It turns out that to develop a ‘cumulative culture’ – technology that constantly ratchets up in complexity and diversity – a species needs to be able to share information very accurately. It doesn’t matter how much novel invention takes place, unless those inventions are replicated accurately then they die out before they can be built upon.” —Prof. Kevin Laland, University of St. Andrew’s
(borrowed with thanks from Harold Jarche)
I have to add the zeroth rule in problem solving to my 20 Rules of Real Life Problem Solving:
0) accept the problem as real and make it YOUR problem
I have received zero feedback to my writing of yesterday- my peculiar vision of the troubles of Cold Fusion and it would be childish naivety to ask why. I have already presented too many times in vain the same ideas; the cradle CF system is intangible
plus the essential message could be understood as a nasty, unjust question: "Colleagues should we accept we were barking at the bad tree ( a small bush actually for 28+ long years? An attack against the popular cradle system coming from a talkative- non contributor who in his sunset year(s) is on the wrong side in the fiercest dispute hitting our field.
However because I really care for the future of LENR , I am asking now:
As Ed Storms has described it , Cold fusion LENR takes place only in special places
in matter (in palladium, first of all) and the generation of theas places- N.A.E or active sites is a difficult not well controllable ('intensifiable') process.
That is Ed says that cold fusion works with PREFORMED NAE. Regarding the role of the temperature, here is his recent comment cited with permission:
Yes, I saw Kirkinskii's ideas. He is right. Because the LENR effect is controlled bytemperature, use of high temperature will result in increased energy once the NAE has formed. Unfortunately, simply heating a material does not create the NAE. People following Rossi have made the mistake of thinking that high temperature alone produces LENR. Also, people evaluating PdD have made the mistake of failing to consider the effect of temperature.
Rossi activates the Ni before it is heated. He has not revealed how this is done. People using Pd in an electrolytic cell are limited to too low a temperature for production of significant power. Until these limitations are taken into account, comparing the amount of power that can be produced by Pd and Ni is not possible.
Now, what Rossi does is unknown however denying that he intensified excess heat from Watts to Kilowatts a difficult job...anyway.
I think the pre-formed active sites method with Pd or Ni or whatever cannot make cold fusion a practical technology and that the the role of high working temperature is to generate constantly heat generating sites. I believe in in-situ formed active sites, in what i called LENR+ in March 2012.
The future will show who and what is true. Till then I firmly believe that increasing of temperature say about 700C triggers qualitative changes, triggers new mechanism- makes them possible.
(to be continued, apparently my site was today under some attack)
I just realized that given the the abused parallel between Cold Fusion and the history of aviation, saying that the Doral test 1 year long has not worked, is the equivalent of saying flight of the heavier-than-air machines is not possible - after the Lindbergh flight.
1) Russian Coordination Council for the problem:" Cold Nuclear Transmutations"
Координационный Совет по проблеме «Холодная Трансмутация Ядер»
1) Negative mass’ created at Washington State University
3) the innovation imperative
It turns out that to develop a ‘cumulative culture’ – technology that constantly ratchets up in complexity and diversity – a species needs to be able to share information very accurately. It doesn’t matter how much novel invention takes place, unless those inventions are replicated accurately then they die out before they can be built upon.” —Prof. Kevin Laland, University of St. Andrew’s
(borrowed with thanks from Harold Jarche)
I have to add the zeroth rule in problem solving to my 20 Rules of Real Life Problem Solving:
0) accept the problem as real and make it YOUR problem
I have received zero feedback to my writing of yesterday- my peculiar vision of the troubles of Cold Fusion and it would be childish naivety to ask why. I have already presented too many times in vain the same ideas; the cradle CF system is intangible
plus the essential message could be understood as a nasty, unjust question: "Colleagues should we accept we were barking at the bad tree ( a small bush actually for 28+ long years? An attack against the popular cradle system coming from a talkative- non contributor who in his sunset year(s) is on the wrong side in the fiercest dispute hitting our field.
