Saturday, January 31, 2015


Dear Friends,

Please find here the translation of the words of the Parkhomov paper presented on January 29 in Moscow. I hope somebody will help me/us with combining the text with images
and show the paper in the initial form.


a) It is not much new data here, however it is a confirmation of an essential confirmation
of the Lugano test- the reactors give excess heat over 1100 C.

b) Parkhomov has opened a new way in this research:-
- while the Lugano testers have measured the heat of the reactor directly and the reactor cannot be cooled, Parkhomov measures the heat indirectly introducing an intermadiary heat transfer surface. Simple and bright idea of engineering, it can be accomplished in many variants, just a problem of creativity and expertise. This includes the calorimetry method  too
that has to be continuous for very long duration.

c) Parkhomov's reactors must be improved  as regarding resistance- a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate collegiality.

Alexander Parkhomov can celebrate today his 70th birthday with a great satisfaction of a well done research job. Bravissimo, I think this is understandable in Russian too.


Study of the analog of high temperature generator of Rossi. New results.
Alexander Georgevici Parkhomov.

On the basis of the report regarding the work of the high temperature  thermogenerator of Rossi in Lugano it can be supposed that  this reactor is in fact a simple ceramic tube in which it is charged nickel powder with added LiAlH4 10% of mass. For the initiation of the process the tube has to be heated to temperatures of 1200-1400 C.

Based on this supposition it was made the device discussed in this report.  

The design of the reactors used
The reactors were made by Al2O3 ceramic tubes with outer diameters of 10mm and inner diameters of 5 mm.
On the tube it is wound an electric resistance heater. Inside the tube it is 1 gram nickel plus 10% LiAlH4. A thermocouple is in contact with the outer surface of the tube. The ends of the tube are closed with heat resistant cement. The same kind of cement covers the entire surface of the reactor.

The photography of the reactor prepared for the experiment.

Measuring the released heat

The method used by the experts for testing the reactor of Rossi with thermal vision is a bit too complex. In our experiment we have used the measurement of the quantity of evaporated water.
This method was elaborated and verified in many kinds of experiments.

The reactor is inside a closed metallic vessel. A part of the water is removed in form of steam. Measuring the loss of water, using the known value of evaporation heat (2260 joules/kg) it is easy to calculate the heat.
The value of the heat loss through the thermal isolation is calculated based on the cooling speed of the vessel after closing down the reactor.

Image of calorimeter without cover.

The inner vessel with the reactor has a massive (heavy) cover 

It is immersed in water introduced in the outer vessel. The cylindrical thermo insulation has a cover made of foamed plastics-on this is put the Geiger counter.

The reactor during working time
The covers are taken down- see the thermo insulation and the vessel with the reactors.

The reactor in thermal insulation of corundum powder
The reactor is closed in corundum powder poured into a metal trough. This allows to reduce 2-3 times the power necessary to heat up the reactor however the functioning in this regime is less stable than in case of the “naked” reactor.

The components of the setup

Up from left to right: amplifier of the signal of thermocouple with a power regulator, computer recorder for temperatures and counter speed of the Geiger counter, a device measuring the rate of the Geiger counter.

From left to right below: ammeter, power supply reactor, voltmeter, electronic meters "Mercury", switch power supply.

Power consumption supply and control system.

During the first experiments the electric supply for heating the reactor was taken directly from the mains using thyristors

Later used changing transformer windings. Switching both manual and automatic with using the controller that controls the signals of the thermocouple.
This allows us to provide continuous operation of the reactor at the given temperatures thus improving the stability of functioning of the reactor.

For measuring the used electric energy we have used the electrocounter "Mercury 201" (?) that allows the transfer of the information to the computer, also from the voltmeter and ampermeter. 
Control of the radiation level.

Top- Geiger counter SI 85

Down- dosimeter DK-02

For the registration of neutrons we use a foil of Indium immersed in the water of the calorimeter. for measuring the activity of indium we use two Geiger counters. The impulses of the counters are recorded by a specialized computer. The same computer records the impulses of the recorder put above the reactor and those of the counter of electricity (consumed)

Modification of the temperature during the process of heating.

Experiment from 20.12.2014

The 1000 C degree level was obtained after 5 hours of heating

On the same diagram is shown the counting speed of the Geiger SI-85; this counter reacts to the alpha. beta, gamma and Roentgen rays. It can be seen that during the entire process of heating the values cannot be distinguished from those of background. 
It was not observed any increase of the radiation dose during the process on the dosimeter Dk-02 in the limits of the measuring error. (5mR)
it was no observable activation of the indium foil)

Here it can be seen in more detail the modification of the temperature with the magnitude of heating near to 300, 400 and 500 W. It can be observed that at unchanged values of heating, the temperature is increasing stepwise, especially strongly in the last part.

At the final part of the highest temperature it takes a place an oscillation of the temperature. This end with ceasing of the heating due to overheating (burning)
of the heater. After this during 8 minutes the temperature is maintained at the level of 1200 C and only after this starts to decrease sharply. This shows that in the reactor it is produced heat during this time at the kilowatt level without any electric heater.
Thus it can be seen already from the heating curve that the reactor is able to generate much heat above the electric heating.

