Wednesday, November 30, 2016



Image result for quotations decisionImage result for quotations decision


Dear Readers,

Old age is the antonym of life, not death says Simone de Beauvoir- however if you are awake, you care and you try hard you still can discover significant ideas and events. I am trying to write about something different each day- 
For this Wednesday the word du jour was already found :DECISION. I have not written about it but due to my life-long love for chess as shown here:

I have enjoyed following the World Chess Championship, challenger Sergey Karjakin confronting the champion, Magnus Carlsen. Too many draws and today it will take 
place the tie-break, rapid chess and blitz games. Each move is a decision, irreversible and sometimes fatal. I am painfully missing the good chess players specific memory and so for me chess remains a tough school of making decisions.

However the same word has appeared in an other, more LENR connected place.
You well know how important ICCFs are for our oppressed and not happy field, therefore the organizer of the next International Conference on Cold Fusion, No 21 is of paramount importance
At the past meeting ICCF20 it was announced that Industrial Heat will organize the coming one, at Raleigh in June 2018. However, this information was not confirmed by the company. And today, on the LENR Forum, this message could be read

Dewey Weaver, Professional

I wanted to take this opportunity to clear up the confusion around ICCF21. Last summer, IH was asked to consider hosting ICCF21 in Raleigh which was a great honor in and of itself. IH agreed to do so on a tentative basis with a final decision expected in the Spring of 2017.
I'd like to ask everyone to be patient in the interim.
Thank you,

I have fast- reacted this way:

Peter Gluck, Verified User

Dear Dewey,
This is very interesting because it implies a decision.
You perhaps know my life slogan written for the "20 Rules of Real life Problem Solving"
"I think, therefore I exist. I take decisions, therefore I live. I solve problems, therefore I live with a purpose"
Decisions are of vital importance- ergo I have decided to write here first despite my former decision to restrict publishing to EGO OUT and to neutral or undecided sites.

As you well know, I was unable to understand many of IH/Cherokee's decisions during the 1MW-1 year Test and during the legal conflict with Rossi, up to today. A long list, not to repeat here.

However I do not like false correlations and associations or mixing incompatible things. So I think, this decision of the Company has NOTHING to do with the evolution. situation and perspectives pf the unhappy Trial. True?

However in this case it is difficult to understand the Cunctator mentality and attitude- why to procrastinate foe approx 9 months such a clear Y/N decision?
IH is supporting LENR, claims to be the main funder
of scientifically correct LENR research, cares for LENR as the main source of energy in the future of Mankind.
Even if breakthroughs will appear- by teams belonging to IH the field will continue to be in progress and development so ICCFs must continue. It can be lack f imagination but I am not able to see any reason for IH to NOT organize ICCF21.
As former lecturer in "Management of Technology" at the local Romanian-US University of EcoManagement- I consider that fast decisions are a must for an agile prosperous company. Postponing is anything but NOT good for the prestige of IH and it even deconsolidates tits position in the world of new energy.
Please let's distinguish this problem from the Conflict!
A final negative decision would be worse than demoralizing.
Thank you in advance,

The discussion stillcontinues here:
however I still have not received an answer re why this simple and natural decision is so difficult
. See please the first Motto- your decisions depend on your values, and IH is deeply dedicated to the progress of LENR, so... The other Motto warns against indecision- if there are no serious reasons for it...and they do not exist.
But today we have Motto+:
A reader hiding under the nickname Pweet has offered me two fine mottoes for today and I will use them; I do not exactly what he had in his mind with:
 "Do not confuse action with motion."
but it is perfect for an other decision of IH- we were informed about by the most vocal supporter of IH: when IH has realized that the 1MW test does not go well, they deciced to continue but have complained to some people- but we are certain only about the vocal supporter- no one supported him ith a "me too!"
No problem with Pweet's other candidate of Motto:
We appear to be going nowhere"
It is easy to see this is about the 27 Exhibits sent by IH to the Court, twice.
They all appear as bantam weight proofs, but using a more precise scale  you can state they have actually negative weight. QED!!


