First quote for LENR-ists, second quote for LENR itself!
Alain Coetmeur has written the report about the first day of The First French LENR symposium and I have fast translated it. Really interesting.
I chose Mottoes by my favorite French author.
My friend Alain Coetmeur has helped Ego Out to inform
all our readers about this, great thank you to Alain,
The program details regarding the sessions
Saturday, March 19
Session 2 : Fundamental interpretations
Session 4 : Present experimental research
Session 6 : The experimental future of cold fusion in France.
Experiments in course (Jean-Paul Biberian and Mathieu Valat)
First quote for LENR-ists, second quote for LENR itself!
Alain Coetmeur has written the report about the first day of The First French LENR symposium and I have fast translated it. Really interesting.
I chose Mottoes by my favorite French author.
E-Cat 1MW Plant Test Results Watch Thread(Update #2 Mats Lewan ExpectsReport by Mid-April the Latest:
A paper in the frame of Vladimir Vysotskii's wise action to inform the decision takers of his country about LENR.
Nuclear breakthrough; run after the leader. LENR calls more and more the attention of the energeticians
Низкоэнергетический ядерный синтез привлекает к себе все большее внимание энергетиков.
Tomorrow I will come back to this!
E-Cat 1MW Plant Test Results Watch Thread(Update #2 Mats Lewan ExpectsReport by Mid-April the Latest:
A paper in the frame of Vladimir Vysotskii's wise action to inform the decision takers of his country about LENR.
Nuclear breakthrough; run after the leader. LENR calls more and more the attention of the energeticians
Низкоэнергетический ядерный синтез привлекает к себе все большее внимание энергетиков.
Tomorrow I will come back to this!
My friend Alain Coetmeur has helped Ego Out to inform
all our readers about this, great thank you to Alain,
The program details regarding the sessions
Saturday, March 19
Sesiion 1: Opening
Hommage to Georges Longchampt (Jean Paul Biberian)
Hommage à Georges Longchampt (Jean-Paul Biberian)
Hommage à Georges Longchampt (Jean-Paul Biberian)
Previous researches, experimental results not published till now. (Michel Buxerolles and Jacques Kurkdjian)
Session 2 : Fundamental interpretations
Accounting the Energetic Fluxes of the LENR Reactors (Jacques Ruer)
The system palladium-hydrogen (Nicolas Armanet)
The protonic conductors (François de Guerville)
Session 3 : Theories
Relativity and the deep orbits of the hydrogen atom. (Jean-Luc Paillet)
Is the energy indeed conserved? (Jean-François Geneste)
The Dark Side of Gravity. (Frédéric Henry-Couannier)
Round table 1: How the theory could help experimentation and the reverse. Searching for affinities between the theoreticians and the experimenter in order to create national collaborations.
Sunday, March 20
Session 4 : Present experimental research
History of Cold Fusion (Jean-Paul Biberian)
Most recent results of MFMP (Mathieu Valat)
Nickel thin layer made by cathodic pulverization. (Didier Grass)
Session 5 : Theories
Concise and non-conventional model of the particles from the nucleus. (Bill Collis)
The LENRs (Frédéric Henry-Couannier)
Session 6 : The experimental future of cold fusion in France.
Remark regarding Experiments with Plasma Electrolysis (Pierre Clauzon)
Synthesis of a pico-hydride of iron (Fe-ph) (Jacques Dufour)
Experiments in course (Jean-Paul Biberian and Mathieu Valat)
Round table 2: Mobilization of Cold Fusion research in FranceALAIN COETMEUR
A fast review of the first day
The first presentation by JP Biberian was about the life and the LENR researches of
Georges Lom=ngchampt who was more a methodical engineer than a researcher (scientist). He has worked mainly re the separation of isotopes of LI- then of uranium by an electrolytic method. Together with Melvin Miles -he(they) are the only ones who have reproduced exactly the Fleischmann Pons experiments. He has also worked more or less successfully with diverse LENR experiments with protonic conductors, Patterson cells, This is an opportunity to show the oppostion of CEA (Commisariat a 'l'energie atomique) to LENR research, even outside working hours as allowed by CNRS etc.
