Somewhere on the WEB it is discussed again (and again) how could we find the best LENR theory. Ed Storms who generously gave me the permission to cite his opinions on EGO OUT and who has well crystallized ideas about the field, wrote:
"We need a way to demonstrate the effect to the most stubborn idiot. This requires a method that can be duplicated starting with a material to which a known and reproducible treatment produces easy detected energy, helium, and other nuclear products every time. The Rossi nickel might be such a material, but he will not reveal how it is made.
my opinion
My thanks to Ed and I agree with his answer. Where I have a different opinion as the entire thread is the question per se.
Short: because LENR is a multi-phase, multi-stage, multi-step process with multiple loci that in its original form is barely measurable and needs smart high level enhancement, actually it does not need a theory but a Theoryplex (or Theory-multiplex)
(for the suffix plex:
a combining form meaning “having parts or units” of the number specified by the initial element, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin ( duplex; quadruplex); recent English coinages ending in -plex, especially denoting structures with a given number of dwelling units, are probably in part new formations with ...
The LENR theoryplex has both active techno-parts- how to make the system functional and dynamic, and passive scientific parts, it must comprise engineering in order to become productive. The replicators in spe of Rossi are still trying to workout a good system but one or more steps are still missing or not on the proper place. I think it is something rather simple but very original and unexpected that has to be (re)discovered.
No single theory can really help, I fear.
b) Again about the professionalism- new pillars found.
Today I realized that Professionalism has more I-Pillars than 6- you have to add: Intelligence, Initiative, Intensity, Immediacy (this last as trend, as an invincible enses
of urgency)
About Intensity- is intensity of interest, of effort but also the intensity- size difficulty of the problem per se - The mottoes try to tell that a real professional likes great and important problems. Do you remember, just for Cold Fusion, LENR what I wrote years ago?:
A special case: the supporters of the IH story and mentality must kill thr ERV core document otherwise...(they start to understand it, slowly) This time they must go big, minute details do not help. They must offer alterantive scenarios for how those measurements were made and how those results were obtained.
Till now I know only one, weak construct: flowmeter magnifies results 4 times,
fluid at 103 C is just water, COP = 1.
Waiting for more intelligent ones. But only complete alternative scenarios.
c) Gradation of the adjective "absurd": absurd, more absurd, most absurd, abdsurd.
Success has different forms- I had a special one yesterday. The psychopath next blog has wished me, with obvious sincerity and his peculiar charm:
"Peter Gluck, Burn in Hell!
(can a sane human being wish something like this to somebody because it has a different opinion in a technical issue?)
And I dislike this despite the aphorism "I prefer the Hell if it is connected to the Internet." (Valeriu Butulescu)
An aggravating factor is that is not a wish for a far future. The blogger, one of the pillars of the IH's propaganda is unimportant and I am not sure he will not arrive in the Jahannam even faster than myself. Vederemo, as the Italians say.
The tragedy is that his blog is called Cold Fusion Community and so many newcomers on the Web will come here, read his meowing about forums that banned the guy who is a genius, and , will abandon Cold Fusion before start, for ever. First impression counts and is fatal..
Unfortunately the community is in a state of advanced lethargy so nobody cares.The superlative of absurd is abdsurd.
1) From Andrea Rossi's JONP
Frank Acland
February 19, 2017 at 7:59 PM
Dear Andrea,
Reading the interview in the link below with Dr. Focardi very is interesting. From what he recounts it sounds like you and he worked very closely for some years. Where do you think your progress with the E-Cat and QuarkX would be at the moment without his contributions?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Andrea Rossi
February 20, 2017 at 8:19 AM
Frank Acland:
I learnt very much from the 4 years I worked with Prof Sergio Focardi, especially in terms of nuclear physics. He also has given to me confiance in myself: before our collaboration I was simply convinced that I had necessarily to be wrong, since nobody agreed with me. The matter of the fact is that initially I simply asked him to explain to me why I was wrong, thinking I did not know that why, but surely there was one.
Probably without his collaboration I would have not abandoned my traditional work in that period ( make oil and electricity with vegetables ), starting to dedicate 100% of my time to the LENR R&D.
Then thanks to him we had the possibility to make experiments with ENEL, the main electric power provider of Italy: from ENEL I learnt how to measure the energy produced by a water heating system ( see the first paper Focardi-Rossi ).
Prof Focardi was a giant: Professor of mathematics at the Normale of Pisa, Prof of nuclear physics at the University of Bologna, Dean of Scientific Matters at the University of Bologna, where he founded the Department of the Unibo of Cesena, director of a group at the CERN of Geneva, where he also worked with the Nobel laureate Prof Carlo Rubbia, etc, etc.
