In this New Year that marks the silver jubilee
of LENR, it is time to both look back and to look forward, to assess where we
have been and were we are moving toward.
In this long 25 years of effort and toil, the faithful of this
movement have spent their youth with stubborn determination to overcome and
prevail. Now in the twilight of their years they must marshal their waning
strength anew, when their great goal is in sight, they must now do one last
thing in tribute and remembrance of their great efforts.
It is now only a matter of days and with the dawning of the new
age so close at hand, it’s time for those privileged insiders; the people who
performed the experiments, who wrote the papers, those who kept the dream alive,
those who lived the adventure and felt the pain, it is now their duty to awaken
to their duty again and do one last thing…to begin the authoring of the:
“inside LENR” type books about the true and unvarnished goings on in cold
Over these many years, it is from numberless, diverse, and
self-sacrificing acts demonstrating their courage and in their belief that
human history would be well served by achieving their common goal. Each
time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to selflessly improve the lot of
others, or strikes out against injustice and ignorance, he sends forth a tiny
ripple of hope.
To document this birth of a new epoch of human achievement,
future historians need accurate and well informed material to bear witness to
one of the most momentous events in the history of humankind. This witness of
first hand observers is absolutely required to detail the mistakes, the trials,
the tribulations and the eventual triumphs of the key workers in the field of
LENR from those journalist privileged to observe the shadowy processes before
all the rest.
Few of us will have the greatness to bend the course of history
itself; but those of us who have cannot let their memory be unsung and their
deeds be lost to the dark and murky currents of history. They must now work to
lay down for the record each in an honest way the small portion of events that
they rendered, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history
of this greatest generation.
It was not enough to understand, or to see clearly; the
accomplishment was in the doing. The dawning of this shining future has not
happened by chance. It was shaped in the arena of human activity, by those
willing to commit their minds and their bodies to the task. That adventure must
now be told in a forthright way by those who participated in the great mission.
Unlike their critics, this new future was not won by those who
are content with today, with apathy toward common problems and their fellow man
alike, timid and fearful in the face of bold projects and new ideas. Rather,
this bold advance belongs to those who bent to purpose and reason the arrogant
self-importance of their detractors.
They did the work not because the work was easy, but because it was hard. And those who made this peaceful revolution more difficult then it needed to be should not be left unmentioned. Their infamous deeds and calumnies need to be truthfully exposed to the righteous judgment of history.

Later AXIL has written a new comment, and I add it here. You will agree I had to do this:
ADD 2-AXIL continues describing the scenario(s)
As the U.S. will soon become the world leader in fossil fuel development and worldwide sales well into this century, it is not in the interest of Russia, the U.S. or its other energy producing allies to sponsor a competitive or more rightly a superior energy source. If the past is prolog, the U.S. will attempt to restrict LENR to secret military operations like Drone power, small naval vessel power plants, and remote base power sources. By proclaiming that the LENR technology is top secret and a dangerous nuclear application with weapons of mass destruction potential (remember when they want to mobilize popular opinion: "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."), they can maintain their worldwide advantage in fossil fuel sales of coal, oil and especially liquefied natural gas. The NRC will proclaim that LENR is highly dangerous as a responsive tool of the administration and Congress.
If the past is prolog, China will be the major mover and the first adopter of the green LENR technology. Controls and regulation on the LENR reactor design, production and sales will not exist and the production of reactors will be spread far and wide throughout the Chinese industrial base. China will attempt to corner the LERN reactor market though a well-designed and heavily financed government inspired dumping strategy but the west will block the adoption of Chinese reactors in their industrial base through high tariffs and regulations restrictions under heavy political pressure from the fossil fuel energy sector lobby.
As a reaction to the western LENR blocking strategy, China will convert the cheap energy costs for LENR power into low cost products far below what those products would cost when produced using fossil fuels.
Eventually, the west will be forced to adopt LENR reactors as a counter strategy to China’s dumping of reactors and low cost products into the global market place.
The speed of deployment of LENR reactors in China will be amazing having been encouraged and financed by the huge capital reserves of the Chinese government.