The second presentation by Buxerolles et Kurrokjian about their experiments prformed in 1989 for detection of neutrons from an electrolysis PdD and NaF cell.
This team well skilled in the detection of neutrons.using a He3 based detector optimized for neutrons of 2.5 MeV (sphere of 8 inches with charge for slowing down the neutrons)has observed a clear emission of neutrons evaluated to be 3.8e4 n/s around the reactor comparable with that of F&P. The detector was calibrated before, during and after the experiment which lasted a few hours. However a tempest with electric discharges made an interruption of 30 minutes and at restart the number of neutrons started to decrease and attained the level of background in some hours time.
This experiment could not be repeated because the CEA has forbidden it. The used detectors are very credible and currently used in warm environments for calibrating the radio-protection apparatuses, routinely
The presentation of Jacques Ruer (enginer, reyied from the SAIPEM) was about the accounting (management) of the fluxes of energy in the experiments and reactors of LENR. He has described the modes of work of a LENR reactor and the associated factors of performance.
- heated reactor- the reactor must be heated but an additional heat is added. The C OP is the ratio between the ratio of the electricity injected per the total heast produced, while the amplification factor A is the ratio of the energy of excitation (without the heating that could come from the reaction in a non-heated mode) to the heat produced. It can be created a confusion between COP and the factor A as it does for example Brillouin that makes the calculus of its COP not considering heating.
- cooled reactor- here the reactor heats itself and therefore must be cooled. The COP and the amplification factor are the same.
- cooled reactor with feedback- a reactor drives a thermal motor that feeds with electricity the reractor for its excitation.
- autonomous cooled reactor with production of electricity, here the reactor feeds an electric generator, uses a part of the electricity and exports the rest. It can be defined a factor of gain of electricity Z that is the ratio between the exported electricity and the electricity used for excitation. Actually this factor can be negative if the reactor does not self-sustain. null if does not export anything and positive if not.
Following this Jacques Ruer spoke about different types of thermal motors. At small powers the Stirling motor is well appreciated, but it has limits at higher powers
The Ericsson motor, a variant with valves is effective but not at higher temperatures (500C)
The steam turbines are quite complex at high powers with many stages of recovery and pre-heating.
At low powers the ORC (0rganic Rankine cycle) using organic fluids instead of water are very simple.
the thermoelectric generators are simple in use but have a low yield.
In the final part it was about the yield curves of the motors as a function of temperature in order to find the values of minimum COP depending on the temperature and the quality of the motors.
Nicolas Armanet has spoken about the hydrides of palladium, the alpha and beta phases. how these a re evolving as function of temperature in the cycles of charging de-charging.
This presentation was well appreciated because it could give indications (ways) of the mood of charge discharge of hydrogen in palladium, however in nickel too. also about the alloys to be used and about the temperatures of charging-discharging.
The hydrogen enters in palladium first in an alpha form. however below a critical temperature it si a mixture of phase beta and alpha with a different behavior. Over the critical temperature there is no more mixture.
The alpha phase solves completely in the metal and does not induce any swelling. The beta seems to not solve only at the surface leading to notable swellings, 10% for Pd, 20% for nickel. This leads to a strange effect of deformation in the materials, anisotropicity and an elongated form.
The effect of anisotropy and the deformation do not appear if we charge/discharge below the critical temperature.
For LENR this could be a key point. if we charge-discharge under the critical temperature the material would undergo a great deformation and this could create or destroy the NAE.
At higher temperatures above the critical temperature the deformation could be more homogeneous.
To note that the alloy PdAg lowers the critical temperature down to the ambient at 17% Ag. This explains perhaps why Ed Storms shows PdAg works better,
For nickel the situation is worse despite the 20% deformation- the beta phase cannot penetrate the material deeper than 60µm.
An equivalent of PdAg could be NiMn.
There were questions put regarding the NiCu of Celani or the NiTi (nitinol) but no answer.