1) Rossi vs. Darden-from the pacermonitor of the Miami Court
82 orderOrder on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer Tue 12:13 PM 
ORDER granting81 Motion for Extension of Time to File a response to the Counterclaim. Plaintiffs have 7 days from the Court's order on Third-Party Defendants' Motion to Dismiss to file their response. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 11/29/2016. (ps1)
81 motion Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer Tue 10:35 AM 
Plaintiff's MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to78 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim,,,,,, by Leonardo Corporation, Andrea Rossi.(Evans, D.)
Att: 1  Text of Proposed Order
80 motion Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer Tue 7:19 AM 
Plaintiff's MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to78 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim,,,,,, by Leonardo Corporation, Andrea Rossi.(Evans, D.)
Att: 1  Text of Proposed Order

2) A discusssion group- rather anti-Rossi

3) Earth Heat due to LENR paper discussed here:
Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner core

4) Ruby Carat video-1

5) Water Behavior Surprises — Freezing at High Temperatures in Carbon Nanotubes

Re this paper, I have the permission to cite here Andrew Meulenberg's opinion:\

This kind of demonstrated molecular confinement (to 1-dimension) allows 'hot' water to turn to ice at >100C (rather than at 0C). 

What similar confinement structures allow CF? Besides Ed Storms 'crevice' model (confinement to 2-dimensions, perhaps 1-D), we have my "linear-H" model (confinement to 1-dimension).

A. Meulenberg, “Pictorial description for LENR in linear defects of a lattice,” ICCF-18, 18th Int. Conf. on Cond. Matter Nuclear Science, Columbia, Missouri, 25/07/2013, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 15 (2015), 106-116
A. Meulenberg, K.P. Sinha, “Composite model for LENR in linear defects of a lattice,” ICCF-18, 18th Int. Conf. on Cond. Matter Nuclear Science, Columbia, Missouri, 25/07/2013, 
Slides at                                                                          
and video of presentation at                                                        
Thank you, dear Andrew! This must be taken in consideration when we discuss about the active sites in LENR!

6) On Vessy's Blog: In viaggio verso “5 Sigma”

7) In German- The Cold Sun and Cold Fusion

Die kalte Sonne und kalte Fusion - My little Homepage

8) A Vortex THREAD: Re: [Vo]:Bill Gates connection to LENR?


Ultrafast imaging reveals existence of 'polarons'
Date:November 29, 2016
Source:Brookhaven National Laboratory
Scientists have found definitive evidence that the movement of electrons has a direct effect on atomic arrangements, driving deformations in a material's 3-D crystalline lattice in ways that can drastically alter the flow of current. Finding evidence for these strong electron-lattice interactions, known as polarons, emphasizes the need to quantify their impact on complex phenomena such as superconductivity (the ability of some materials to carry current with no energy loss) and other promising properties. (more text!)


How Stable Are Democracies? ‘Warning Signs Are Flashing Red

Tuesday, November 29, 2016



Image result for earth quotations heat


However for the time given, the Earth gets a part of its vital heat from inside ,
source unknown- possibly LENR. This idea appeared soon after the Fleischman-Pons press conference and between 1991 and 1993 the Romanian Institute of Geodynamics (Director Prof. Dorel Zugravescu) has sponsored my Cold Fusion work
The heat of Earth and LENR- is a direction of investigations- think e.g. about what says now Gennady Tarasenko our LENRist colleague from Kazakhstan.
So you will understand that I want to focus on the paper 1) by Mikio Fukuhara.
My intention was- starting from the poor think idea to discuss how can we reinvent the general LENR discourse, saying more NEW things in a smarter mode.