Determination of the released heat.

Determination of the released heat and the COP based on the example of the experiment from 20.12.2014

At temperatures of 1150 and 1200-1300 the heat released from the reactor is is much greater than the electric energy consumed. During work in these regimes (90 minutes) it is generated about 3MJoules or 0.83kWatt hours energy. Such energy is released at burning 70g gas.

ATTENTION This is new, 

Modification of temperature during the heating process. Experiment from 18.01.2015

At the start of the experiment the reactor is in air on corundum supports. The maximum attainable temperature with 450W is 900C. After this the reactor was covered with thermal insulation of corundum powder. At a constant power of 160 W the temperature increased from 600 to 1000C. After this it has worked for 38 minutes at a temperature near to 1080 C. When we tried to increase the temperature the heater burned out.

Determination of the released heat and the COP on the example of the experiment from 18.01.2015

The calculation was done for two regimes of work at 800C (reactor in air) and near to 1080 C (reactor in corundum powder)

At 1080 C the heat released from the reactor is significantly greater than the energy consumed.

Reactor with fuel
Reactor with electrical heating

In these two comparative tables there are shown the results obtained in the performed experiments. The reactors with fuel mixture of Ni +LiAlH4 are compared with reactors with no fuel. At temperatures under 1000C the ratio of consumed energy to released energy for both reactors without and with fuel is near to 1.

Significant excess heat for the reactors with fuel can be observed only near to 1100C or above.

Problem uncontrolled local heating effects

The main problem is the short working time of the reactors connected with destruction due to local overheating.

Local overheating leading to the destruction of the reactor.


Experiments with the analogs of Rossi's high temperature thermal generators , charged with a mixture of nickel and lithium aluminum hydride, have shown that
by heating of temperatures of 1100 C or higher the produced energy is greater than the energy consumed.

The level of ionizing radiation during the functioning of the reactor is not observably greater than the background radiation. The density of the flux of neutrons is not higher than 0.2 neutrons/cm2 s


Note- ALEXANDER PARKHOMOV has actually 70 years today (thanks for the correction to Sergey Tsvetkov), but he looks so much younger! I believe what I see not what I amtold

The 4 presentations from the  Russian CNT seminar  of Jan 29 were published today local hour 13.10.
25 years of all Russian CNF seminars

1) Hydrino – Myth or Reality? (Brief revue of Mills’ activities)
Samsonenko N. V. (PFUR, Moscow) 
It is in English and will NOT make Randy Mills especially happy

2) Cumulative process of overcoming the Coulomb Barrier in the reaction of cold transmutation of the atomic nuclei.
by Yu.S. Kapysov (The Institute of Nuclear Studies of the Russian Academy)

3) Study of the possible phenomensa LENR in the Institute of Physics-  Directions  and Perspectives 
Stepan Nikolaevich Andreev doctor in physico-mathematical sciences at the instite of General Physics called afterA. M Prohorov:
The same slides as those I have translated,

4) Study of the analog of the high temperature thermogenerator of Rossi. New results.
Parkhomov Alexander Geogevich

I am  translating this now, page by page-somebody has to combine it with the images.

Open Letter to Parkhomov from the LENR Forum:



MOTTO                                                                                     Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers. (Anthony Robbins)

LENR's new hero, Alexander G. Parkhomov celebrates today his 70-th birthday. Let us wish him personal happiness and prosperity and professional achievements and breakthroughs!

When I am writing is, his second genuine official report is still not accessible on the  site- we have to wait. His letter of yesterday about the pirated sketch of his notes is there.

The Laptukhov paper that was presented in Moscow at January 28, is published integrally now:
"Structure of the free electrons, electron-nuclear forces and the electronic energetics of tomorrow"

Videos- good quality ones- about Parkhomov and his lab by Shestopalv are here:

To remain at the Russian language papers, we also have

A standard, undecided open end one:
Электронная кошка». Генератор Андреа Росси - блеф или научная сенсация?
The electronic (?) Cat Generator of Andrea Rossi- bluff or scientific sensation?

Исследование низкоэнергетических ядерных реакций – ВНИИАЭС 27.01.2015
Study of the low energy nuclear reactions-VNIIAES January 27, 2015 Videos.

Cold Fusion a.k.a LENR is coming                                                                                               An artistic blog of a lady, as far I know newcomer in the LENR journalistic camp.

From the very active LENR Forum:                                                                                        World Nuclear Association in England Recognizes LENR        

Excellent! A positive LENR paper in Spanish:
Fusión en frio alternativa energética

It smells- considering LENR too- of a new trend in the science of isotopes
Isotope effect produces new type of chemical bond 

Friday, January 30, 2015


The Russian - the standard one for LENR- has not yet published the papers presented yesterday and some inaccessible video is there that leads to an site dedicated to oil- quite complex.
However till I can read the papers here are for some LENR news and ideas. Removing
the obstacles was also suggested by Mats Lewan.