The presentation of Francois de Guerville was about the cavities in the protonic conductors (the perovskites as SrCeO3 with Y) which contain hydrogen at high pressures (>1GPa)
It could be possible to increase the pressure by a flux of hydrogen and a form of creation of metallic hydrogen- see Rydberg material. Really grenormous pressures could be created but there are problems to solve.
The presentation of Jean-Luc Paillet was about the deep electronic levels of the atoms, the DDL
He spoke about this solution, integrating the relativistic corrections which are usually ignored due to the assumption that the nucleus has a null radius. It also takes in consideration the spin-orbit and spin-spin couplings.
Jean Francois Geneste has presented "is the energy really conserved?" He is questioning the present physics, the concept of fields in vacuum. about the fact thatin the context of local realism, energy can appear between an interaction between a charge and a screen. He proposes that an electronic transition in an atom (model of Bohm) can lead to strong magnetic fields locally and this could have an useful effect, for example for LENR.
Frederic HenryCouannier has presented the dark side of gravity. The task is to reconcile general relativity and quantum physics.
Quantumphysics uses a reference with fixed spaces and times where physique is aaplied.
General relativity considers the space itself is deformed and interacts with matter
and so it cannot be quantified in this state. The author proposes a fixed space-time in which the relativistic gravity causes observable deformations. However for this it has to be added a second play of functions "gravitation" which corresponds to a kind of invisible world having the same gravity as this world and which interacts in a repulsive mode with it.
This seems coherent and it is not necessary of dark matter or dark energy for explaining the phases of cosmology.
The Physics of Disruption
A fast review of the first day
The first presentation by JP Biberian was about the life and the LENR researches of
Georges Lom=ngchampt who was more a methodical engineer than a researcher (scientist). He has worked mainly re the separation of isotopes of LI- then of uranium by an electrolytic method. Together with Melvin Miles -he(they) are the only ones who have reproduced exactly the Fleischmann Pons experiments. He has also worked more or less successfully with diverse LENR experiments with protonic conductors, Patterson cells, This is an opportunity to show the oppostion of CEA (Commisariat a 'l'energie atomique) to LENR research, even outside working hours as allowed by CNRS etc.
The second presentation by Buxerolles et Kurrokjian about their experiments prformed in 1989 for detection of neutrons from an electrolysis PdD and NaF cell.
This team well skilled in the detection of neutrons.using a He3 based detector optimized for neutrons of 2.5 MeV (sphere of 8 inches with charge for slowing down the neutrons)has observed a clear emission of neutrons evaluated to be 3.8e4 n/s around the reactor comparable with that of F&P. The detector was calibrated before, during and after the experiment which lasted a few hours. However a tempest with electric discharges made an interruption of 30 minutes and at restart the number of neutrons started to decrease and attained the level of background in some hours time.
This experiment could not be repeated because the CEA has forbidden it. The used detectors are very credible and currently used in warm environments for calibrating the radio-protection apparatuses, routinely
The presentation of Jacques Ruer (enginer, reyied from the SAIPEM) was about the accounting (management) of the fluxes of energy in the experiments and reactors of LENR. He has described the modes of work of a LENR reactor and the associated factors of performance.
- heated reactor- the reactor must be heated but an additional heat is added. The C OP is the ratio between the ratio of the electricity injected per the total heast produced, while the amplification factor A is the ratio of the energy of excitation (without the heating that could come from the reaction in a non-heated mode) to the heat produced. It can be created a confusion between COP and the factor A as it does for example Brillouin that makes the calculus of its COP not considering heating.
- cooled reactor- here the reactor heats itself and therefore must be cooled. The COP and the amplification factor are the same.
- cooled reactor with feedback- a reactor drives a thermal motor that feeds with electricity the reractor for its excitation.
- autonomous cooled reactor with production of electricity, here the reactor feeds an electric generator, uses a part of the electricity and exports the rest. It can be defined a factor of gain of electricity Z that is the ratio between the exported electricity and the electricity used for excitation. Actually this factor can be negative if the reactor does not self-sustain. null if does not export anything and positive if not.