0) Paper not new, but interesting comments; due to the unexpected developments
the prestige of an well known English investor was harmed. Loss of prestige=loss of money!
Kadhim Shubber
So, Neil Woodford invested in a cold fusion company

1) Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner core
Mikio Fukuhara
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 37740 (2016)
Download Citation
Nuclear fusion and fission
Received:18 February 2016 Accepted:01 November 2016Published online:23 November 2016

 The cause and source of the heat released from Earth’s interior have not yet been determined. Some research groups have proposed that the heat is supplied by radioactive decay or by a nuclear georeactor. Here we postulate that the generation of heat is the result of three-body nuclear fusion of deuterons confined in hexagonal FeDx core-centre crystals; the reaction rate is enhanced by the combined attraction effects of high-pressure (~364 GPa) and high-temperature (~5700 K) and by the physical catalysis of neutral pions: 2D + 2D + 2D → 21H + 4He + 2  + 20.85 MeV. The possible heat generation rate can be calculated as 8.12 × 1012 J/m3, based on the assumption that Earth’s primitive heat supply has already been exhausted. The H and He atoms produced and the anti-neutrino  are incorporated as Fe-H based alloys in the H-rich portion of inner core, are released from Earth’s interior to the universe, and pass through Earth, respectively.

2) E-Cat- what do we wait for in 2017 and the ghostly Sigma 5

ECat - Cosa ci aspetta nel 2017... e il fantomatico 'cinque sigma'

3) From Andrea Rossi's JONP

November 28, 2016 at 10:08 PM

Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Probably you do not know that Mr La Gatta, of ENEA, Italian taxpayer maintained concern, is now working for IH in Raleigh. They are trying to make up a competition against you, using the information IH gave to La Gatta and ENEA to replicate your technology. This all is finalized to get from Italian Government funds graciously supplied from the taxpayer of Italy, to steal your technology, and, at the same time, to fool the investors of IH, Cherokee Fund Partners and Woodford, making them believe that there is a big team making big things, where big things stands for stealing your IP.
From an insider,
have a great week, Andrea!

Andrea Rossi
November 28, 2016 at 10:19 PM

Warm Regards,

4) Doktor Bob's LENR News portal-up-dated


Hydrogen in your pocket? New plastic for carrying and storing hydrogen
Polymer addresses safety and energy loss
Date:November 28, 2016
Source:Waseda University
A research group has developed a hydrogen-carrying polymer, which can be molded as a tangible, safe, and compact plastic sheet. (See more text)


Final decision? Why the brain keeps on changing its mind

Monday, November 28, 2016



Image result for poor quotationsImage result for poor quotationsImage result for poor quotations

Mottoes useful for introducing POOR THINK vs, RICH THINK



My daily creative writing practice helps me to learn new things and even tricks despite my age & aging. Recently I have understood that being a Blog dedicated to LENR and Problem Solving is not the best, most complete definition. Problem solving is just a stage finding the problems is also essential and not easy so many times. In analogy to my 20 Rules of Real Life Problem Solving  will I write rules for discovering the hidden problems? Maybe. And do not ignore problem prevention!
There are problems with the problems, but solutions can also generate problems.  It is easy o understand that an enforced solution- that actually is not the optimum- as a fragmentary LENR theory has negative side-effects. A solution that seems good but stops development and progress is not a good solution/ A solution must be complete, but an over-complete one can be problematic therefore an important principle is: "everything necessary, nothing extraneous" See please Jeane Sawyer's smart paper: necessary.php
Therefore, EGO OUT is a blog dedicated to LENR, Problems and Solutions tending to  holisic and holographic vision.


You know probable that modes of thinking is a recurrent subject in this blog, in my other writings, as well as in my life and my thinking. A subject more complex and difficult s usually considered.
The thread of discovery -revelation starts with Slavoj Zizek's ( I had published recently  blog issue with Mottoes by this interesting thinker) paper at LENR IN CONTEXT-2 - paper saying that there is NO (better) alternative to unbridled capitalism. This seems true- I remember the advent of capitalism after 1989 here.
The first ten years of neo-capitalism were extremely difficult for me due to tragic family- and finance- circumstances and I had a revelation: you can be anything in capitalism but NO POOR! If you are poor you have no friends, no help, you are guilty for everything, you are a pariah - poverty is an unpardonable capital sin in capitalism
Today I realized that what I was calling 'small think' is actually POOR THINK based on scarcity of data, bad data, dubious information, nasty assumptions, approximate knowledge, weak to perverse logic- you can see it in a spectacular form at those who try to instill Dictatoritis in forums.
Obviously we have to discuss a lot about poor think and to replace it by rich think. \
What I consider essential: it is more important, urgent and prioritary to eliminate poor think than to adopt rich think. you know, the negative comes first, see please:


1) Fund Manager Invests $39.94 Million in LENR
2) The Final Result of “E-capture” (Gerhard Hunf)

3) A collection of all paper5s presented at the All-Russian Cold Transmutation of Nuclei and Bll Lightnings from 1994 to 2008
Сборники докладов конференций РКХТЯиШМ с 1994 по 2008 годы

4) A.I. Laptukhov"The possible mechanism of the quenching of the radioactivity of the isotope Cs137

5) Philosophical Storm: "Cold nuclear fusion does not exist in Nature in natural conditions"
Философский штурм "Холодного ядерного синтеза не существует в природе в естественных условиях"

6) From Andrea Rossi's JONP

November 27, 2016 at 5:36 PM

Dr Andrea Rossi:
1- was property of the ERV the flowmeter by means of which have been made the measurements on the 1 MW plant?
2- did the ERV himself install it?
3- have ever been installed beside it any other flowmeters by IH or Leonardo?

Andrea Rossi
November 27, 2016 at 5:59 PM

1- yes
2- yes
3- no
Warm Regards,


Gerald Cromwell
November 27, 2016 at 3:48 PM

Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
look at this: Chile’s government has started a R&D on LENR, Bill Gates has started an R&D on LENR, in Europe in Italy the association of engineers has started a permanent updating course on LENR, and in France Airbus has started an R&D on LENR, in Russia after Dr Parkhomov has been started an R&D on LENR, in China the Atomic Institute has started an R&D on LENR, in Japan Mitsubishi has started an R&D on LENR, in South Korea Hiunday has started an R&D on LENR, etc, etc: all this thanks to your immense work: before your test of January 2011 LENR were ridiculized from the very people that today are financing all these R&Ds. This too is a legacy of yours.
Please continue your great job,
Andrea Rossi
November 27, 2016 at 4:18 PM

Gerald Cromwell:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
7)  This is the  new version of the C&EN Cold Fusion article first found by Sam North:
Cold Fusion Lives On, with Experiments Creating Energy When None Should Exist
The field, now called low-energy nuclear reactions, may have legit results—or be stubborn junk science

8) And here, Letters for the same C&EN paper
Volume 94 Issue 47 | pp. 3-5 | Letters
Cold fusion NOVEMBER 28, 2016 LETTERS

9) Discussed here:
Scientific American: LENR ‘May Have Legit Results’


Battery breakthrough charges in seconds, lasts for a week

It Takes More than a Big Idea to Change the World

WHy There Are No Viable Political Alternatives to Unbridled Capitalism
by Slavoj Zizek

Sunday, November 27, 2016



Image result for fidel castro quotes
What a nasty, unfair question!

A. More about sparks and LENR

Spark- a metaphor for creativity, spark as a real flying mini-object. My instinct of technologist says that single sparks- doing their job -starting fire are more rational than sparks at plural. Sparks are stimuli of th LENR process, possible the real secret is smart use of combinations of stimuli.
If we speak about sparks, we have to mention Defkalion and Yiannis Hadjichristos
whose technology used repetitive sparking stimulation of the process with repeated sparking. Sparks were used to bring hydrogen in its Rydberg form very active.
Eventually the system failed- when spark plugs were replaced with a more aggressive method- due to insoluble material problems. I consider iy counterproductive to discard with hostility their know-how- as much as it is published. They had valuable ideas.
The famous Gamberale Report describes a possibility of error (reverse flow in the flowmeter) but this is an error and only the enemies of the NiH system, are equating a negative, uncontrollable error with a positive, controlled constructive scam- showing positive fake results. Our research work illiterates live in a a-technical or even anti-technical world with a different logic. It is waste of time to discuss with them.
By the way Luca Gamberale- what has he achieved, where does he work for LENR now? No papers, no presentations no patent, he was together with the European Branch of the Widom-Larsen theorists (Widom, Srivastava etc.) at LENR Cities - that ceased to exist. 


