'Problems' a poem by Greg Goble
Problems problems problems…
Oy vey!
Go ahead
Dive deep
Beyond the surface
Find yourself
Suspended in a sea
Of solutions
Infinite in their
Variety and form
Problems problems problems…
Oy vey!
Exercise of co-thinking with Greg Goble
To my very pleasant surprise, yesterday I have received the following letter from Gregory Goble, highest class author known and loved in the whole LENR land for his insight and creativity and style.
Dear Peter,
All love surrounds each and every one of us. I have a favor to ask of
you. I am asking it because I see you as a champion for the path of
dry cell LENR and therefore assume you might enjoy the task I propose,
finding some delight in it. I also assume that you know a lot about
the history of dry cell LENR and that you are aware the state of
contemporary dry cell LENR. Therefore the task may not require hours
of research for you and that you could complete the task fairly easily
by addressing it from knowledge that is at the surface of your mind
and heart.
I would like you to answer two questions found in my article, "Belgium
Missing LENR Energy and the Suppression of Cold Fusion 1991"
1) What affect would these cold fusion patents and related scientific
papers have had, on the advancement of the art, if they had reached
the cold fusion scientific community and media in 1989?
2) How do these early Belgian cold fusion patents compare (what do you
see in common) to advanced LENR patents emergent today?
In summary, I feel a shared sadness with Joannes Van Den Boagert about
the sequestering of his works. The unhappiness I feel about
suppressive acts such as this is a part of all love that surrounds
each and everyone of us, as is the delight I feel when I read the list
of terms found and methods found within his patents. I believe that
these concepts are quickening the art of cold fusion/LENR science. Dry
cell LENR arrived late on the stage (I'm not sure when) and I wish
that it had arrived sooner; along with its' promising potential.
Would you like to take on said task so that I could add your thoughts
on this subject to the article, enriching it so, providing it with
greater depth?
With friendship and admiration,
My answer:
Dear Greg,
Thanks for this opportunity- let's try to think in some consonance about your questions.
First, it is my pleasure to prove you that we think similarly about the issue see please what I wrote last year:
Now, to answer directly your two questions despite the fact that predictions for the past are not much easier to do than predictions for thefuture:
1) Joannes Van Der Boagert had a premonition and his instinct of professional chemist has lead him toward the Way of Cold Fusion- dry, hot, catalytic, nano-
We cannot know if he has communicated- with what was then the Community,
he was oppressed in the frame of the general counterattack of the traditional scientists against CF, almost surely dry systems were then not considered of value
by the followers of Fleischmann and Pons. We have no idea if Joannnes would have been able to perform a Rossiada- in technology things are difficult, genius must be combined with multidisciplinary teamwork.
2) These early Belgian patents to be found here:
indeed contain elements that will become sine qua non in all working LENR technologies to come
I vaguely remember that I have tried to see if the author is alive and to get in touch with him- did not succeeded. Sorry.
However I take this opportunity to use once more my unpopular rhetorics about the start of Cold Fusion.
What do you think, in retrospective was the spectacular and sensationalist Press Conference of F&P - a positive event? Without it, supposing the Founders just publish their first paper in the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry?
Unanswerable questions- nobody can change the past excepts historians (and we know some guys who try)
My idea that CF is a Pechvogel, an unlucky Science that started in the worst circumstances possible, bad place, bad timing.. Everybody knew there that the way to this energy source as it was announced is via Electrochemistry, wet electrochemistry ergo cool. My example - before 1989 I have worked two years at
the Borzesti Chemical Company and 13 years at OLTCHIM Ramnicu Valcea, both used NaCl salt in very great chlor-alkali electrolysis plants It also happeneed that
the best Romanian professors of electrochemistry Liviu Oniciu and Nicolae Bonciocat were dear friends and collaborators. So I have easily accepted the truth that Cold Fusion is electrochemistry and only after a few years I started to realize
that PdD wet despite some good results obtained by our heroic colleagues- has invincible problems of development.
The Belgian inventor was obviously smarter, more realistic and pragmatic but he could not win. See my Motto of yesterday and convert it in:
"History is a relay of errors"
Let's continue- the discussion, not the errors!
1) AKITO TAKAHASHI Cold Fusion -LENR pioneer, veteran and Leader about ICCF20
(message reproduced with the permission of the author)
4) New documents added on the pacermonitor of the Florida Court for the Rossi vs. Dardent Trial
Suggested by Sam North- thanks!
Metamaterial uses light to control its motion
'Problems' a poem by Greg Goble
Problems problems problems…
Oy vey!
Go ahead
Dive deep
Beyond the surface
Find yourself
Suspended in a sea
Of solutions
Infinite in their
Variety and form
Problems problems problems…
Oy vey!