Warm Regards,
2) Brilliant Light Power Going To Market - Free Energy Generator
3) Read (on your risk- I fear free downloads) a classicl Cold Fusion book:
Excess Heat Why Cold Fusion Prevailed
Alan Smith has said
Thanks, dear Alan and increasing successes to "Looking for Heat!"
Using statistics ethically to combat 'a scientific credibility crisis
Somewhere on the WEB it is discussed again (and again) how could we find the best LENR theory. Ed Storms who generously gave me the permission to cite his opinions on EGO OUT and who has well crystallized ideas about the field, wrote:
"We need a way to demonstrate the effect to the most stubborn idiot. This requires a method that can be duplicated starting with a material to which a known and reproducible treatment produces easy detected energy, helium, and other nuclear products every time. The Rossi nickel might be such a material, but he will not reveal how it is made.
Other people are searching and occasionally finding ways to make the effect work, but will not reveal critical details about their method for economic reasons. We not only have nature making the problem difficult, we must also deal with people who want to make money by keeping their method secret. To get money to study the effect, many people who have knowledge must sign a NDA, thereby denying to science the evidence gained from their efforts.
Nevertheless, a great deal of information has been made public, but on too many occasions these observations are even ignored by people in the field. Personally, I find this subject to be one of the most disfunction and self defeating of any I have studied. We have personal attack, lack of effective communication, a focus on incomprehensible explanations, all combined with many poorly written papers. Personally, if I had not seem the effect myself, I would not believe the claims either.
I suggest we just need to put our best and most rational foot forward and gradually wear down the skeptics. Eventually, the facts and desperation for clean energy will get people's attention."
my opinion
My thanks to Ed and I agree with his answer. Where I have a different opinion as the entire thread is the question per se.
Short: because LENR is a multi-phase, multi-stage, multi-step process with multiple loci that in its original form is barely measurable and needs smart high level enhancement, actually it does not need a theory but a Theoryplex (or Theory-multiplex)
(for the suffix plex:
a combining form meaning “having parts or units” of the number specified by the initial element, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin ( duplex; quadruplex); recent English coinages ending in -plex, especially denoting structures with a given number of dwelling units, are probably in part new formations with ...
The LENR theoryplex has both active techno-parts- how to make the system functional and dynamic, and passive scientific parts, it must comprise engineering in order to become productive. The replicators in spe of Rossi are still trying to workout a good system but one or more steps are still missing or not on the proper place. I think it is something rather simple but very original and unexpected that has to be (re)discovered.
No single theory can really help, I fear.
b) Again about the professionalism- new pillars found.
Today I realized that Professionalism has more I-Pillars than 6- you have to add: Intelligence, Initiative, Intensity, Immediacy (this last as trend, as an invincible enses
of urgency)
About Intensity- is intensity of interest, of effort but also the intensity- size difficulty of the problem per se - The mottoes try to tell that a real professional likes great and important problems. Do you remember, just for Cold Fusion, LENR what I wrote years ago?:
A special case: the supporters of the IH story and mentality must kill thr ERV core document otherwise...(they start to understand it, slowly) This time they must go big, minute details do not help. They must offer alterantive scenarios for how those measurements were made and how those results were obtained.
Till now I know only one, weak construct: flowmeter magnifies results 4 times,
fluid at 103 C is just water, COP = 1.
Waiting for more intelligent ones. But only complete alternative scenarios.
c) Gradation of the adjective "absurd": absurd, more absurd, most absurd, abdsurd.
Success has different forms- I had a special one yesterday. The psychopath next blog has wished me, with obvious sincerity and his peculiar charm:
"Peter Gluck, Burn in Hell!
(can a sane human being wish something like this to somebody because it has a different opinion in a technical issue?)
And I dislike this despite the aphorism "I prefer the Hell if it is connected to the Internet." (Valeriu Butulescu)
An aggravating factor is that is not a wish for a far future. The blogger, one of the pillars of the IH's propaganda is unimportant and I am not sure he will not arrive in the Jahannam even faster than myself. Vederemo, as the Italians say.
The tragedy is that his blog is called Cold Fusion Community and so many newcomers on the Web will come here, read his meowing about forums that banned the guy who is a genius, and , will abandon Cold Fusion before start, for ever. First impression counts and is fatal..
Unfortunately the community is in a state of advanced lethargy so nobody cares.The superlative of absurd is abdsurd.
I hate any form of censorship but from ethical and sanity reasons, from now on and till I am converted in fuel, the CFC blog is 'blogus non-gratus'. Non vu, non connu, as the French say.