However because I really care for the future of LENR , I am asking now:
As Ed Storms has described it , Cold fusion LENR takes place only in special places
in matter (in palladium, first of all) and the generation of theas places- N.A.E or active sites is a difficult not well controllable ('intensifiable') process.
That is Ed says that cold fusion works with PREFORMED NAE. Regarding the role of the temperature, here is his recent comment cited with permission:
Yes, I saw Kirkinskii's ideas. He is right. Because the LENR effect is controlled bytemperature, use of high temperature will result in increased energy once the NAE has formed. Unfortunately, simply heating a material does not create the NAE. People following Rossi have made the mistake of thinking that high temperature alone produces LENR. Also, people evaluating PdD have made the mistake of failing to consider the effect of temperature.
Rossi activates the Ni before it is heated. He has not revealed how this is done. People using Pd in an electrolytic cell are limited to too low a temperature for production of significant power. Until these limitations are taken into account, comparing the amount of power that can be produced by Pd and Ni is not possible.
Now, what Rossi does is unknown however denying that he intensified excess heat from Watts to Kilowatts a difficult job...anyway.
I think the pre-formed active sites method with Pd or Ni or whatever cannot make cold fusion a practical technology and that the the role of high working temperature is to generate constantly heat generating sites. I believe in in-situ formed active sites, in what i called LENR+ in March 2012.
The future will show who and what is true. Till then I firmly believe that increasing of temperature say about 700C triggers qualitative changes, triggers new mechanism- makes them possible.
(to be continued, apparently my site was today under some attack)
I just realized that given the the abused parallel between Cold Fusion and the history of aviation, saying that the Doral test 1 year long has not worked, is the equivalent of saying flight of the heavier-than-air machines is not possible - after the Lindbergh flight.
1) Russian Coordination Council for the problem:" Cold Nuclear Transmutations"
Координационный Совет по проблеме «Холодная Трансмутация Ядер»
(25 members see the list directly here in English too)
An example for all countries interested in progress of LENR, I think.
3) Low-energy nuclear reaction
The Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokio
Nuclear structure of neutron-rich nuclei which will be produced by RIPS or BigRIPS at RIBF are to be studied by employing the low-energy nuclear reactions such as proton resonance elastic scattering. In particular, the nuclei around 32Mg where the nuclear structure suddenly changes are being studied. This experiment can be related to an unknown nuclear force which breaks the isospin symmetry.
In parallel with the studies, we are developing devices to produce a high spin isomer target of 178m2Hf, which will be synthesized, and then purified by using the laser resonant ionization. When it is succeeded, long-standing dream of nuclear physics, production of hyper deformation, torus shape of nucleus, would come true.
Nuclear structure of neutron-rich nuclei which will be produced by RIPS or BigRIPS at RIBF are to be studied by employing the low-energy nuclear reactions such as proton resonance elastic scattering. In particular, the nuclei around 32Mg where the nuclear structure suddenly changes are being studied. This experiment can be related to an unknown nuclear force which breaks the isospin symmetry.
In parallel with the studies, we are developing devices to produce a high spin isomer target of 178m2Hf, which will be synthesized, and then purified by using the laser resonant ionization. When it is succeeded, long-standing dream of nuclear physics, production of hyper deformation, torus shape of nucleus, would come true.
4) New THREAD at LENR Forum by Louu Pagnucco
New USPTO LENR Patent - Related to Cravens demos
United States Patent 9,631,866 - April 25, 2017
Heat engine
A heat engine that utilizes a controllable heat source that includes a body comprising a dopant that has an affinity for a fuel species, preferably a hydrogen isotope. The production of heat by the heat source can be modulated by the application of electric and/or magnetic fields to the body. The hear engine includes safety features that prevent excessive heat generation.