Exercise of co-thinking with Greg Goble
To my very pleasant surprise, yesterday I have received the following letter from Gregory Goble, highest class author known and loved in the whole LENR land for his insight and creativity and style.
Dear Peter,
All love surrounds each and every one of us. I have a favor to ask of
you. I am asking it because I see you as a champion for the path of
dry cell LENR and therefore assume you might enjoy the task I propose,
finding some delight in it. I also assume that you know a lot about
the history of dry cell LENR and that you are aware the state of
contemporary dry cell LENR. Therefore the task may not require hours
of research for you and that you could complete the task fairly easily
by addressing it from knowledge that is at the surface of your mind
and heart.
I would like you to answer two questions found in my article, "Belgium
Missing LENR Energy and the Suppression of Cold Fusion 1991"
1) What affect would these cold fusion patents and related scientific
papers have had, on the advancement of the art, if they had reached
the cold fusion scientific community and media in 1989?
2) How do these early Belgian cold fusion patents compare (what do you
see in common) to advanced LENR patents emergent today?
In summary, I feel a shared sadness with Joannes Van Den Boagert about
the sequestering of his works. The unhappiness I feel about
suppressive acts such as this is a part of all love that surrounds
each and everyone of us, as is the delight I feel when I read the list
of terms found and methods found within his patents. I believe that
these concepts are quickening the art of cold fusion/LENR science. Dry
cell LENR arrived late on the stage (I'm not sure when) and I wish
that it had arrived sooner; along with its' promising potential.
Would you like to take on said task so that I could add your thoughts
on this subject to the article, enriching it so, providing it with
greater depth?
With friendship and admiration,
My answer:
Dear Greg,
Thanks for this opportunity- let's try to think in some consonance about your questions.
First, it is my pleasure to prove you that we think similarly about the issue see please what I wrote last year:
Now, to answer directly your two questions despite the fact that predictions for the past are not much easier to do than predictions for thefuture:
1) Joannes Van Der Boagert had a premonition and his instinct of professional chemist has lead him toward the Way of Cold Fusion- dry, hot, catalytic, nano-
We cannot know if he has communicated- with what was then the Community,
he was oppressed in the frame of the general counterattack of the traditional scientists against CF, almost surely dry systems were then not considered of value
by the followers of Fleischmann and Pons. We have no idea if Joannnes would have been able to perform a Rossiada- in technology things are difficult, genius must be combined with multidisciplinary teamwork.
2) These early Belgian patents to be found here:
indeed contain elements that will become sine qua non in all working LENR technologies to come
I vaguely remember that I have tried to see if the author is alive and to get in touch with him- did not succeeded. Sorry.
However I take this opportunity to use once more my unpopular rhetorics about the start of Cold Fusion.
What do you think, in retrospective was the spectacular and sensationalist Press Conference of F&P - a positive event? Without it, supposing the Founders just publish their first paper in the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry?
Unanswerable questions- nobody can change the past excepts historians (and we know some guys who try)
My idea that CF is a Pechvogel, an unlucky Science that started in the worst circumstances possible, bad place, bad timing.. Everybody knew there that the way to this energy source as it was announced is via Electrochemistry, wet electrochemistry ergo cool. My example - before 1989 I have worked two years at
the Borzesti Chemical Company and 13 years at OLTCHIM Ramnicu Valcea, both used NaCl salt in very great chlor-alkali electrolysis plants It also happeneed that
the best Romanian professors of electrochemistry Liviu Oniciu and Nicolae Bonciocat were dear friends and collaborators. So I have easily accepted the truth that Cold Fusion is electrochemistry and only after a few years I started to realize
that PdD wet despite some good results obtained by our heroic colleagues- has invincible problems of development.
The Belgian inventor was obviously smarter, more realistic and pragmatic but he could not win. See my Motto of yesterday and convert it in:
"History is a relay of errors"
Let's continue- the discussion, not the errors!
1) AKITO TAKAHASHI Cold Fusion -LENR pioneer, veteran and Leader about ICCF20
(message reproduced with the permission of the author)
The ICCF20 Conference is over. It was well organized, of scientifically-high-quality and enjoyable, by ca. 150 participants from 19 countries.
I feel that the Japanese contribution, due to franchise, was significant.
Especially, the collaboration work of 6 institutions (Technova, Nissan, Tohoku U., Nagoya U., Kobe U. and Kyushu U.) made the method of H(D)-gas charging to Ni-based nano-composite powers at elevated temperatures to be promising for emergent R&D to applying for new clean CO2 free thermal energy devices.
ICCF20 papers by A. Kitamura et al and Y. Iwamura et al are of promising contribution to this direction.
