, I feel sorry for all those who are honest and fell for Rossi's scam.
ReplyDeleteI really do.
And Peter, you missed the April Fool's day by a full month.
ReplyDeletedear Timo,
Deleteplease explain this- what, why?
I don't believe what you write.
DeleteI don't believe what you write.
Deleteyou are smarter than your one-sentence messages show it
Part 1.
ReplyDeleteDear Peter,
One thinks about LENR and Energy but forgets or underestimates the most important with LENR: Decentralization. Back to the basics. Innovation is a social process which means actors in a position to reshape the economy/society must find mutual self-interest to change their own position, that is to say each of them getting more value at the end, and each of them with compelling reasons to act. Invention is the catalyst or materialization of the corresponding forces.
Zero sum game works when losers can find an alternative.
When an invention has a pervasive impact, any non-global approach, not aligned with this process generates forces to inhibit unbalanced self-interests and need more time to find some equilibrium… There’s no alternative for the losers and anything can happen.
So it might be 10 years or quicker with a huge destruction of value whole results are unpredictable as the process of Innovation is itself dynamic (like LENR).
There are one million of details but basically this is how it works…
Then, no way? … One knows at least one solution.
Part 2
ReplyDeleteImplementing a global Approach looks like a domain of coherency in Physics.
Let’s first consider what we know with the World Wide Web.
How to use the core technology is simple and its intrinsic value is low, the technology is open but what makes the difference is its inherent attributes of adoption which create mutual self-interests (the network), compelling reason to act (the user) and easier integration. The value anyone can get by joining is higher than with any competitive strategy for all actors including leading corporations in Information technologies.
LENR technology has no such attributes: Just some: Compelling reason to act, decentralized. Simple, it should be and Intrinsic value is low, what has value is applications and it must be a commodity, a good candidate to be open.
How to add missing attributes and why?
The reason is obvious. Implement a global and fully shared adoption process means less risks, more “value density’, more investments so, less time to be mature and so on. If everything changes at the same time with dependent variables at each level, there is less changes but everything is different.
Then, How to add the missing attributes?
Part 3
ReplyDeleteThe answer is well known. Finding the right business model and the generic pattern of this model is known. The platform model.
The paradox is the following: One needs to develop the technology but not to sell the technology itself. The value proposal is to enable adopters to get value with it.
A simple example. Google has developed an impressive search engine technology and to find your prospective customers has a value.
LENR must not be considered as a standalone topic. There’re obvious interdependencies with many ongoing innovation processes such as the electric car, green economy, nanoscience revolution and so on.
Another essential innovation is about decentralized autonomous/cooperative organizations. A new revolution is coming fast and financial actors are stakeholders of this innovation. It is just obvious that a decentralized source of energy will foster the development of a decentralized economy but also that a decentralized economy will foster the emergence of a decentralized source of energy…
A lot of players are moving is the right direction to address our global challenges but our chance to succeed globally are low without a catalyst.
Part 4 and end
ReplyDeleteTo summarize: If adoption is feasible, all required resources will be available and yes, there’re a million of details
Obviously, there’s the scientific challenge. LENR is Transdisciplinary which means innovation process also applies to the scientific challenge.
I think you can guess what LENRG team is working on since 3 years in order to contribute to the global effort.