Only the original part is translated; the images in English are borrowed from Nikita
Alexandrov (thanks Nikita!)
I have written to the author a friendly message and I hope he will answer after weekend- or perhaps he is a workaholic?
Page 11
The construction of the author’s reactors.
For the manufacture of the reactors, we have used tubes of
Al2O3 ceramics of length 120 mm, outer diameter 10 mm and inner diameter 5.
Electrical heaters are wound on the tube
Inside the tube it is introduced 1g Ni + 10% Li[AlH4]
The outer surface of the tube is in contact with a
The ends of the tube are sealed with thermoresistant cement
and similarly the entire surface is coated with such cement.
Photography of the reactor prepared for this experiment
Measurement of the released heat.
The method used by the experts for testing
Rossi’s reactor based on thermal vison is a bit complicated. In our experiment we
use a method for heat determination based on the quantity of th evaporated
water.This method was worked out and many times
verified in the experiments led by Yu. N. Bazhutov.
The reactor is inside a closed metallic vessel. This vessel
is immersed in water. After boiling apart of the water is removed in form of
steam. By measuring the loss of water knowing the heat of evaporation we can
calculate the released heat.
The heat loss through the isolation can be calculated based
the speed of cooling after the functioning of the reactor.
The Reactor during working
The covers with thermal isolation and of the vessel with
the reactor are taken down
Experimental set-up and instrumentation
From left to right: the power supply of the reactor, the
counter of the Geiger instrument, ampermeter, signal amplifier for the
thermocouple, the temperature indicator of the reactor, computer
recorder PCLAB-2000, digital voltmeter. On the cover a Geiger counter SI-8B, on
the side surface dosimeter DC-02.
In the background - a computer that registers the
temperature in the recorder mode for temperature and the Geiger counts
Measuring the temperature during the heating process
The power used for the heaters increases in steps from 25
to 500 W.
Temperatures over 1000 C were achieved in 5 hours of
On the same diagram it is shown the count rate of the
Geiger instrument Si 8B which reacts to alpha, beta, gamma and Rontgen
radiations. It can be seen that during the entire heating process the radiation
level is not different from the background.
A very small increase can be observed near to 600C and
1000 C
Further investigations are necessary to investigate if
this aleatory or follows a law.
.The dosimeter DK 02 has not shown increase of dose
during the experiment in the limits of the errors of measurement.(5mR).
Here you can see more in detail the modification of
temperature for heating with power levels of 300, 400 and 500 Watts. It can be
seen that for unchanged powers of heating it takes place a stepwise increase of
temperature, especially intense for the last part.
Toward the end of the part with the highest temperature
it appears an oscillation of temperature. This part ends with the stop of
heating due to th burnout of the heater. After that for a duration of 8 minutes
the temperature is maintained at a lvel of almost 1200 C and only after that it
starts to fall fast. This shows that in this time in the reactor it takes place
the production of heat on the level of kWatts without electrical heating.
Thus even from the graphic of heating it is obvious
that the reactor is able to generate
much heat over that of the electrical heater
Determination of the heat released and the thermal
coefficient (COP)
Calculations were done for three regimes of temperature-
near to 1000C, 1150 C and 1200 -1300 C.

At the temperature of 1150 and 1200-1300 C the production
of heat of the reactor is considerably greater than the energy consumed. During
functioning in these regimes (90
minutes) there is produced almost 3 MJ or 0.83 kWhours of energy above the consumed
electric energy.
Experiments performed with an thermogenerator analog with
Rossi’s, charged with a mixture of nickel and aluminum lithium hydride, have
shown that at temperatures around 1100 C, this reactor produces more energy
than it consumes.
Thank you for the rapid translation. If you get into contact with the author, one of the interesting questions is whether he succeeded in his first replication trial or how many times and for how long has he been trying.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, the Lugano report has been published on Oct 8 and 2.5 months have elapsed from then, now only the author knows when he decided to start and when he decided to use the Bazhutov method for measuring the heat- and how he projected and made the reactor and the container, what he had at hand and what he had to get from somewhere; anyway he was fast.
DeleteMore interesting even- can he afford long time runs and isotopic shift analyses? Will he try optimization of the tests, e.g maximising COP?
Very encouraging, he speak about reactorS- at plural.
thanks too peter
Deleteby the way there is the usual question on steam quality.
Deleteif more than 70% of lost water was droplets the COP is below 1.
is there a litterature about steam quality in "boiling pots" like that ? maybe by Bazhutov himself?
anyway calibration would close the file.
Unfortunately, images are not visible!
ReplyDeleteby the way peter, first questions are raised.
ReplyDeleteIt seems a calibration was done.
question is on steam quality... don't laugh Peter!