(There so many wise sayings about Vision!)
Take the Motto in reverse, many things other people see, are invisible to me- in the real world. As a compensation, I am trying to see more than others in the LENR world.
What I am achieving is a very personal, not popular, not proper at all for memefication- vision of LENR.
Today, for example after reading the Kaneko paper translated by Rothwell and meditating upon the 48 titles of papers to be presented at ICCF20 Japan and 21 at ICCF20 in China, I have concluded that still we are very far from a holographic vision (of the Whole with its details) and from a holographic vision (of the really relevant details reflecting the Whole in them) Lack of extent, lack pf profundity in our vision.
It was a Japanese day- my friend Hideo's News also came this morning- so I am thanking about the Japanese contribution/trend to development to this ICCF20 hosted by them, in part.
My guess is that a very, very critical detail is still missing. But I am not inerrant
1) From Hideo Kozima:
2) LENR Revolution in process, cold fusion
3) Important Japanese paper translated by Jed Rothwell:
September 15, 2016 at 1:42 AM
Dr Andrea Rossi:
How much of your time you have to spend every day for the litigation? Is this activity stealing time from the R&D on the E-Cat?
Andrea Rossi
September 15, 2016 at 6:50 AM
In this very period the activity on the litigation is immense. I’d say it takes 50% of my time. For example yesterday I worked 8 hours for my Attorneys. I had to cut off all the other engagements, but stealing time to the sleep the activity on the E-Cat goes on as well as possible.
Warm Regards,
Chemists report new insights about properties of matter at the nanoscale
(There so many wise sayings about Vision!)
Take the Motto in reverse, many things other people see, are invisible to me- in the real world. As a compensation, I am trying to see more than others in the LENR world.
What I am achieving is a very personal, not popular, not proper at all for memefication- vision of LENR.
Today, for example after reading the Kaneko paper translated by Rothwell and meditating upon the 48 titles of papers to be presented at ICCF20 Japan and 21 at ICCF20 in China, I have concluded that still we are very far from a holographic vision (of the Whole with its details) and from a holographic vision (of the really relevant details reflecting the Whole in them) Lack of extent, lack pf profundity in our vision.
It was a Japanese day- my friend Hideo's News also came this morning- so I am thanking about the Japanese contribution/trend to development to this ICCF20 hosted by them, in part.
. Present Status of Hydrogen Energy Policy in Japan
(40) Takao Kashiwagi (Tokyo Institute of Technology ,
Japan )
Progress over the years Anomalous Heat Effects by
Interaction of Nano-Metal and H(D)-Gas (25) Akito Takahashi (Technova Inc., Japan )
Anomalous Excess Heat Generated by the Interaction between
Nano-structured Pd/Ni surface and D2/H2 gas (20) Takehiko Itoh (Tohoku
University and Clean Planet Inc, Japan )
Collaborative Examination on Anomalous Heat Effect Using
Nickel-Based Binary Nanocomposites Supported by Zirconia (25) Akira Kitamura
(Technova Inc., Japan )
15. Replication Experiments at Tohoku University on Anomalous Heat
Generation Using Nickel-Based Binary Nanocomposites and Hydrogen Isotope Gas
(25) Yasuhiro Iwamura (Tohoku University, Japan)
Y. Iwamura (Tohoku U,
Sendai ) Anomalous heat generation and nuclear
transmutation experiments at condensed matter nuclear reaction division of
Tohoku university.
The obvious trend is toward using mixed nanoparticles Pd and Ni; God Omoikane
思兼 - knows if this is the good way toward the LENR technology (one of the more possible ways.) I think the key to this is Controlled Nanodynamics and so perhaps te following paper, also from Japan could be of great help:
Plasmonic Concepts for Condensed-Matter Nuclear
Fusion (20) Katsuaki Tanabe (Kyoto University , Japan
1) From Hideo Kozima:
The CFRL News No. 100 was published and posted at CFRL website; hjrfq930/News/news.html
In this News, there are following items;
In this News, there are following items;
1. Proceedings of JCF16 was published
2. Four papers from CFRL are published in Proc. JCF16
3. ICCF20 will be held on October 2 – 7, 2006 in Sendai, Japan
2) LENR Revolution in process, cold fusion
3) Important Japanese paper translated by Jed Rothwell:
“Cold fusion” in U.S. patent, successful replication, re-evaluation is accelerating
4) The DTRAeport That Isn't a DTRA Report:
5) From Andrea Rosssi's JONP:
September 14, 2016 at 6:19 PM
Dear Andrea,
Do you think that electrolysis can still be a possible way to obtain LENR?
