De gustibus non est disputandum..
In matter of tastes there must be no disputes
It was my intention to show you how the ICCF-19 intellectual feast is evolving, how intensely the most diverse presentations, experimental and even more theoretical are discussed on forums and groups. Even exotic theories...
But there came news mainly from Russia and this have priority..
What FIRAX Tech does (see below)could be sensational.. but still it is difficult to understand/follow it.
An Event: I hope it will be as ICCF-19.5 or even more.
TImes are accelerating!
Proven asymmetry of electric field foreseen in Quantum Ring Theory

An important event dedicated to the most important and difficult problems: An example for LENR
De gustibus non est disputandum..
In matter of tastes there must be no disputes
It was my intention to show you how the ICCF-19 intellectual feast is evolving, how intensely the most diverse presentations, experimental and even more theoretical are discussed on forums and groups. Even exotic theories...
But there came news mainly from Russia and this have priority..
What FIRAX Tech does (see below)could be sensational.. but still it is difficult to understand/follow it.
An Event: I hope it will be as ICCF-19.5 or even more.
TImes are accelerating!
- Yearly conference- Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Fusion and Globular Lightnings- 22 for the year 2015 held in the Olympic Pensionate DAGOMYS
Dear Colleagues,
- We invite you all to participate at our yearly usual RCCNF and GL-22 conference in the anniversary year 2015 (26 years from the Discovery of Cold Nuclear Fusion, Cold Nuclear Transmutations) again in our favorite Olympc pensionate in Dgomys- where the majority of these conferences-15 took place.
- With respect,
- Yu. N. Bazhutov
The Russian Society of Physicists The Russian Society of Chemists, named after D. Mendeleev The Nuclear Society of Russia The Physical Faculty of Moscow University named after MV Lomonosov
Russian University of the People's Friendship Committee on Problems of Globular Lightnings of the Russian Academy of Science
- Phone.: 8 (916) 627-4969, 8 (499) 124-3036 №__________
- Fax: 8 (495) 851-0124
Е-mail:;; ____________ 2015 г.; _________________________________________________________________
Dear Colleague, - We let you know that from Sept 27 to Oct. 4 2015 the above named conference will take place.
The program of the conference comprises papers on the following directions/subjects: - 1. Experimental research in the problem of Cold Nuclear Transmutation of chemical elements and of Globular Lightnings
- 2. Theoretical models of these phenomena
- 3. Applicative and social aspects of CNT and GL
- Applications for participation at the conference, including information regarding the title of the report or reports, the authors, speakers and the abstracts (in Russian and English languages, both texts on one page.) have to be sent till May 25, 2015 by e-mail for their timely inclusion in the program of Conference.
- Duration reports 30 min, short presentations 10 minutes.
- Payment for accommodation and meals in the hotel for a a person/day - (1080-2600) / (2110-3560) rubles. in (double / single) room, including three meals and use of the beach ( Registration fee for Russian participants of the conference ( accompanying persons and students) -1500 (500 rubles) should be made to obtain a reservation at the hotel and the inclusion in the conference program until May 28, 2015 - 2000 (1000) rubles thereafter.
- Reports discussed at the conference and presented to the Organizing Committee (electronic and printed copies) in accordance with the Rules of registration (see above our websites), will be published in a separate volume.
- Arrival and registration of participants - September 27 (> 14:00), departure - October 4.
- Vice-presidents: V.L. Bychkov, N.V. Samsonenko
Instruction for Abstracts Preparation
(Font size: for title – 14 and 12 – for authors centred)
I.P. Ivanov1, V.P. Kuznetsov2
1M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, ;
Abstract texts are presented in Word format, font size is 12 point, Times New Roman, interval 1.0 with 2 sides form a line. Margins: 25 mm on left, right, bottom, 30 mm. on top. Abstract texts have to be no longer than 1 page total (А4) in Russian and in English without references.
President of the conference: Yu.N. Bazhutov,
"Hot Cat" or "Cold Duck";
- Thanks to Cold Fusion Dog Bob a.k.a Sam
Proven asymmetry of electric field foreseen in Quantum Ring Theory
An important event dedicated to the most important and difficult problems: An example for LENR
Peter, I'm curious what you or any of your readers think of Wlad's theory wrt the asymmetric nature of a nucleus subjected to specific magnetic fields permitting the "impossible" reactions to occur.
ReplyDeleteDear Adrian,
DeleteI have not tried to understand Wlad's theory and as far I remember
nobody commented re his theory.
As blogger I was curious to know why he (Wlad) has taken as personal that the owner of the Blog, Rossi has fvaored an other theory to his perhaps not with an adequate wording.
My friend Vlad Plesa from ZPEnergy surely can and will help you in this case.
With LENR theories there is always a reality gap. The first question to the theorist has to be- if you are 100% true- what is then-explined, solved, predicted for the experimental work, for development?
Can you answer to these questions in the case of Guglinski?
Friendly greetings,
Dear Adrian,
DeleteI have not tried to understand Wlad's theory and as far I remember
nobody commented re his theory.
As blogger I was curious to know why he (Wlad) has taken as personal that the owner of the Blog, Rossi has fvaored an other theory to his perhaps not with an adequate wording.
My friend Vlad Plesa from ZPEnergy surely can and will help you in this case.
With LENR theories there is always a reality gap. The first question to the theorist has to be- if you are 100% true- what is then-explined, solved, predicted for the experimental work, for development?
Can you answer to these questions in the case of Guglinski?
Friendly greetings,
Efficiency of emitters and receptors in Rossi’s eCat
Dear Wlad,
DeleteThank you very much. Please tell my readers about your most recent publications, ideas, plans- where are you working, who you areand how old you are. I am 78 and this is a determinant factor, unfortunately.
However my question how can your theory contribute to solving the developmental problems of LENR remains without answer