1) An excellent review of what has happened recently:
LENR-to-Market Digest -- January 30, 2015

2) Really encouraging:
The Cold fusion Race Just Heated Up
We have to discuss about this race with focus on obstacles and brakes, Mats Lewan also says it is be very important to be prepared for the coming battles. The opponents (categories) are more numerous than the possible allies and supporters. However, outright enemies are more easily manageable as false friends e.g. (personal opinion!) the deniers of LENR+.

3)Safety concerns- by Brian Ahern:

I am  very curious to guess/know which substance will become the standard,common hydrogen source in the commercial Hydrogen-Metal Deep Interaction- based energy source say 10 years from now. Brian is right, LiAlH4 is nasty stuff.
Rossi also warn about safety at Hot Cat tests.

4)The rules of publishing have to be respected!
Note From Alexander Parkhomov about Official Publication
I hope the persons responsible for publishing ignore the so-called weekend 

A paper in Russian with some notes of Parkhomov's activity this month
Независимое воспроизведение реактора холодного синтеза Андреа Росси в Росси
Independent replication of Andrea Rossi's cold fusion reactor in Russia

5)This morning these videos of the Cold Nuclear Transmutation meeting of Jan. 27 were usable


Abundant Clean Renewables? Think Again!
It would be too much too say that renewables are the fiasco of this century but they are only a part of any solution; LENR is the key to future

The golden quarter
Some of our greatest cultural and technological achievements took place between 1945 and 1971. Why has progress stalled?
This is about the increasing probletence in innovation_ I agree with it only in part but the author will not care. And the recurrent cult of the good old times.

Technology's False Hope:

This paper is by the bright Dave Pollard; I will not ask ;"why the ecologists are not our best friends but our worst enemies?" Instead of this I will try out how could we bring them in our camp. So far being ecologist is a means to save Nature and not an aim per se, they will come.


Thursday, January 29, 2015



 In recent posts on the WEB, I have made some recommendations to the reactor builder in which I identify various “secret sauce” candidates that might be LENR active in various reactor heat ranges. This post explains the theory behind those recommendations.
For example, my recommendation for potassium as appropriate for a LENR reactor in the intermediate operating temperature heat range such as the E-Cat  is based on the following thinking. First as background, the alkali metals are the chemical elements found in Group 1 of the periodic table. The alkali metals include:  Hydrogen (H),Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubidium (RB), Cesium (Cs), and Francium (Fr).
Next, the "secret sauce" mechanism of Rossi fame, is based on the production of nano particles from a condensing plasma.
The alkali metals including hydrogen will produce Rydberg matter. This mechanism is one that produces nano particles.
In addition, other theoretical possibilities include the elements like sodium, beryllium, magnesium and calcium as ones that will also produce Rydberg matter as nano particles. I would stay away from beryllium because it is very dangerous when ingested.
For example, Magnesium and Calcium were detected in the fuel load in the TPR2 test.
In short, the secret sauce is any element or chemical compound that will produce nano particles when heated.
The reason why this nano particle formation will happen depends on the lone electron in the outer most orbit of the atom. When the atom is highly excited as will occur when the element newly condenses out of a plasma, this electron will tend to orbit at extreme distance from the excited atom. A collection of these atoms will aggregate together and are  connected and held together in a solid crystal by these outermost electrons  that orbit on the outside of the entire particle as and electron cloud like comets that orbit the sun and planets at the extreme edge of the solar system in the Kuiper belt.
These particles do not replace the nickel micro particles but greatly supplement them in SPP soliton production. The nickel particles are required to produce a coherent quantum mechanical environment to activate activity in the nano particles.
The nano particle must be free floating in the gas envelope of the reactor so that they may aggregate freely together in clumps of many nano particles. These clumps come together under the action of mutual electrostatic attraction produced by dipole vibrations on the surface of each particle caused by heat.
Each particle has a plus side and a minus side that align when the particles come together.
Just having a pile of immobile metal(nickel or palladium) nano particles in a large pile are not effective.
The gas envelop need not be pure hydrogen. On the contrary, the envelop gas may be any one of a number of dielectric gases such as oxygen, hydrogen/oxygen(OH), or chlorine or combinations thereof. Nitrogen is a LENR poison, and so is deuterium.
Even water condensing out of a plasma will form solid nano particles. Even noble gases like helium and neon form nano particles under certain conditions, but argon is a LENR poison.
There may be many chemical compounds that will form LENR active nano particles. I believe that Randel Mills has done extensive work over many years to identify  these nano particle active compounds that he calls catalysts. A LENR reactor builder will be well served to read and become familiar with the list of catalysts identified by Mills.
Here, skip the theory and only use the experimental data.

Any chemical compound that when heated produce nano particles (dusty plasma) will be LENR active to some extent.
Even an electric arc as in Mizuno's experiment will produce free floating nano particles from pure elements like nickel.
Exploding metal foils in water  will produce metal nano particles which generate LENR activity.
A laser blasting a metal will produce LENR activity in water is the Laser frequency and the metal are matched based on reflectivity.
Cavitation produces LENR activity when collapsing cavitation bubbles produce solid water nano particles from plasma.
Each element or chemical compound has an optimal heat range that will best produce abundant nano particles. Lithium, for example, requires a high temperature to vaporize. Therefore Lithium is effective in a high temperature LENR reactor configuration. Potassium has a lower optimum heat range and is more suited for intermediate temperature reactor operation. Cesium has  the lowest vaporization temperature, so cesium will be well suited for a low temperature reactor. Cesium will not work in a high temperature reactor because cesium will never produce nano particles from condensation from plasma in that high temperature situation.
Aluminum might work  as a LENR catalyst producing nano particles from condensing vapor in a reactor at 2000C as in a reactor meltdown. 