1) From Andrea Rossi's JONP
Frank Acland
February 19, 2017 at 7:59 PM
Dear Andrea,
Reading the interview in the link below with Dr. Focardi very is interesting. From what he recounts it sounds like you and he worked very closely for some years. Where do you think your progress with the E-Cat and QuarkX would be at the moment without his contributions?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Andrea Rossi
February 20, 2017 at 8:19 AM
Frank Acland:
I learnt very much from the 4 years I worked with Prof Sergio Focardi, especially in terms of nuclear physics. He also has given to me confiance in myself: before our collaboration I was simply convinced that I had necessarily to be wrong, since nobody agreed with me. The matter of the fact is that initially I simply asked him to explain to me why I was wrong, thinking I did not know that why, but surely there was one.
Probably without his collaboration I would have not abandoned my traditional work in that period ( make oil and electricity with vegetables ), starting to dedicate 100% of my time to the LENR R&D.
Then thanks to him we had the possibility to make experiments with ENEL, the main electric power provider of Italy: from ENEL I learnt how to measure the energy produced by a water heating system ( see the first paper Focardi-Rossi ).
Prof Focardi was a giant: Professor of mathematics at the Normale of Pisa, Prof of nuclear physics at the University of Bologna, Dean of Scientific Matters at the University of Bologna, where he founded the Department of the Unibo of Cesena, director of a group at the CERN of Geneva, where he also worked with the Nobel laureate Prof Carlo Rubbia, etc, etc.
Warm Regards,
2) Brilliant Light Power Going To Market - Free Energy Generator
3) Read (on your risk- I fear free downloads) a classicl Cold Fusion book:
Excess Heat Why Cold Fusion Prevailed
Alan Smith has said
The reactor system I developed for '' is my attempt at a lab-rat system -something that was both affordable and simple to use. As such it is meant to be the equivalent of a pick and shovel for a gold miner. It is a 'hot and dry' system , thus mostly geared -in my lab at least - toward Ni/H work, although there are other promising materials which might be good candidates. Pb/H/C for example, Pb being kissing cousin to palladium, has given me a few moments of puzzlement. We have sold or donated around 15 'Model T' reactors, of which I know at least 7 are in regular use - not quite a majority. 2 have gone to universities, and 2 to far-east car company research departments. But will the recipients discuss their work with us? They will send me photos of reactors in use, order more materials, ask for help and so on- but when I ask if they are willing to share their results - nada, zip, diddly squat. Very frustrating, as I hoped to build and support a real group of independent open researchers as the Farnsworth Fusor guys have.
It is obvious that there are those in the garage acience world who think this is their ticket to riches, so we have a heady mix, greed, fear, reputational damage, which all play a part in creating a climate of secrecy this most troubling field could do without.
A little video (7 minutes) showing how the reactor is assembled calibrated and used. This machine (which has been upgraded a little since the video was made sells for $300 plus post.
LENR Test Kit Mk1 - Reactor Assembly - Tips & Tricks ., dear Alan and increasing successes to "Looking for Heat!"
Using statistics ethically to combat 'a scientific credibility crisis
'Date:February 19, 2017
Source:Georgetown University Medical Center
Can statistics increase the value of science to society?
Gerry McGovern says it:
Trust is shifting to the network
Peter Senge: How to Overcome Learning Disabilities in Organizations
Gerry McGovern says it:
Trust is shifting to the network
Peter Senge: How to Overcome Learning Disabilities in Organizations
Comments from Ecat world
ReplyDeleteDr Mike
My recommendation for preparing the fuel for “replications” is to follow the procedure described in Rossi’s patent (#9,115,913 B1). For the patent to be enforceable, Rossi must have disclosed sufficient knowledge that his patent can be duplicated. What
he disclosed in this patent for preparation of the nickel is: “Preferably, the nickel has been treated to increase the porosity, for example, by heating the nickel powder for times and temperatures selected to superheat any water present in micro-cavities that are inherently present in each particle of nickel powder. The resulting steam pressure causes explosions that create larger cavities as well as smaller nickel particles.” In my opinion both creating larger cavities in the nickel and creating smaller nickel particles are key components of the nickel preparation or they would not have been specified in the patent.
It should be noted that this patent covers the lower temperature e-cat, but it seems that
the optimum Ni preparation for a hot-cat replication would be similar. One final point that I have made in several of my previous comments is that replicators might be much better off trying to duplicate this patented device which preferably uses a fuel mixture of 50% Ni, 20% Li, and 30% LiAlH4 than try to replicate the hot-cat. It appears that the 1MW reactor may have had some improvements to the device described in this patent which only claims to have a COP of 6, but a replication of this patent would seem to be the most logical first step for someone beginning LENR research. I have to wonder that if IH had difficulty in reproducing Rossi’s reactor, were they following his recipe for the Ni preparation?
doug marker
a day ago
My understanding of the issue was that the original eCat had a piped in supply from a gas cylinder, of atomic hydrogen. In the early days of NiH Piantell and also Defkallion used this approach.
