More than ever, the world needs good engineers. However, the pool of talent is shrinking not growing. (Dean Kamen)

In research there are always many ways leading nowhere...and self-made gurus sdending or attracting researchers to try these ways with confidence.
Builders vs destroyers, accelerators vs retardants, catalysts vs poisons, progressists vs regressists, pioneers vs reactionaries, affirmer vs deniers. Very strong contrasts and contradictions, dramatically enhanced by the extraordinary difficulty, newness, exceptionality, richness, diversity of LENR.
Many different LENR teams worldwide belong, in different proportions to those trying to expand understanding and, simultaneously, to those denying/ignoring entire fragments of reality, more or less well defined.I think the most vulnerable to shrinkers is the LENR+ territory of LENR, where new forms of nano-dynamism rule.
1) Hideki Yoshino (CleanPlanet) will talk on LENR at Nikkei BP company event called "Future Creation Square in Marunouchi"
Andrea Rossi
October 31, 2016 at 6:21 AM
Hank Mills:
Thank you for your insight.
Warm Regards,
3) NEW THREAD Trick or Treat, Give The E-Cat Some Intergranular Hydrogen Filled Bubbles To Eat! (Happy Halloween!)
4) Sam North recommends this video
Iraj Parchamazad on LENR with Zeolites
Two papers re Hot Fusion progress
Extinguishing a fusion fire in a flash of light
Fusion reactor designs with 'long legs' show promise
More than ever, the world needs good engineers. However, the pool of talent is shrinking not growing. (Dean Kamen)
In research there are always many ways leading nowhere...and self-made gurus sdending or attracting researchers to try these ways with confidence.
Builders vs destroyers, accelerators vs retardants, catalysts vs poisons, progressists vs regressists, pioneers vs reactionaries, affirmer vs deniers. Very strong contrasts and contradictions, dramatically enhanced by the extraordinary difficulty, newness, exceptionality, richness, diversity of LENR.
Many different LENR teams worldwide belong, in different proportions to those trying to expand understanding and, simultaneously, to those denying/ignoring entire fragments of reality, more or less well defined.I think the most vulnerable to shrinkers is the LENR+ territory of LENR, where new forms of nano-dynamism rule.
1) Hideki Yoshino (CleanPlanet) will talk on LENR at Nikkei BP company event called "Future Creation Square in Marunouchi"
2) From Andrea Rosssi's JONP
Dear Andrea,
I understand now about how you previously mentioned the pressures in micro-cavities could reach those on the surface of White Dwarf stars. There are multiple scientific papers, some decades old, that describe absorbed hydrogen (even in an amorphous, initially defect free nickel structure) reaching high levels and forming “bubbles” that can reach pressures of a thousand atmospheres or more upon the cooling of the lattice (after being absorbed at high pressures and high temperatures). Then, once subjected to rapid heating, these bubbles of very high pressure hydrogen gas can then reach even HIGHER pressures — powerful enough to induce LENR — before they either migrate away or damage the lattice.
Interestingly, these bubbles typically stay close to the surface of the metal (not deeper than 50 microns in the papers I’ve read). This would explain why LENR seems to be a SURFACE phenomenon! As the bubbles penetrate deeper into the lattice, they grow smaller and less numerous.
However, I think it helps if substance already has interior lattice defects or micro-voids, very close to the surface. One way of doing this is probably rapid heating. In another paper I’ve found, ultrasound irradiation of solid metal can produce small defects in the lattice.
Finally, after all these years of following your technology, things are truly coming together in my mind! It’s like a dozen Eureka moments hitting me all at once.
But, as always, there’s no easy shortcut. The reason why nickel is such an optimum metal in some ways is because it’s not the best at absorbing hydrogen. But this is a good thing, because we don’t want hydrogen escaping too quickly and the pressure dropping before LENR can be triggered. Also, the tensile strength of nickel is what allows the Rossi Effect to be triggered repeatedly over and over again. Of course, after many, many cycles of thermal shocking, these micro-voids might be damaged. The solution you came up with is electromagnetic stimulation to keep the hydrogen in these cavities stimulated at a decent pressure, but without damaging the lattice!
October 31, 2016 at 6:21 AM
Hank Mills:
Thank you for your insight.
Warm Regards,
3) NEW THREAD Trick or Treat, Give The E-Cat Some Intergranular Hydrogen Filled Bubbles To Eat! (Happy Halloween!)
4) Sam North recommends this video
Iraj Parchamazad on LENR with Zeolites
Extinguishing a fusion fire in a flash of light
Date:October 28, 2016
Source:American Physical Society
Fusion energy researchers have discovered that they can rapidly extinguish and cool a magnetically confined fusion plasma hotter than the center of the sun by injecting a large quantity of neon gas to prevent damage to fusion-energy devices when there is a loss of plasma equilibrium.
Fusion reactor designs with 'long legs' show promise
Date:October 28, 2016
Source:American Physical Society
A recent assessment of the power handling capabilities of long-leg divertor configurations was performed and compared to conventional configurations using an edge plasma simulation code that could handle magnetic x-points in the leg. The combined effects of long-leg magnetic geometry, enhanced gas-plasma interactions and the presence of a secondary magnetic x-point are found to increase the peak power handling ability by up to a factor of 10 compared to conventional divertors -- an unprecedented result.
4 Visionaries Who Saw Far into the Future and How They Did It
Real World Problem Solving: Why are we scared?
4 Visionaries Who Saw Far into the Future and How They Did It
Real World Problem Solving: Why are we scared?
The comments here are hydrogen bubbles in metals is utterly false and wrong, the bubbles referenced are NOT hydrogen but rather helium. This is made perfectly clear to anyone giving even a casual glance at the papers, that the claims here are that this is a hydrogen phenomenon is not some innocent mistake it is clearly meant to mislead.