Dear Readers,

Many things happen today in the realm of LENR:
 At Moscow a meeting with presentations by Parkhomov, Andreev (see his slides translated
in a separate post) and a theorist.
It is Yu S. Kapysov: "Cumulative process to overcome the Coulomb Barrier in the cold transmutation of the nuclei.

Here- the third segment- we can see photos taken at the meeting of today- no explantions yet:
I will try to connect to the author- Iaroslav Starukhin

The video found yesterday about Parkhomov lab is now at:
See here the English subtitles for it:

The Andreev paper :
It is translated at:
I also started translating but E-Cat World was faster
Anyway, I was very much interested in what and how the author, a nuclear physicist thinks. He passed the main exam, it is clear he has grasped the newness nd otherness of LENR. Many are intellectually unable being addicted to what they have learned and seen in the mainstream nuclear science.
It is a good presentation of Rossi, warm Cats, Hot Cat Lugano, pre-history of LENr, pre-Rossi history- a good context is created, For some slides you have to know the Russian  LENR strategy to know why they are included here.

At the Rossi Blog Reader we are informed about the paper from India:

International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy 2015; 4(4-1): 1-6 Published online November 23, 2014 ( doi: 10.11648/j.ijrse.s.2015040401.11 Nickel – the ultimate substitute of Coal, Oil and Uranium U. V. S. Seshavatharam1 , S. Lakshminarayana2 1Honorary faculty, I-SERVE, Alakapuri, Hyderabad-35, AP, India 2Dept. of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-03, AP, India Email address: (U. V. S. Seshavatharam), (S. Lakshminarayana) To cite this article: U. V. S. Seshavatharam, S. Lakshminarayana. Nickel – the Ultimate Substitute of Coal, Oil and Uranium. International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy. Special Issue: Renewable Energy Materials. Vol. 4, No. 4-1, 2015, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.11648/j.ijrse.s.2015040401.11 Abstract: During E-CAT test run some hidden and unknown energy is being coming out in the form of heat energy in large quantity. Based on the principle of conservation of energy and from the well known nuclear fusion and fission reactions it is possible to guess that, the E-CAT hidden energy may be in the form of binding of protons and neutrons of the Nickel and Lithium atomic nuclei. By considering the nuclear binding energies of 58 28 , 62 28 and 7 3 an attempt is made to understand the energy liberation mechanism in E-CAT. With reference to the net energy production of (5825 ± 10%) Mega Joules liberated from one gram Ni of the E-CAT’s 32 days third party test run, it can be suggested that, for every transformation of 58 28 to 62 28 via 7 3 , liberated heat energy is 3.64 MeV and for one gram of 58 28 liberated energy is 5984 Mega Joules. For each transformation of 58 28 to 62 28 via7 3 , 3 hydrogen atoms can be expected to be emitted. Note that, energy liberated for one gram of 58 28 in cold fusion is 1.66 MWh and energy liberated for one gram of 235 92 in nuclear fission is 22.6 MWh. Clearly speaking, energy released in Nickel based E-CAT is just 13.6 times less than the energy rel

Rossi speaks about the testing of the 1MW plant and confirms that this entire year is dedicated to it.

Rossi is happy with the Parkhomov replication:

What I find unusual (euphemism) is the long and deep silence of the Testers from Lugano: reactor has resisted 32 days- Parkhomov reactors have a high mortality due to overheating, he probably needs some better ceramic materials etc.. From Vessy's blog. Will LENR plunge the world in a global recession?

Gold, oil and cold fusion (In Polish):
It is about Lew Larsen's alchemy

Now I start waiting for the Parkhomov up to dated and for the Samsonenko papers.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


This morning I have asked Alexander Parkhomov  if his presentation will be published today? He answered politely and rationally that the second presentation that of 29 January will be the more detailed and the publication comes only after this. That's tomorrow guys! 
However when it is about web search, my model is the Inevitable Man- I am fighting to solve the problems. I judged that there are bloggers in Moscow and some of them had participated at the presentation. So I Googled for "а.г. пархомов” "last 24 hours" and I have discovered a 2 hours video in which he describes his device-
it is quite clear but I will report you about it later- in meantime, nice surprise my Northern European friend David Nygren (LENR  Forum) has discovered the up-to-dated report of Parkhomov that is discussed now LENR-land-wide and I have translated  the most interesting part of it. 
The report, a honest, professional fine work- the comparison of reactors with and without fuel is great- and he can repeat these any time.
I had a mixed feeling seeing so many reactors destroyed by overheating , it is much intelligent work invested in them however what hell of energies are inside!

We will have much to discuss these days, captivating things.

i let here my raw translation (done after going with my wife to shopping) and I will ask you to go to see Frank Acland's two Parkhomov papers of today and the report with images at E-Cat World.


