Monday, December 26, 2016



I am deeply saddened by the crash of the Russian military airplane near to Sochi- so many victims including 64 members of the Alexandrov Chorus of the Red Army. A huge loss for the Great Art please listen these:

It was also an earthquake in Chile. a typhoon in Philippine and a very undisciplined but loved pop-star died at the age of 53 years.

Then I remembered how many people have died exactly 12 years ago in the second day of Christmas.

In all churches these days a leit-motif is Divinity's love for us, humans. I was not able to choose a perfect quotation from here:

I have the deepest respect and feel a lot of envy toward deeply religious people as were my unforgettable friends from the Cincinnati Group, however my own RQ is rather low due to the loss of my son- how we lost him-  - and because i see how much evil, natural and human, is dominating our tragic world. Good and Evil are Siamese brothers...
(Do not answer or comment to this, I am too sad now)



It is about the root cause of the problems of the PdD electrolytic LENR system. A. recommends "high pressure electrolysis" I am negatively enthusiast toward the idea.
However actually it is more about "high temperature water electrolysis" pressure is an effect not directly the aim, except it could be.

See please my statements and his answers

It works only in specialized labs or plants and because gases are formed the control will be not easy at all -"

Sure, it requires specialized equipment. So what?? Such equipment is developed and used daily in industrial research labs around the world. And even in some university labs, although usually in chemical engineering departments rather than chemistry.
Difficult and expensive, not impossible.

"For LENR it is much too risky, and what will the researcher gain?"
Too risky?? Why?? No. Again, difficult and expensive, not impossible.
"....but please tell you do not speak about plasma electrolysis."
No, I don't. (you do not tell him, or you do not speak about plasma electrolysis-
anyway see please Bazhutov's experiments really interesting- but no Pd)

And remember about the critical temperature of water and its effect on the process. (375 C, not more!)"

And why would you think a higher temperature necessary?? Remember, we are talking Pd/D2, not Ni/H2. All indications are that Pd/D2 "does its thing" at temperatures lower than Ni/H2. We have no idea what the temperature response curve of EITHER system is. 

I have explained many times why a higher temperature is necessary, see my 1992 paper about the surface dynamics effect it is in my blog but in LENR-CANR too. This "all indications" sounds as artificial - there are no facts to document it. You, brother A. ignore completely that a PdD dry system was tested up to 600 C, it even exists an EU Patent for it - just please make a search for Vitalii KIRKINSKI in my blog or at SEPLM.LENR.RU- the results are not surprisingly good.  Have much "space" untested till Pd's melting temperature. And not to be tested in combination with electrolysis from pragmatical reasons. 


"any impurity can be removed This is worse and I must make efforts to respond perfectly politely-the most disturbing impurities are trivial gases of air and how can you perform deep degassing (a must for working LENR)" in such a cell- both the electrodes and the water phase must be completely anaerobic" 

Yes, any impurity CAN be removed. The semiconductor industry operates exactly such processes on a grand scale worldwide on a daily basis.
Many other industries do the same. Again, difficult and expensive, not imposslble.

A. you are speaking from your general culture, I have worked years with the Romanian semiconductor industry, have seen zonal melting etc. But I told here is about gaseous impurities and you can learn about them better from deep vacuum systems then you learn how strongly gases adhere to metallic surfaces. Degassing the cathode at high temperature is usual but when you put in the cell the gases from the liquid phase ruin the operation. (co-precipitation does not help much-in situ cathodes are also dirty) Have you read Piantelli's patents about degassing?

"Deep removal of impurities this time from the cathode is impossible and in the same time counterproductive- hyper pure PdD is not working. See please what says ENEA and SKINR about micro-impurities of palladium. And what they do not say because analytical chemistry still have limits"

And yet the semiconductor industry does exactly this, controlling purity and "impurity" levels with exquisite control. I'm sure science can produce palladium of any degree of required purity or doping level needed. Any laboratory that does ultra-trace analysis does impurity control on similar levels.

I fear you have not looked at ENEA's papers- by Violante et al- to see what kind of impurities is the story about! It is about micro- and nano-alloys of palladium= how would you remove for example Ti 4.5 ppb from Pd? Please read and speak in a documented way. And in Cold fusion impurities can be either poisons or vitamins and both in the same time.

One of the biggest flaws that I have seen pretty much universally in LENR research (and that includes Pons and Fleischmann), is an inadequate appreciation for impurity control.

As long as this is about the impurities  from Pd this is very unjust and bureaucratic- thinking these impurities can be even necessary- what Ed Storms tells about NAE genesis shows some impurities are needed the trouble is- which ones?

Can this be done cheaply and But there is nothing impossible about any of this.
First, he impossible exists. For alloys in any case.Second- which impurities to remove and why? Third- try to be realist- you can make an analysis only when you know what to analyze and why. Do you know the story of F&P's good palaldium? It was anything but not pure palladium. Fourth- in theory - theory and practice are the same. In practice they could be very different- even contradictory in some points.

What seems to be confusing you is that LENR is working on starvation rations of funding which makes experimentation on the required level of sophistication impossible. But there is nothing "impossible" about the ability to do such experiments. 

I dare to claim that nothing is confusing me. I am a first day's coldfusionist (I am polite and will not tell that lack of realism and relative narrowness of experience is confusing you, I even do not mention this explanation)

Today, asked for examples of high pressure electrolysis as solving some difficult problem, A. wrote:
A simple Google search on the term "high pressure electrolysis" returns 7,795 examples. Pick your own favorite. 

Do you consider this a good answer? Two- three examples and some convincing argument or a funding source- for making us believe that high pressure electrolysis has chances to help LENR.

Before answering please read what has said Kirkinskii about high temp PdD, Piantelli about deep degassing, Violante about Pd micro-impurities, Fleischmann and Pons about good quality Pd> Thank you in advance.


1) Rossi: QuarkX Presentation Not Tied to Achieving Sigma 5

2) From Andrea Rossi's JONP

Jouni Tuomela
December 25, 2016 at 4:51 PM

Dear Andrea,

Here is some news about heat resistant materials:
(they reach over 4000 deg C)

All the best for the coming year,
BR Jouni

Andrea Rossi
December 25, 2016 at 8:07 PM

Jouni Toumela:
Very interesting, thanks for this information. But it’s a future solution, not yet available for industrial use.
Warm Regards,


4) Krivit’s con-fusion

5) Cold Fusion Videos



Thanks to Juoni Tuomela who has sent this to Andrea Rossi's website
Imperial College of London makes world's most heat resistant material at 4232 kelvin


10 Great Ideas That Were Originally Rejected

Design Thinking as Worldview


  1. Your blog needs a larger edit window. The current postage stamp size is severely inconvenient. I tried answering your comments and ran into the "Must be at most 4096 characters". Get back to me when you have fixed it (

    1. BLOGGER has some rules, I will not change them.
      Feel free to write to
      it is also better for me due to vision problems. (small letters here).
      Too long messages are not read anyway, condense you answers or divide them in parts. OK?