A successful Communist leader and dictator who survived miraculously in the very proximity of the greatest democratic and capitalist super-power even after the collapse of the communist system in Eurasia. OK, death is excellent for reputation and popularity but it s obvious that many Cubans loved him despite .. you well know what. A part of the explanation is that dictatorships are in some ways more effective, more efficient, less probletent than democracies; dictatorship destroys  disturbing diversity-, diminishes inequality,and please consider that the decisive keyword and difference is Discipline- on many levels and in a broad game of forms. And decision-taking- a great burden for many people - not an issue in a dictatorship - remember "Der Fuhrer denkt fur uns alle" (Hitler thinks for us all) or "Mussolini ha sempre ragione" (Mussolini is always right). Or "Stalin the Father of the people". We have executed our Ceausescu- so he was not a successful dictator. NOR is Ghaddafi and more of his colleagues removed by the Arab Spring but is the world, are the liberated people happier , much happier than before? Things are more complicated and negative than they seem. It is time to finish this thread here. Each professiom produces a few geniuses, Fidel was a genius dictator.


This actually is aimed to the leading LENR Forum; it is my impression that there is a deepening communication crisis. I wrote many times about the diseases, the 7
deadly sins of the Web Forums

1. Dilutitis- mixing few relevant and important things with increasing amounts of insignicant trivia.

 2. Detailitis- losing the vision of the whole and inflating the sense of small details 

3. Dispersitis- starting and organizing too many uncorrelated decisions in the same time- a damaging waste of times and ideas.

4. Disfocusitis focusing the discussions on invented , false or improper subjects-
a form of manipulating the forumists

5. Defrostitis- the method by which the past sabotages the future and poisons the present- periodically old, already settled or clearly unsolvable old events or ideas are extracted from their graves- or taken out from the memory fridge and thoroughly discussed

6. Disputitis- the gradual conversion of the Forum in battlefields, making conflicts as the standard state of the forum, importing and disseminating hatred, envy, quarrel scandals, offenses in the forum.

7. DIctatoritis- the last, deadeliest one: organized groups trying to divide, dominate and conquer the forum imposing their ideas, methods nad interests as dominant, eliminating anything not conform with what they want. A n]mentality of "who is not with us is againts us and has to go" and who thinks differently from us is idiot, mentally ill or senile.
Should I continue? You know well these people.

D) Saying strange but very interesting things: Dmitri Chukichev

This Ukrainian researcher has an original theory - not published papers found just videos and I need help and some time to understand his ideas. Anyway he thinks 
that the modification of the crystalline structure of nickel is the key to the performances of the Rossi generator. See his presentations here
Compare this with what Defkalion has claimed in their last publication: 
We introduced a method to turn the Ni Face Centered Cubic crystals close to a C4 or a Pm3m structure,  removing all of the face atoms and some Ni atoms in the edges, using a proprietary technique and take advantage of FCCàBCC transitions in situ

The search for a more open structure? The wy to receptive nickel?