Andrea Rossi
September 14, 2016 at 6:50 PM
Very difficult to answer. My humble opinion is: No. But I could be wrong.
Warm Regards,
September 14, 2016 at 5:41 PM
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Do you think that the litigation between you and IH could end up with a settlement ?
Andrea Rossi
September 14, 2016 at 6:54 PM
In Physics nothing is impossible, but everything must be associated to a number that corresponds to its probability. In this moment I am not able to define this number.
Warm Regards,
4) The DTRAeport That Isn't a DTRA Report:
5) From Andrea Rosssi's JONP:
September 14, 2016 at 6:19 PM
Dear Andrea,
Do you think that electrolysis can still be a possible way to obtain LENR?
Andrea Rossi
September 14, 2016 at 6:50 PM
Very difficult to answer. My humble opinion is: No. But I could be wrong.
Warm Regards,
September 14, 2016 at 5:41 PM
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Do you think that the litigation between you and IH could end up with a settlement ?
Andrea Rossi
September 14, 2016 at 6:54 PM
In Physics nothing is impossible, but everything must be associated to a number that corresponds to its probability. In this moment I am not able to define this number.
Warm Regards,
September 15, 2016 at 1:42 AM
Dr Andrea Rossi:
How much of your time you have to spend every day for the litigation? Is this activity stealing time from the R&D on the E-Cat?
Andrea Rossi
September 15, 2016 at 6:50 AM
In this very period the activity on the litigation is immense. I’d say it takes 50% of my time. For example yesterday I worked 8 hours for my Attorneys. I had to cut off all the other engagements, but stealing time to the sleep the activity on the E-Cat goes on as well as possible.
Warm Regards,
6) New3SC-11 : 11th International Conference on New Theories, Discoveries, Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials
Thrfee LENR related papers here:
- J. Dufour : Synthesis of an Iron Pico-Hydride(Fe-pH). A permanent electric dipole of atomic size with high enthalpy of formation
- Jean-Francois Geneste, Airbus Group Innovations : Applying Novel Theoretical Lattice Model of the Atom to Superconductivity
- William Collis, ISCMNS : Improved Global Nuclear Mass Relations
Chemists report new insights about properties of matter at the nanoscale
Date:September 14, 2016
Source:University of California Los Angeles UCLA
Nanoscience researchers have determined that a fluid that behaves similarly to water in our day-to-day lives becomes as heavy as honey when trapped in a nanocage of a porous solid, offering new insights into how matter behaves in the nanoscale world.
Similar nanomaterials behave differently: Why?
Date:September 14, 2016
Source:Sissa Medialab
Nanotubes can be used for many things: electrical circuits, batteries, innovative fabrics and more. Scientists have noted, however, that nanotubes, whose structures appear similar, can actually exhibit different properties, with important consequences in their applications. Carbon nanotubes and boron nitride nanotubes, for example, while nearly indistinguishable in their structure, can be different when it comes to friction. A new study has created computer models of these crystals and studied their characteristics in detail and observed differences related to the material’s chirality.
Steven N. Karels
ReplyDeleteSeptember 15, 2016 at 10:16 AM
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You posted “our technology could retrofit efficiently the coal powered plants.”
Can you provide any performance data on your current technology as to:
a. How long in time from a cold start to full output power for such a plant?
b. How long in time from 50% output to 100% output after initial startup for such a plant?
c. How long in time from 100% output to 50% output after initial startup for such a plant?
d. Do you believe that the units will run, without interruption, for months at a time?
e. Do you envision a system design where individual units (or reactors) could be changed or maintained while the entire ensemble of reactors maintain maximum design output?
Your proposed application, if implemented, would significantly reduce carbon emissions. China has built 1GW electrical generation systems. Even with a Carnot efficiency of 40%, you are looking at 2.5 GW of thermal output, unless your newer designs can produce electricity more efficiently.
Andrea Rossi
September 15, 2016 at 11:41 AM
Steven N. Karels:
a. we are working to make it very short. I am not yet able to give a number, because we have room to improve
b. same as in a
c. idem
d. yes
e. yes
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,