- the first Motto is valid for LENR too, the real proof that it is alive is that it evolves in the technology which is its reason to exist; (actually more technologies!)
- the second Motto? OK. I take it as personal.
This morning one of our LENR colleagues has announced that he just received the printed edition of Chemical Engineering News and there - in the cover story- Cold Fusion has NOT deceased 25 years ago just is not in a very good shape. For an alive LENR I have to answer differently so I have decided to wait till I get a scanned copy of he printed CEN article. I hope the new variant of the Ritter paper is smarter than the first.
See the Mottoes and please think what means that LENR is alive.
1) Detection of high energy particles using CR-39 detectors Part 2: Results of in-depth destructive etching analysis
3) Rossi v. Industrial Heat: Judge Makes Order on Required Information from IH for Discovery
Kyle Williams
November 15, 2016 at 7:23 AM
Mr Andrea Rossi:
Your foe’s puppets are continuing to repeat the same things infinitely even after their observations have been scientifically destroyed. Do you think they have been paid to do this apparent nonsense?
Andrea Rossi
November 15, 2016 at 11:09 AM
Kyle Williams:
I cannot comment issues that are connected with the litigation on course.
Warm Regards
( Francesco Piantelli considers that the hydrogen negative ion is the reactive form of hydrogen that makes the reactio with Ni possible)
Plasma Sources Science and Technology
Enhancement of negative hydrogen ion production at low pressure by controlling the electron kinetics property with transverse magnetic field
June Young Kim, Won-Hwi Cho, Jeong-Jeung Dang, Seongcheol Kim, Kyoung-Jae Chung and Y S Hwang
Published 27 October 2016 • © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd
Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Volume 25, Number 6
In a volume production H− ion source, independent control of electron energy distribution between the driver region and the extraction region is crucial for the efficient production of H− ions due to its unique volume production mechanism. However, at the low pressure regime compatible to ITER operation, it is difficult to control electron energy distribution separately because the nonlocal property dominates the electron kinetics. In this work, we suggest a new method to control the locality of electron kinetics. In this method, an additional pair of permanent magnets is introduced in the vicinity of the skin layer, differently from the conventional method in which the magnetic filter field was strengthened in the extraction region. This magnetic field shortens the energy relaxation length and changes the electron kinetics from nonlocal to local even for low pressure discharges. In this paper, we show that the locality of electron kinetics can be effectively controlled by the additional magnetic field near the skin layer by measuring the electron temperature profile along the center of the discharge chamber as well as by comparing electron energy probability function shapes for different strengths of magnetic field. Using this new method, we demonstrate that control of locality of electron kinetics can greatly enhance the production of H− ions in the extraction region by measuring H− ion beam current extracted from the plasma source.
Recommended by Miki Saxon- from MAPping Company Success
Jonathan Tepperman Explains How to Fix the World’s Thorniest Problems
- the first Motto is valid for LENR too, the real proof that it is alive is that it evolves in the technology which is its reason to exist; (actually more technologies!)
- the second Motto? OK. I take it as personal.
This morning one of our LENR colleagues has announced that he just received the printed edition of Chemical Engineering News and there - in the cover story- Cold Fusion has NOT deceased 25 years ago just is not in a very good shape. For an alive LENR I have to answer differently so I have decided to wait till I get a scanned copy of he printed CEN article. I hope the new variant of the Ritter paper is smarter than the first.
See the Mottoes and please think what means that LENR is alive.
1) Detection of high energy particles using CR-39 detectors Part 2: Results of in-depth destructive etching analysis
- a P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 11999, Russia
- b A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991, Russia
- c SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA
- Received 17 May 2016, Revised 7 September 2016, Accepted 23 September 2016, Available online 8 November 2016
CR-39 detectors were used to detect the emission of energetic particles.•
Tracks, much greater than background, were measured on the front and back surfaces.•
Tracks were coincident with the Pd deposit.•
Track properties were consistent with those observed for nuclear particles.•
LET analysis of the tracks identified 2–15 MeV alphas and 3–14 MeV protons.
We have performed Pd electrodeposition in both D2O and H2O electrolytes in the presence of a magnetic field using CR-39 solid state nuclear track detectors. These detectors were either immersed in the electrolyte or separated from it by a thin Mylar®film. We have found a statistically significant increase in the number of tracks measured in the D2O experiments when compared to the H2O experiments.
Palladium; Electrochemistry; Co-deposition; CR-39; LET spectrum
Corresponding author.
© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2) V. Dubinko - Anomalous Heat from Neodymium/Iron and Hydrogen Rossi v. Industrial Heat: Judge Makes Order on Required Information from IH for Discovery
4) High current densities; Environmental conditions for “Cold Fusion” (Gerhard Hunf)
5) From Rossi's JONP
November 15, 2016 at 1:15 PM
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I made a poll in my school, a high schol in New York, NY. I interviewed 100 persons asking if they believe your work is good or if it is going nowhere.
First of all, you are well known: all the persons knew about the E-Cat.
73 answered your work is good
19 answered your work is going nowhere
8 were uncertain
Christian (no answer)
4) High current densities; Environmental conditions for “Cold Fusion” (Gerhard Hunf)
5) From Rossi's JONP
November 15, 2016 at 1:15 PM
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I made a poll in my school, a high schol in New York, NY. I interviewed 100 persons asking if they believe your work is good or if it is going nowhere.
First of all, you are well known: all the persons knew about the E-Cat.
73 answered your work is good
19 answered your work is going nowhere
8 were uncertain
Christian (no answer)
Kyle Williams
November 15, 2016 at 7:23 AM
Mr Andrea Rossi:
Your foe’s puppets are continuing to repeat the same things infinitely even after their observations have been scientifically destroyed. Do you think they have been paid to do this apparent nonsense?
Andrea Rossi
November 15, 2016 at 11:09 AM
Kyle Williams:
I cannot comment issues that are connected with the litigation on course.
Warm Regards
( Francesco Piantelli considers that the hydrogen negative ion is the reactive form of hydrogen that makes the reactio with Ni possible)
Plasma Sources Science and Technology
Enhancement of negative hydrogen ion production at low pressure by controlling the electron kinetics property with transverse magnetic field
June Young Kim, Won-Hwi Cho, Jeong-Jeung Dang, Seongcheol Kim, Kyoung-Jae Chung and Y S Hwang
Published 27 October 2016 • © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd
Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Volume 25, Number 6
In a volume production H− ion source, independent control of electron energy distribution between the driver region and the extraction region is crucial for the efficient production of H− ions due to its unique volume production mechanism. However, at the low pressure regime compatible to ITER operation, it is difficult to control electron energy distribution separately because the nonlocal property dominates the electron kinetics. In this work, we suggest a new method to control the locality of electron kinetics. In this method, an additional pair of permanent magnets is introduced in the vicinity of the skin layer, differently from the conventional method in which the magnetic filter field was strengthened in the extraction region. This magnetic field shortens the energy relaxation length and changes the electron kinetics from nonlocal to local even for low pressure discharges. In this paper, we show that the locality of electron kinetics can be effectively controlled by the additional magnetic field near the skin layer by measuring the electron temperature profile along the center of the discharge chamber as well as by comparing electron energy probability function shapes for different strengths of magnetic field. Using this new method, we demonstrate that control of locality of electron kinetics can greatly enhance the production of H− ions in the extraction region by measuring H− ion beam current extracted from the plasma source.
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"New technology aims to make photovoltaic cells 70% more efficient"
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