Construction of the reactors used.
See the existing document text.

Photography of the reactor.

Image of calorimeter without cover .

The inner vessel with the reactor has a massive( heavy) cover

It is immersed in water introduced in the outer vessel. The cylindric thermoinsulation has a cover made of foamed plastics-
0n this is put the Geiger counter.

The reactor during working time
The covers are taken down- see the thermoinsulation and the vessel with the reactors.

The components of the setup

Up from left to right: amplifier of the signal of thermocouple with a power regulator, computer recorder for temperatures and counter speed of the Geiger counter, a device measuring the rate of the Geiger counter.

From left to right below: ammeter, power supply reactor, voltmeter, electronic meters "Mercury", switch power supply.

Power consumption supply and control system.

During the first experiments the electric supply for heating the reactor was taken directly from the mains using thyristors

Later used changing transformer windings. Switching both manual and automatic with using the controller that controls the  signals of the thermocouple.
This allows us to provide continuous operation of the reactor at the given temperatures thus improving the stability of functioning of the reactor.

For measuring the the used electric energy we have used the electrocounter "Mercury 201" (?) that allows the transfer of the information to the computer,  also from the voltmeter and amputate.
Control of the radiation level.

Top- Geiger counter SI 85

Down- dosimeter DK-02

For the registration of  neutrons we use a foil of Indium immersed in the water of the calorimeter. for measuring the activity of indium we use two Geiger counters. The impulses of the counters are recorded by a specialized computer. The same computer records the impulses of the recorder put above the reactor and those of the counter of electricity (consumed)
Modification of the temperature during the process of heating.

Experiment from 20.12.2014

The 1000 C degree level was obtained after 5 hours of heating

On the same diagram is shown the counting speed of the Geiger SI-85; this counter reacts to the alpha. beta, gamma and Rontgen rays. It can be seen that during the entire process of heating the values cannot be distinguished from those of background. 
It was not observed any increase of the radiation dose during the proces on the dosimeter Dk-02 in the limits of the measuring error. (5mR)
it was no observable activation of the indium foil)

Her it can be seen in more detail the modification of the temperature with the magnitude of heating near to 300, 400 and 500 W. It can be observed that at unchanged values of heating, the temperature is increasing stepwise, especiallly strongly in the last part.

At the final part of the highest temperature it takes a place an oscillation of the temperature. This end with ceasing of the heating due to overheating (burning)
of the heater. After this during 8 minutes the temperature is maintained at the level

of 1200 C and only after this starts to decrease sharply. This shows that in the reactor it is produced heat during this time at the kilowatt level without any electric heater.

Thus it can be seen already from the heating curve that the reactor is able to generate much heat above the electric heating.

Determination of the released heat.

Determination of the released heat and the COP based on the example of the experiment from 20.12.2014

At temperatures of 1150 and 1200-1300 the heat released from the reactor is  is much greater than the electric energy consumed. During work in these regimes (90 minutes) it is is generated about 3MJoules or 0.83kWatt hours energy.

ATTENTION This is new, 
Reactor with fuel
Reactor with electrical heating

In these two comparative tables there are shown the results obtained inthe performed experiments. The reactors with fuel mixture of Ni +LiAlH4 are compared with reactors with no fuel. At temperatures under 1000C the ratio of consumed energy to released energy for both reactor without and with fuel is near to 1.

Significant excess heat for the reactors with fuel can be observed only near to 1000C or above.

Problem uncontrolled local heating effects

The main problem is the short working time of the reactors connected with destructions due to local overheating.

Local overheatings  leading to the destruction of the reactor.


Experiments with the analogs of Rossi's high temperature thermal generators , charged with a mixture of nickel and lithium aluminum hydride, have shown that
by heating of temperatures of 1100 C or higher the produced energy is greater than the energy consumed.

The level of ionizing radiation during the functioning of the reactor is not observably greater than the background radiation. The density of the flux of neutrons is  not higher than 0.2 neutrons/cm2 s

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


En attendant Parkhomov...but S.N. Andreev too.


Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. (Carl Sagan)

Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.
(Joyce Meyer)


Today, Tuesday presentations by Parkhomov and Andreev and for Thursday by Parkhomov and Samsonenko. Nothing for tomorrow, Thursday is no Russian LENR day? Yes it is too! I have discovered a very interesting conference to be presented in the frame of the Information system "Scientific seminars in Moscow

28.01.2015 RAN University
A.I Laptukhov: "The structure of the free electron, the electron-nucleus forces and the electronic energetics of the future"

In the paper it is reviewed the structure of the free electron and of the electron with point-like nuclei, then examined the atoms with such electron- ions nuclei (enuclei). The energies emitted at the formations of such nuclei are thousands times greater then the chemical energies and this is the basis of the non-dangerous  ( green, ecological) energy source of tomorrow. Specifically, this energy is manifested in the many processes which are called LENR. a semi-classical theory is presented regarding the theory of electron-nuclei interaction in the volume of the electron and this is used for explaining the very "strange" results obtained at the testing of the reactors of Rossi.