Alchemy and electroenergetics Andrea Rossi, Transmutation of elements
Алхимия в электроэнергетике. Андреа Росси. Трансмутация элементов by Aleksei Diavchenko 

November 27, 2016 at 7:43 AM

Dear Andrea Rossi:
Have you been able to resolve the problem of the broken QuarkX?
Will this event delay the presentation of it?
Thank you for your daily updates and your immense work,

Andrea Rossi
November 27, 2016 at 8:28 AM

Yes, we resolved the problem and understood it in full yesterday night. It was a problem in the control system, not in the QuarkX. No delays for it.
Warm Regards,


Ask Ethan: Why Must Time Be A Dimension? (Synopsis)


Are you a blamer or a problem solver?
The Only Difference: Mindset

Saturday, November 26, 2016



Be the spark—live light! (Laurie Buchanan)

The spread of civilization may be likened to a fire; first, a feeble spark, next a flickering flame, then a mighty blaze, ever increasing in speed and power. (Nikola Tesla)

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. (Robin Williams)

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. (Albert Schweitzer)

If you have anything really valuable to contribute to the world it will come through the expression of your own personality, that single spark of divinity that sets you off and makes you different from every other living creature. (Bruce Barton}

The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead even more than teamwork. (Igor Sikorsky)

The artist must create a spark before he can make a fire and before art is born, the artist must be ready to be consumed by the fire of his own creation. (Auguste Rodin  

You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world. Oprah Winfrey)

Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark. (Amit Ray)


I hope: European Union will be able to find again "the beautiful spark of divinity" from its anthem:

I hope LENR will be able to find the missing spark of discovery and, in the same time will get rid of those negative arsonists who do anything, including very ugly things,  to extinguish the beneficial "better than fire" of LENR+ 


copyright of COLD FUSION NOW- 2012- 

I also hope, all my LENR friends will finally accept that it is useless and hopeless to trigger the genius spark of Fleischmann and Pons and put it in the known wet place- no fire will start or it will just flicker weakly and for short time.
We need sparks AND fire. We have to discusss more about this!


1) Financial Times Reports on Woodford’s Investment in Industrial Heat and Cold Fusion

2) The same subject at Rossi's JONP

Roslyn Abrams
November 25, 2016 at 7:16 PM

Hello Dr Rossi,

Interesting post about Neil Woodfords investment into ColdFusion – So if it does not work as
IH and Thomas Darden claim then what of Woodford Funds investment?

Andrea Rossi
November 25, 2016 at 10:43 PM

Roslyn Abrams:
Woodford visited the plant during the test in February 2015 and in September 2015: when they invested 50 million dollars in IH the sole license and intellectual property that IH had was the one of Leonardo Corporation. The top level officers that Woodford sent to visit the plant during the test had at their disposal the first and the second quarterly report made by the ERV. The fourth and last quarterly report, as well as the third, were substantially equal to the first and the second. IH has also paid the invoices related to the first, the second and the third report of the ERV. Eventually, they did not pay the fourth report, because they said it was not correct. But it was equal to the former three, related to the period during which IH collected funds from their investors. At the end of the second visit to the plant of 1 MW during the test, in September 2015, the senior officer of Woodford said to me the following precise words: ” Congratulations, Dr Rossi, we saw great stuff here”.
Warm Regards,

3) Russian LENR Seminar Reports

4) By Dmitri Chukichev: Ni, nickel, the stationer theory of the structure of atoms. Rossi, LENR, cold fusion
Ni, никель, стационарная теория строения атома, Росси, LENR, E-Cat, холодный синтез
In order to understand the theory of cold fusion and the Rossi generator, it is compulsory to understand the crystalline structure of nickel, the structure of the atom of nickel and hydrogen. The Static Theory of the structure of the atom is used for the clearing of the fundamental bases of the physical, chemical and nuclear reactions. Overcoming the Coulomb resistance of the electron layers allow axcess to the core and to change it. The crystalline network of nickel is the instrument for influencing the nuclear process in the Rossi generator.

5) From Gregory Goble
NASA Cold Fusion/LENR - Low Energy Nuclear Reaction
NRNF Non Radioactive Nuclear Flight



Theory that challenges Einstein's physics could soon be put to the test
Date:November 25, 2016
Source:Imperial College London
Scientists behind a theory that the speed of light is variable -- and not constant as Einstein suggested -- have made a prediction that could be tested.


Problem-Solving is Over-Rated. Try Problem-Finding Instead!
Anyone can problem solve. But the real talent is in seeing the problems in the first place.