I have learned throughout my life as a scientist
and inventor chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not
by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge.
(Igor Stravinsky)
(Actually, Stravinsky wrote “composer” but knew
well that this assertion is true for scientists, inventors, engineers,
innovators and leaders – in even greater extent. The keyword is “false
assumptions”- the deep, dangerous roots of errors!)
It could be interesting to compare the world
premiere of “Rite of Spring” by Stravinsky with the Fleischmann-Pons press
conference or the first E-Cat experiment at Bologna, January 14, 2011Interesting
yes, but not of much use, events and ideas (as books) have their own, specific and
unconfoundable fate.
In medias res:
I hope we have now a femur of the beast (Lugano test) and
it is not just a small phalanx of its left foot. I have eventually chosen the
metaphor of the dinosaur and not that of the elephant (the initial title of
this essay was” Theory of the Elephant. More precisely of the Elephant’s Ear”
but I have abandoned it because the elephant is real, living and can be studied
much too directly and easily in comparison of LENR+ i.e. potentially useful
Lugano Rossi test has generated a great quantity of data and of questions;
unfortunately even the most benevolent and constructive ones – my questions
from the Open Letter to the 6 professors remain unanswered – and I have to confess
that their silence hurts me and I take it as a personal defeat. It has happened
that the Internet has helped me by defining beautiful questions. It is here:
Beautiful questions- are questions more
important than answers?
“A beautiful question is an ambitious yet
actionable question that can begin to shift the way we perceive or think about
something -- and that might serve as a catalyst to bring about change.”
You remember I have tried to find the actionable
parameters of LENR, now I have tried to find the actionable questions to the
Authors and have failed to get answers.
An aside Do not think I am kind of favorite of the Web, it
is true it helps me many times however I also get highly unpleasant messages
too. Two days before my 77th birthday last week, I was hit with this
75 Years of Life Is Quite Enough, Says U.S. Health Authority
I have mined for special words in my personal dictionary,
however what they say is right both statistically and theoretically. I am not a
typical case, as Koba Dzhugashvili would have said.
The new theory of C.O. Gullstrom
Not impressed by the open question if the analytical
results of the Lugano Test represent a femur or just a fragment of a finger of
the HotCat Dino, graduate student Carl Oscar Gullstrom has created this theory
paper: Low radiation fusion through bound neutron
My friend and colleague in grandfathership, Doug Marker has
announced me immediately about it. I have read it but could not decide what to
think. Up to today the Gullstrom paper became popular, Andrea Rossi himself has
congratulated the author and has invited him to discuss about LENR. Details at
the leading e-Catology site:
I am not a theorist and also
not omniscient. Google Scholar is both, and it does not answer to the search:
“bound neutrons tunneling” I have read tens of Cold Fusion/LENR theories in the
era of B.E.S.Th. (Before Ed Storms’ Theory) and many of them include some
imaginary creature- as a purple invisible unicorn plus the claim that this is a
part of the Solution. The problem is if “bound neutron tunneling” is something
real or just a new unicorn. The answer is in the future, but beyond any doubt
this is an impressive A.E.S.Th. (I am
just reading Ed Storms’ great book and I am convinced he is sure about the
truth of his theory so B.E.S.Th and A.E.S.Th. can be good names of LENR eras.
I have told many times that I
think LENR needs a bunch of different theories being a multi-stage process, if
the Gullstrom theory will be a part of the winner combination - I don’t know; are Nickel and
Lithium the only participants in the heat generating process? Experiments could
decide so we must invest even more in the MFMP group ‘who’ will investigate
Questions regarding- this
time- an Elephant.
I have asked questions not only
from the HotCat drivers but also from the authors of this abstract- a work to
be presented during the coming weekend in Japan :
Analysis of Heat Generation using Pd and Ni Fine Wires
Tadahiko Mizuno and Hideki Yoshino Hydrogen Engineering Application & Developing Company,Sapporo
Analysis of Heat Generation using Pd and Ni Fine Wires
Tadahiko Mizuno and Hideki Yoshino Hydrogen Engineering Application & Developing Company,
See please the abstract here-
Previously I was almost
shocked, in the most positive sense by this new seemingly fruitful branch of
LENR, see this:
How can nickel react in this
case with deuterium - in direct opposition with Piantelli’s studies? And what
are the reactions here? Is this an entirely new development of LENR? Very credible being given the impeccable
prestige of Tadahiko Mizuno! However I did not get any supplementary
information regarding it despite of trying hard.
Will this mystery be solved at
the presentation of the paper? The reactor has an on-line mass spectroscopy
system that is not able to identify the species present. It is some information
circulating that there had not been performed the necessary off-line analyses
either. (???) I hope this is not true and we will know what we want. If no
helium is formed, this system will not be popular and some colleagues will
consider it as a trunkless elephant. However it works!