As far I know other theorists ignore or repel this very 'otherwise nuclear' theory of Laptukhov.
I think it is natural to try to learn more about it. The readers who want to join me in this search, can start by Googling"Laptukhov" and "lenr " or "Лаптухов"  and "LENR"- they will make interesting discoveries. I try to get in touch with this scientist.


Andrea Rossi Honors Sven Kullander With Plaque on 1MWE-Cat Power Plant:       

Creative LENR ideas on the LENR forum:

A LENR experiment- partial success  by Jack Cole:
Replication of Ni/LiOH Excess Heat Results

OTHER READING (not directly LENR)

a)An inspiring management paper, it emphasizes the adjective "actionable" vital for LENR research too!


b) You know I am an admirer of Tanmay Vora. Just now he has published:
Hector and the Search for #Happiness

It says many smart things, inspiring for our long and difficult pursuit of LENR. 

Eventually, because I have told many times and I believe it deeply, LENR is based on synergy as catalysis, life and evolution-I invite you to wonder about the amazing force of life here: 
Discovery of a fish living under 740 m of ice:

Cold and dark, worse than we had during the winters of 1984-8 in the Ceausescu era.


Monday, January 26, 2015


Preparing for an interesting week. The main event is ...two, the presentation of the progress in the Parkhomov incandescent Hot Cats confirmation of the Lugano experiment tomorrow and Thursday. I think every rational reader is aware that in case the results are repeatable, the testing time could be extended and the excess power is as high as hundreds or thousand Watts per gram nickel- then
we have arrived rigorously to the much desired certainty. However it is a start not an end because the world, and first of all the nuclear scientists are not able to explain what, how and why it happens. However the most important is that it should happen, in a way that will force the most ferocious skeptics or CF/LENR deniers to shut up.
Great expectations.

Piantelli, Nichenergy,  our MFMP colleagues- still a complex situation. But I have seen more complex ones solved.

Only two new papers found today:

26/01/2015]     Ядерная генетика и субъядерная энергетика в тени проблем ядерного синтеза
Nuclera genetics and subnuclear energetics in the view of nuclear  fusiom
author: NI Bakumtsev, International Intellectual  fund "Reconstruction of Natural" Russian Nuclear Society, All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators 

The paper tells about the problems of hot nuclear fusion unable to make a breakthrough even after 60 years of funding. The present scientific politics in nuclear issues is criticized- as well as the oppression of cold nuclear transmutation.
A new science, nuclear genetics, modeled after the biological genetics is presented. Speaks pro Cold Nuclear Transmutation. 
Impressed by "subnuclear energetics"- will decipher this paper when I have time, it is over my head.

Vessy's blog:
In memory of Prof. Sven Kullander:

Sunday, January 25, 2015



Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity. (Calvin Coolidge)

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. (Jim Rohn)

Today is Sunday- this morning we have not many LENR news and there no great chances for any surprises. the LENR world has great expectation for the next week, first t all from the
Parkhomov reports on January 27 and 29, but also from MFMP,  Brian Ahern and many expected or/and unexpected surprises- to use benign and malign oxymorons

As news for this morning we have a report 
Report from Cold Fusion 101 at MIT (Barry Simon):
Very interesting and possibly connected with fundamental principles- the magnetic stimulation of Mitch Swartz; M_ NANORs

The Russian site Cold Nuclear Transmutations and Ball Lightning
are showing today: 

a) Mike McKubre's revaluation of the Parkhomov tes from Infinite Energy issue 119:\

b) Q&A with Jack Cole on new Hot Cat replication, experiment completion

Obviously, they take in consideration the coopetition- a good sign.

Mats Lewan has sent a better enjoyable variant of the paper telling about indisciplined protons and neutrons:
I mentioned it on Jan 22:"If this has nothing to do with LENR, as I guess it, then I am not made for a career in nuclear physics" How this paper is connected with LENR is still an open question.

We also have:
McKubre convinced by Lugano and Moscow E-Cat  experiments:

I will ask Mike what does he think about this


Discipline as life organizer
Life is a value per se, however in order to live efficiently and to enjoy life you need a lifer organizer. This refers both to your personal life and to your professional life- these lives being, in part superposed. It is a human right, but one not everywhere respected to choose the life organizer you want, but in many places religious observance dominates people and is the collective willpower stronger than the individual wishes. For long years the dictatorship of the Party has organized my life mainly by a well organized scarcity of food and other resources so I had spent much time trying to get food and to solve problems with solutions taken as granted in 
"normal" countries. Any life organizer good or bad imposes a conformity - a certain discipline.
In my professional life that started in the chemical industry working with very dangerous-poisonous, corrosive, explosive nasty substances, I was put in situations similar to those of an airplane pilot or a high war acrobat - both will not do a second error. It is a bit of hyperbolization in this, however HCN and COCl2 are names of entities with which I had a few encounters- and any substance gaseous, liquid or powder that burns is able to explode. When you see how easy people are wounded, crippled or killed - you decide to be as disciplined as possible.
I am using the word "discipline" here as describing a set of rules that rule a behavior or an activity and that have to be strictly respected- however discipline includes something superior and essential- learning. Discipline is a mode of thinking, of acting and of living. This is especially true for a professional seeker of truth and value, for the researcher.