Following this Jacques Ruer spoke about different types of thermal motors. At small powers the Stirling motor is well appreciated, but it has limits at higher powers
The Ericsson motor, a variant with valves is effective but not at higher temperatures (500C)
The steam turbines are quite complex at high powers with many stages of recovery and pre-heating.
At low powers the ORC (0rganic Rankine cycle) using organic fluids instead of water are very simple.
the thermoelectric generators are simple in use but have a low yield.
In the final part it was about the yield curves of the motors as a function of temperature in order to find the values of minimum COP depending on the temperature and the quality of the motors.
Nicolas Armanet has spoken about the hydrides of palladium, the alpha and beta phases. how these a re evolving as function of temperature in the cycles of charging de-charging.
This presentation was well appreciated because it could give indications (ways) of the mood of charge discharge of hydrogen in palladium, however in nickel too. also about the alloys to be used and about the temperatures of charging-discharging.
The hydrogen enters in palladium first in an alpha form. however below a critical temperature it si a mixture of phase beta and alpha with a different behavior. Over the critical temperature there is no more mixture.
The alpha phase solves completely in the metal and does not induce any swelling. The beta seems to not solve only at the surface leading to notable swellings, 10% for Pd, 20% for nickel. This leads to a strange effect of deformation in the materials, anisotropicity and an elongated form.
The effect of anisotropy and the deformation do not appear if we charge/discharge below the critical temperature.
For LENR this could be a key point. if we charge-discharge under the critical temperature the material would undergo a great deformation and this could create or destroy the NAE.
At higher temperatures above the critical temperature the deformation could be more homogeneous.
To note that the alloy PdAg lowers the critical temperature down to the ambient at 17% Ag. This explains perhaps why Ed Storms shows PdAg works better,
For nickel the situation is worse despite the 20% deformation- the beta phase cannot penetrate the material deeper than 60µm.
An equivalent of PdAg could be NiMn.
There were questions put regarding the NiCu of Celani or the NiTi (nitinol) but no answer.
The presentation of Francois de Guerville was about the cavities in the protonic conductors (the perovskites as SrCeO3 with Y) which contain hydrogen at high pressures (>1GPa)
It could be possible to increase the pressure by a flux of hydrogen and a form of creation of metallic hydrogen- see Rydberg material. Really grenormous pressures could be created but there are problems to solve.
The presentation of Jean-Luc Paillet was about the deep electronic levels of the atoms, the DDL
He spoke about this solution, integrating the relativistic corrections which are usually ignored due to the assumption that the nucleus has a null radius. It also takes in consideration the spin-orbit and spin-spin couplings.
Jean Francois Geneste has presented "is the energy really conserved?" He is questioning the present physics, the concept of fields in vacuum. about the fact thatin the context of local realism, energy can appear between an interaction between a charge and a screen. He proposes that an electronic transition in an atom (model of Bohm) can lead to strong magnetic fields locally and this could have an useful effect, for example for LENR.
Frederic HenryCouannier has presented the dark side of gravity. The task is to reconcile general relativity and quantum physics.
Quantumphysics uses a reference with fixed spaces and times where physique is aaplied.
General relativity considers the space itself is deformed and interacts with matter
and so it cannot be quantified in this state. The author proposes a fixed space-time in which the relativistic gravity causes observable deformations. However for this it has to be added a second play of functions "gravitation" which corresponds to a kind of invisible world having the same gravity as this world and which interacts in a repulsive mode with it.
This seems coherent and it is not necessary of dark matter or dark energy for explaining the phases of cosmology.
The Physics of Disruption
More interesting than its title shows
Thermodynamic of evolution written by Francois Roddier is a fantastic book about physics and organization... or how organization unleashes energy...we do not know what we know. .
ReplyDeleteThank you for calling attention to an important thinker.
DeleteI will start o study his main ideas.
Of course we don't know what we know, if we don't understand it.
DeleteUnfortunately, mother nature does not allow freeloaders.
But mother nature is patient
ReplyDeletedear Michel, I hope you will like the MOTTO of today
Merci Peter.
ReplyDeleteIt was passionating.
Things are moving, and I expect things to advance, even if there is huge challenge, on the human and organisational side.
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