5) signalled at paper by Hideo Kozima
From the History of Cold Fusion Research, 8, pp. 1 – 23 (June 2015)
The Nuclear Transmutations (NTs) in Carbon-Hydrogen Systems
(Hydrogen Graphite, XLPE and Microbial Cultures)*
Hideo Kozima
Cold Fusion Research Laboratory
597-16 Yatsu, Aoi, Shizuoka, 421-1202, Japan
This paper was originally published in the CFRL News (Cold Fusion Research
Laboratory News) No. 94 (2015.06.10).
The nuclear transmutation (NT) in the cold fusion phenomenon (CFP) is an
astonishing event not expected from the perspectives the pioneering researchers had in
their motivation to perform experiments in this field. The researchers, however, seemed
to realize the complex nature of the CFP at the first stage of their research not
reconciling into the framework they had in their mind as expressed by Fleischmann et al.
in their paper published in 1989;
“The most surprising feature of our results however, is that reactions (v) and (vi) are
only a small part of the overall reaction scheme and that the bulk of the energy release
is due to an hitherto unknown nuclear process or processes (presumably "FORBIDDEN Scienceagain due to
deuterons).”[Fleischmann 1989]
6) Evgenii Gigauri: " FORBIDDEN SCIENCE- Bio-transmutation- a discovery that facilitates for us a New Future"
7) ECAT Low Energy Nuclear Reactors (LENR); Is Cold Fusion Or Cold Fission The Next New Free Energy Source? What Is Fusion? The Sun's Fusion Zero Energy Process Explained By Arto Lauri
8) Cold nuclear fusion development
E.N. Tsyganov
Cold Fusion Power, International, United States
Received 9 November 2016, Revised 30 March 2017, Accepted 30 March 2017, Available online 19 April 2017
Chemical energy sources (oil and gas) will run out in the next 30–50 years. In addition to the depletion of these sources, there is a so-called greenhouse effect, which imposes severe restrictions on the use of chemical fuel. Nuclear reactors use uranium and hope to use thorium reserves of fissile materials that will last for no more than 100–200 years. In addition to poor safety record of nuclear reactors, the problem of burying radioactive nuclear reactor waste for a period of thousands years has not have a reliable solution.
During the last 25–30 years, so called cold nuclear fusion processes in conductive crystals have been developed. This paper discusses the main features of such processes.
1) Negative mass’ created at Washington State University
LENR in a nutshell
ReplyDeleteLENR is an optical based process where light is trapped in a waveform called a soliton. Think of this structure as Nano sized ball lightning. This ball of light can form in many ways: inside ultra-dense hydrogen, on the surface of rough metal surfaces, inside cracks in metal, on nanoparticles and microparticles, between nanoparticles, and in dusty plasma. But critically, this soliton is not active until it is triggered through the electrostatic effects of a stimulating emission.
When this soliton first form, light rotates around inside the soliton and supports two degenerate propagating-wave modes: clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) waves, manifesting the symmetry of this system. This counter rotation of the light negates any organization of the spin of the light from generating any meaningful magnetic effect.
But when the symmetry of this counter rotating light is broken by this electrostatic stimulant, like a magnet all spin of the light ceases to interfere with each other and a newly organized super intense magnetic beam projects out of the soliton in an highly organized mode. The soliton then becomes a synthetic analog monopole quasiparticle.
When this beam of magnetism enters inside protons and neutrons that move into its path, the quarks that make up these protons and neutrons change their type(color) and the protons and neutrons transform into exotic mesons made up of strange and beauty quark types. Energy is also produced in these subatomic particle decays and is feed back into the solitons of light thereby increasing their intensity. In this way, this infusion of incoming subatomic energy allows the soliton to survive for an extended period in a self-sustaining mode while the electrostatic stimulant continues to maintain the organization of the photonic spin.
Leif Holmlid has been using a laser pulse as the stimulator but yesterday Sveinn Olafsson just told me this: “Leif has applied fast high electric field and sees meson signal”