Discipline and related virtues

Discipline starts with understanding of the value of time. The aphorism writer Valeriu Butulescu (discover him on the Web if you don't know him already!) calls punctuality "the smaller sister of discipline"; there are no results, no order, no effectiveness, no efficiency and no reliability still the time factor is not introduced in all the equations of your life and till you do not learn to respects both your time and the tie of others.
Order, love of order- a good taxonomy, logical consistency, creative system thinking 
Discipline- the politeness of kings, the soul of business, the backbone of any research project...
It makes team work possible and is a sine qua non condition of leadership. However of interest now is discipline in research.
Discipline is also education, teaching, school, exercise, science, knowledge and sometimes military discipline- a problem of life or death.
Discipline is not routine, it is intelligent when it is genuine. Routine is passive and leads to aging, while discipline is pro-active, creative- a source of vigour. Discipline creates progress and- disciples.

The popular but perfidious hypocrite false  cousin of discipline.

Discipline, as such has to be disciplined and moderated- so many as necessary not less (dangerous!), not more (useless). Sometimes, bad concepts become too popular  and are used and abused- not only when it is the case but in any circumstances.
Reading, listening radio and TV in the three languages  I am using daily I am increasingly frustrated by the very high frequency of a wording I bitterly dislike: "with humility" in English, "cu umilínță" in Romanian, "alazattal" in Hungarian. There are shades of difference but the trend is the same - we have to look with humility to the past, to nature, to the models of any kind, to the authorities - official or in science, to the unknown, the mystery. Humility is perfect in religion but outside it is intellectual auto-mutilation, is a factor diminishing courage, initiative.
Humility is for discipline like Uriah Heep for David Copperfield.
Lack of arrogance, knowing you limits..but no humility, never- dignity is vital.

When the most strict discipline is not enough

It is a major trouble when even the perfect discipline in research is not enough for reproduction or even production of the desired results. This is the case of PdD wet experiments- as discussed most recently following the "R- problem must be solved" thread. The sad truth is that even the most rigorous discipline does not help. the system is not manageable.

I have learned- for chemical engineering fro  practice and for LENR mainly from Piantelli the outmost importance of the 'parametric discipline"- find all the relevant and actionable parameters and establish the optimal values for all.
For PdD this does not work, we don't know the parameters or cannot measure them or they are not actionable.

NOTE we will discuss the problems with Project Fedora tomorrow


Saturday, January 24, 2015



Yesterday evening, Yuri Bazhutov has informed us that:
"The research regarding Plasma Electrolysis is continuing and this process is considered as a possible alternative to the Rossi warm E-cat, not the Hot Cat where the energy density is huge.
The target productivity is of the Russian E-Cat is 1MWatt.hours per 1kg of water the present results are only 2-3 kWatt.hours from 1kg common water.  
The main task now is to perform a demo experiment for a public of students too, with heating alkaline water in the Thermostat without evaporating it in the fume hood as a more ecological 

I will try to keep you  (Readers) up-to-dated with this innovative technology and will try to get answers to your questions.


“You can judge a researcher by the size of the problems he tackles”  (Anthony Jay) 

adapted from today's Gapingvoid Art that states:

Anthony Jay once said something like "You can judge a leader by the size of the problems they tackle." 

Size for a research problem as LENR - placed at the far right of the Medawar Zone is a very complex quantitative and qualitative concept including wickedness and Volatility-Uncertainty-Complexity-Ambiguity etc. A great problem needs great bold new ideas

"Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it."
(Anthony D’Angelo)

Touché! Does "this" Anthony does speak about me too? I feel a bit being guilty- not the meek New Paradigm supporters will inherit LENR!

Apropos, Anthony, Antonio - ICCF-19 will take place in Padua - the town of Saint Anthony. First, thinking about this, I remembered when I still was helping my wife with a a musical culture contest (question from the history of music) I was able to answer a very difficult question: " A musical composition and a famous painting on the same religious theme were composed and, respectively presented in the same year,
The solution is "Saint Anthony preaches  to the fish(es)" - Gustav Mahler's 
"Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt" – St. Anthony of Padua's Sermon to the Fish 
and Arnold Bocklin's painting 
were created in 1892.
Both demonstrate that Saint Anthony was a good speaker  and a real democrat, preaching to fishes means you indeed believe in equality.
I have met San Antonio of Padua in hundreds of thousands of copies in 2003 when visiting it in 2003 together with two friends, both called Paul at the kind and generous invitation of a technologist genius  friend from my PVC years living there.. The streets of Padua are simply wonderful; I was a bit confused due ti the mercantile affairs connected with the Saint, but tourism is a business, I have to understand that tourism is great business, and..basta! It was a nice travel but the sad thing is that both Pauls, one two years older and the other 12 years younger than me, died of cancer in the  next two years.
So, at ICCF-19 we will meet Saint Anthony and he will help us; he is the saint responsible for the lost things his job is to give them back to the good people.
His direct representative is no coincidence) Antonio La Gatta the CEO (Chief Event Officer) of ICCF-19.
What has LENR lost and what can you and the Conference bck to us , caro Antonio?
The hope for a working technology? The intellectual pleasure of understanding what happens- both great vision and deep detail? The courage of sayind a decisive NO to what is impossible? The extase of confessing that we went in a wrong direction and the boldness to try a new one? The power to change?
Let's listen together to: but please keep in mind that even the best saints are educated to help exclusively problems solvers and you cannot build a brand new technology based on miracles- you have to cope with ever situation including this LENR.

