O Lord, help me not to despise or oppose what I do not understand. (William Penn)
This was my blog associates Prayer for Today. It is a problem of elementary self-respect and intellectual-ethical correctness to NOT judge when you have no sufficient data or you are not able to understand something. Omniscience is only for know-it-all kibitzes who enjoy domination, radicalism, fast death sentences, bitter discontent in the frame of a dim distopic vision. Zero empathy for the few genuine doers- "errare diabolicum est." The worst species- killers as Yugo or Wright are relatively silent or silenced (lack of funding, the Devil has made some bad investments and cannot afford any act of sadistic generosity now). But those who still think that PdD is not only the essence but also the future of LENR are watching and hitting throwing conceptual dark matter on the light of Very Hot LENR systems
I have to add an other "prayer" to the first:
O, professional honesty, help me to oppose without fear what I understand and do not accept because it is useless, hopeless and harmful!
Removing obstacles from the way to progress will help he LENR community to accelerate solving of the problems, building more technologies.
We have to focus on the most important and urgent things now. Remembering Alain Coetmeurs excellent guest editorial
we have to get Taleb's newer book and learn how to build
A smart idea re replications by Nick Oseyko, Ukraine
Rossi listen to new 1MW E-cat plant
But here are all the photos re the 1MW plant
An image says more than 1000 words (I doubt it!) but less then two numbers e.g. COP yesterday, COP from the start. I try to be functional still in February 2016 (Judith and I are celebrating 50 years of marriage then and we will receive a reward feo the Mayor of Cluj) - so I have some chances to know if the test was positive and negative and what's with the secret COP. The client of Industrial Heat would suffer heavy losses if thi COP becomes known before time..
Why Rossi is using a stethoscope:
Andrea Rossi
May 27th, 2015 at 8:27 AM
Frank Acland:
Many well distincted sounds, each of them being important to us. I cannot disclose further. Like a physician with the human body, multiple information is given by a stethoscope, not just one.
Depending on the position I put the stethoscope, I can compose a spectrum of information that T probes, P probes, Flowmeters cannot give. I learnt this about 10 years ago, when I was working in the oil refinery of ENI of Sannazzaro Dei Burgundi ( Italy) on a Diesel generator (GENSET). Their chief mechanic, a very experienced one, teached to me to use the stethoscope to listen all the internal sounds of the engine, associating a specific information to any sound. I discovered this way problems otherwise hidden; so I am doing now with Her.
Warm Regards,
From the ХТЯ и ШМ site:
Historical document: the book of R. N. Kuzmin and B.N. Shvilkin"Nuclear Cold Fsion" 1989- is timely now too, .pdf
Nice and smart: learn about Cold fusion with Doktor Bob:
A mental step toward antifragiliy of Hot Cats:
There might be something to this. Rossi placed ridges on the surface of the Hot cat. This might have been an attempt to keep the Hot cat from overheating through increased convective cooling. Rossi replication attemps do not do this. Rossi would not have put these ridges on the surface of his reactor for no good reason, The same increased cooling effect might be had by cooling the reactor with a stream of cooling???
Using a variable speed fan could allow the experimenter to adjust the degree of reactor cooling at will.
If this concept is valid, start a Hot cat test with a large amount of fan cooling. Then the reaction might not start at 1200C. reduce the cooling in stages until the reaction starts or the reactor melts down.
There is a great deal of consideration directed toward the ridges in the Lugano report. From the Lugano test report...
"The reactor investigated on this occasion is outwardly quite different from the ones used in the tests held in the past years. Its external appearance is that of an alumina cylinder, 2 cm in diameter and 20 cm in length, ending on both sides with two cylindrical alumina blocks (4 cm in diameter, 4 cm in length), non-detachable
from the body of the reactor, which henceforth will be referred to as “caps”. An image of the reactor is given in Figure1. Whereas the surface of the caps is smooth, the outer surface of the body of the E-Cat is molded in triangular ridges, 2.3 mm high and 3.2 mm wide at the base, covering the entire surface and designed to improve convective thermal exchange (cylinder diameter is calculated from the bases of the ridges). In this
way, the current model of E-Cat is capable of attaining higher temperatures than the earlier models, avoiding internal melting, a previously fairly frequent occurrence [1]."

Dear Peter, thanks for your effective gathering of relevant and current information. I just wanted to ask if you can clarify your statement about the COP of the 1MW plant, about waiting ti february 2016 for your 50 years of marriage aniversary. Somehow I think I don't get the full meaning that you intended. Best Regards from Chile!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Friend,
Deleteit is simply about surviving till then. At 78, with my professional and personal history it is not easty to continue. Should I tell you that I feel relatively well? I am not lying from principle
I wont to survive to get my 500 RON premium and I want to survive to know actually how has evoluted the COP of the 1MW Rossi plant.
Wish you well- the best,
Dear Friend,
Deleteit is simply about surviving till then. At 78, with my professional and personal history it is not easty to continue. Should I tell you that I feel relatively well? I am not lying from principle
I wont to survive to get my 500 RON premium and I want to survive to know actually how has evoluted the COP of the 1MW Rossi plant.
Wish you well- the best,