It was a complication Andrea Rossi found a way around. He used a 'secret' chemical compound he called a 'catalyst' that did away with the need for the piped in gas. His innovation allowed production of atomic hydrogen in the reaction chamber without the complication of piped in plumbing. A very good innovation.
The problem Andrea had was that it was not acceptable to patent a known catalytic process (in this case one that converts hydrogen to atomic hydrogen) so Andrea had no alternative but to keep calling it 'secret'. In the end he had to remove the reference from his patent application. Patents don't allow 'secret' ingredients.
Andrea was in a bind. He didn't want to disclose his formula even though much of it has leaked out over time. But the only role of the original 'secret sauce' was just as Focardi says.
Doug Marker
DeleteDoug Marker
1 Reply
Alan DeAngelis
a day ago
Wouldn’t hydride, H-, with its negative charge have an even easier time entering a positively charged nucleus?
Andreas Moraitis Alan DeAngelis
a day ago
That’s Piantelli’s approach. A clever idea, since the two electrons would allow not only Coulomb shielding (as a single electron might do), but also (as you indicate) an attractive force between the ion and the target nucleus. To me, the most critical issue seems to be the stability of the ion. Also, this theory would be difficult to prove experimentally, especially if one wants to rule out alternative explanations.
1 Reply
Alan DeAngelis Andreas Moraitis
a day ago
I was thinking about tetrahedral and octahedral nickel hydride complexes a few years ago on E-cat site.
“ Ni(0) (metal) + 6 H2 (gas) > [NiH6]6- + 6 H+ (protons)
If I have this right, a set of six empty sp3d2 hybrid orbitals can be formed
on the nickel by mixing 4s, 4p and 4d orbitals and then the lone pairs of
electrons of the hydrides could fill them to form the octahedral complex
“Ni(0) (metal) + 4 H2 (gas) > [NiH4]4- + 4 H+ (protons)
Could also have a set of four empty sp3 hybrid orbitals form on the nickel and then the lone pairs of electrons of the hydrides could fill them to form the tetrahedral complex [NiH4]4-.”
a day ago
Having a flow of hydrogen over the H2 splitting catalyst should help obtaining more atomic hydrogen per unit of time. In a static environment hydrogen atoms will for the most part just occupy its adsorption sites.
Alan DeAngelis
a day ago
Potassium or potassium hydride? Natural potassium has a trace of potassium-40 that would give off a 1.460 MeV gamma ray that could have been easily detected during Rossi's 2011 demo.
1 Reply
Alan DeAngelis Alan DeAngelis
a day ago
2 K + H2 → 2 KH
artefact Alan DeAngelis
a day ago
"sold commercially as a slurry in mineral oil or sometimes paraffin wax to facilitate dispensing"
2 days ago
Experimenter Alert: Rossi's secret fuel additive?
In Max Temple's blog, Max suggested that nano nickel could act as hydrogen spillover substance, a Hydrogenating Hammer
Why could nano nickel be this secret additive?
The line of argument is that IH is behaving as though they know Rossi's reactors work but they cannot get the reactors working when everything is identical in the setup that IH built from scratch, including the reactor according to Rossi's spec. However Rossi's reactors work in their setup but theirs don't and all their analysis shows everything is the same. They can't figure out what the difference is. (see my comments on ecatworld ). IH has plenty of cash to spend on analysis, but, no matter how they analyze the reactors or fuel, they can't see any difference
With this line of thinking, the mystery difference in the fuel has to be pretty invisible, if you don't know what to look for.
Nano nickle, fits the bill, if one didn't know to look for it, you could analyze all day long and miss it. Some tricks might be needed to get as much of the nano nickle into crevices of the larger nickle, perhaps ultra sound or something. How nano should the nickle be, probably as small as you could get it.
1 Reply
Pekka Janhunen builditnow
a day ago
Good reasoning, but I'm worried that nano nickel would have been rather short-lived in Lugano temperature. Sintering and other surface modifications were visible already in micro-scale SEM images. Or maybe nanoscale nickel behaves differently. Or maybe short lifetime doesn't matter if the LENR reaction itself, once it starts, somehow keeps itself on without the initial catalyst, perhaps by UV/X-ray produced ionisation and H2 splitting.
1 Reply