3) Biased Saturday LENR lecture

The dedicated LENR workaholic has today a lot to do, he can explore the two Russian Nuclear Transmutation Reactions & Ball Lightning conferences reading the abstracts  and using Google Translate (and the on-line dictionary Russian to English) for the papers of special interest- start from: 
Not easy, I know, but if you are really interested...

Then, the great event of yesterday was the special LENR section in the Indian journal
Current Science, group of 11 papers written by our best LENR-ists 
About this please look also to:

Hindu Newspaper Pushes LENR as the ‘Other Nuclear':
and here:

After a few years we will understand that it is better to say "the otherwise nuclear" or "the nuclear of other kind"- but the sense remains.

I will read all these papers too but openly with the hope to find something outside wet PdD- as  NiH, LENR+.

4) New data or new points of view regarding LENR
a) In many places it is discussed if the following fragment of the Annual Letter of the Gates Foundation:

The most dramatic problems caused by climate change are more than 15 years away, but the long-term threat is so serious that the world needs to move much more aggressively — right now — to develop energy sources that are cheaper, can deliver on demand, and emit zero carbon dioxide. The next 15 years are a pivotal time when these energy sources need to be developed so they'll be ready to deploy before the effects of climate change become severe. Bill is investing time in this work personally (not through our foundation) and will continue to speak out about it.
I think only Bill Gates or some team that has already received fubds can answer now. Great expectations.

b) An improved theory paper:
The Hypothesis of Micro Acceleration Mechanism for Nuclear Fusion E-Cat Reactor — 2nd Ed. (Fedir Mykhaylov)

c) My friend AXIL has a decisive contribution to the New Paradigm of LENR. I can only admire his encyclopedic professional culture in physics and his continuous exploration of the New, the new we need- because something is missing for the understanding of LENR.
This comment of AXIL is a fine example:

Welcome to the new physics...
We can manipulate the waveform of a stationary subatomic particle using a phase mask to increase its energy up to the speed of light. This process uses the theory of relativity to convert the stationary subatomic particle into a spread-out waveform with lots of energy applied against the size of the waveform. The size of the elementary particle as defined by the extent of its waveform is increased by time dilation where energy is increased by extending the tail defining the waveform of the elementary particle to satisfy the momentum conservation laws.  In quantum mechanics, waves and particles are considered to be two aspects of the same physical phenomena. We can modify the properties of a subatomic particle by manipulating its waveform.
In a time dilation tradeoff, the lifetime of the elementary subatomic particle is lengthened to increase the energy of the particle.
The key to this manipulation of the waveform is the Phase mask.
The specially prepared nanometer sized dimpled surface of the nickel micro particles in the Rossi reactor serves as a phase mast to accelerate stationary particles to a ultra high energy wave shapes in the particle's frame of reference but the particle remains stationary in the reactors frame of reference.
In nanoplasmonics, it is the dark mode surface plasmon polariton that absorbs infrared photons. So the “hole” / photon hybrid of the dipole must be the subatomic waveform that is being modified to light speed even when it is embedded inside that nickel lattice of the surface of the micro particle. 
Big Twist for Electron Beam
One question that was hanging in the magnetic theory of LENR causation was how a strong magnetic field could be produced by an irregular surface, I have just become aware of a potentially new spin (magnetic) amplification process that fits in well with the magnetic theory of LENR and helps explain how  a properly formatted nano surface feature on a metal surface could lead to LENR.
A beam of  electrons rotating in a highly constrained vortex can have the strength of their spins multiplied by hundreds of times. These vortexes are produced by a surface mask where the waveform of the electron is modified by constructive and destructive interference.
Just like a dipole where a vibrating electron is always paired with a hole, and every vortex has two ends, paired SPP has bright SPP paired with a dark SPP. It is the Dark SPP that is both magnetically and LENR active.
For example, the wavelength of infrared light is about 700nm to 1000nm. If the vortex that the Hole/light hybrid is circulating around in is 1 just  nanometer, the spin of the SPP is multiplied by 1000. A dark mode Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) with a spin of 2 will have an effective spin of 2000 if rotating in a dimensionally small SPP vortex.
In addition as described above, when the tail of the waveform of the electron or hole is expanded by the time dilation energy uncertainty principle trade off which accelerates stationary subatomic particles to the speed of light, even more spin multiplication will occur, how much...a lot.
These two new quantum mechanical principles of condensed matter subatomic particle waveform manipulation can now explain where the huge strength of atomic level magnetism comes from.


It is clear these guys have not read my editorial of yesterday!Scientists slow down the speed of light travelling in free space

Exercise - please apply the teachings of this essay to LENR:
3 C’s for Learning and Leading on Social Media

A leadership symphony in C major (the letter "C")