Now a new high precision experimental facility of oil-mass-flow calorimetry and dynamic D(H)-loading rate measurements has been constructed at ELPH of Tohoku University. At Kobe University, another similar, but older, facility is under collaboration works. Using these two useful facilities, national collaboration will be extended.
One key issue by the ICCF20 papers by A. Kitamura et al and Y. Iwamura et al is the confirmation of sustainable excess heat effect (AHE) at elevated temperatures (200-300 deg C), by replication experiments of the previous Technova-Kobe 8 years (2008-2015) study, the review paper of which was presented by Akito Takahashi at ICCF20. The presentation ppt file is attached for your consideration.
The Technova-Kobe study has revealed; 1) interesting D(H)-isotopic effect of heat release and D(H)-loading ratio with Pd-based nano-metals at room temperature, which suggested enhanced heat-power effect (thought to be nuclear origin) for D-loading as happened already as soon as D-gas was fed to nano-powders. However, the thermal power happened as burst which continued for several hours at longest, in other words not sustainable for many days. 2) By using Ni-based binary (Pb1Ni7/zirconia, Cu1Ni7/zirconia, for example) nano-composite powders, AHE was repeatedly observed as sustainable excess-heat power source at elevated temperatures of 200-300 deg C, and 3) theoretical explanation has been successful by the systematic series papers of TSC-related works and the Takahashi TSC theory is now almost established.
The JPN joint-team work will be extended for further years to come to a Government-funded national project to develop industrial devices of new-hydrogen energy, that is of CO2 free, high energy density, radiation free and compact-portable.
Akito's paper can be studied here:
2) Сенсация: для Японии Россия не сырьевой придаток, а технологический лидер
Sensation: gor Japan Russia is not a source of raw materials but a technological leader
It also speaks about the presentation of the Ukrainian physicist Vladimir Vysotskii at ICCF20
3) New LENR Experiment Report from Tom Conover
4) New documents added on the pacermonitor of the Florida Court for the Rossi vs. Dardent Trial
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 | ||
61 | MOTION TO DISMISS50 Answer to Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaim,,,,,,,,, FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM as to Counts III and IV by James A. Bass, J.M. Products, Inc., Henry Johnson. Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party James A. Bass(pty:3pd), Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party J.M. Products, Inc.(pty:cd), Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party J.M. Products, Inc.(pty:3pd), Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party J.M. Products, Inc.(pty:3pd), Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party J.M. Products, Inc.(pty:3pd), Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party Henry Johnson(pty:3pd), Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party Henry Johnson(pty:cd), Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party Henry Johnson(pty:3pd), Attorney Francisco J Leon de la Barra added to party Henry Johnson(pty:3pd). Responses due by 10/28/2016 (Leon de la Barra, Francisco) | |
60 | Third Party MOTION TO DISMISS50 Answer to Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaim,,,,,,,,, FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM as to Counts IV and V by Fulvio Fabiani, United States Quantum Leap, LLC. Responses due by 10/28/2016 (Nunez, Rodolfo) | |
Monday, October 10, 2016 | ||
59 | RESPONSE in Opposition re54 MOTION to Strike50 Answer to Complaint, Third Party Complaint, Counterclaim,,,,,,,,, in Part Second Amended Answer, Affirmative Defenses, Counterclaims, and Third Party Claims, or in the Alternative, MOTION for More Definite Statement filed by Cherokee Investment Partners, LLC, Thomas Darden, IPH International B.V., Industrial Heat, LLC, John T. Vaughn. Attorney Christina Therese Mastrucci added to party Cherokee Investment Partners, LLC(pty:dft), Attorney Christina Therese Mastrucci added to party Thomas Darden(pty:dft), Attorney Christina Therese Mastrucci added to party IPH International B.V.(pty:dft), Attorney Christina Therese Mastrucci added to party Industrial Heat, LLC(pty:dft), Attorney Christina Therese Mastrucci added to party John T. Vaughn(pty:dft). Replies due by 10/20/2016. (Mastrucci, Christina) |
Suggested by Sam North- thanks!
Metamaterial uses light to control its motion
Date:October 10, 2016
Source:University of California - San Diego
Researchers have designed a device that uses light to manipulate its mechanical properties. The device, which was fabricated using a plasmomechanical metamaterial, operates through a unique mechanism that couples its optical and mechanical resonances, enabling it to oscillate indefinitely using energy absorbed from light.
Thanks to Ron Kita:
Wikileaks’ Podesta Email Mentions “Zero-Point Energy”
From Tanmay Vora
In 100 Words: An Open Mind for Lifelong Learning
Thanks to Ron Kita:
Wikileaks’ Podesta Email Mentions “Zero-Point Energy”
From Tanmay Vora
In 100 Words: An Open Mind for Lifelong Learning
ends with:
“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.” (Isaac Asimov)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting article from around 1997. cold fusion
link seems wrong
Deleteis it