The Chinese environment will clear rapidly and the LERNerization of the Chinese economy will be abrupt and unstoppable. The standard of living of the Chinese population will rise rapidly causing catastrophic political upheaval and rapid political evolution of the Chinese system.
Eventually, to remain completive in the worldwide marketplace, western governments will slowly adopt LENR as a counter strategy to the Chinese LENR industrial offensive. Here too, the west will suffer a profound decline of the standard of living among their populations which will force major political and economic upheaval and dislocations.
In just a more few days, we will be entering into interesting times. The time is growing short; take the time now to make sure your bunker is well provisioned.
As the U.S. will soon become the world leader in fossil fuel development and worldwide sales well into this century, it is not in the interest of Russia, the U.S. or its other energy producing allies to sponsor a competitive or more rightly a superior energy source. If the past is prolog, the U.S. will attempt to restrict LENR to secret military operations like Drone power, small naval vessel power plants, and remote base power sources. By proclaiming that the LENR technology is top secret and a dangerous nuclear application with weapons of mass destruction potential (remember when they want to mobilize popular opinion: "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."), they can maintain their worldwide advantage in fossil fuel sales of coal, oil and especially liquefied natural gas. The NRC will proclaim that LENR is highly dangerous as a responsive tool of the administration and Congress.
The current nuclear power plant vendors will not change their technology and leave LENR to die on the vine. International commercial competition among nations is one leverage point that will change the attitude of the current and future U.S. decision makers visa vie this LENR blocking policy.
ADD- 3 :
LENR has a huge political as well as an economic footprint in the U.S were upwards of five million very high paying jobs are at stake in the energy production segments and the allied fuel transportation and distribution economy.
That does not consider the peripheral jobs that depend on that employment base to survive.
In the immediate first pass, all those jobs whose average salary is about double the national average would easily shipped off shore to Chinese LENR factory production facilities.
The American population could not stand such an economic and political shock. Letting the American car industry to go under is only a mere shadow of what will happen when Chinese LENR is in full swing.
America will enter a deep depression with little prospects of competing in world markets. Plutocracy controlled Capital flow worldwide will be redirected to LENR production in China where most of the future LENR R&D will take place.
America will pay a heavy price for the contempt that they have shown to LENR and those who have worked on it over these many years.
That does not consider the peripheral jobs that depend on that employment base to survive.
In the immediate first pass, all those jobs whose average salary is about double the national average would easily shipped off shore to Chinese LENR factory production facilities.
The American population could not stand such an economic and political shock. Letting the American car industry to go under is only a mere shadow of what will happen when Chinese LENR is in full swing.
America will enter a deep depression with little prospects of competing in world markets. Plutocracy controlled Capital flow worldwide will be redirected to LENR production in China where most of the future LENR R&D will take place.
America will pay a heavy price for the contempt that they have shown to LENR and those who have worked on it over these many years.
A truly enormous topic, with an illustrious and remarkable history, it is hardly possible to overstate its importance. I find it difficult to speak and write about Cold Fusion in a neutral and dispassionate way. If there were ever a topic worthy of hyperbole and ornamented wordage, LENR is such a topic. Cold Fusion was delayed by decades of mishandling and unsavory motivations. The postponed emergence of LENR will be remembered as one of the worst blunders in the annuls of human technological-scientific progress. Only after the current proselytical dark age has passed can a new Scientific renaissance be recognized and pursued unfettered.
ReplyDeleteDetoriation in wealth (precisely: in market values) which will strike not only richest and coalbarons etc, also this will strike a numerous investment and pension funds, such detoriation i.e. losses will in region of 900 billions CZK in our small country (Czech Republic) where local "free market stars" was CEZ (powerplants utility) and OKD (NWR) coal mininig company and numerous utilities, gas pipelines etc. They were warned numerously, clear, transparent - no effect. These are so much intertwined folks, structures with local and goverment authorities, that such status quo interests totally darkened fenced theirs (otherwise smart) minds. Dumb, rigid faces, millions or even billions on secret Swiss accounts and no capability of analytical forward thinking. They will get what they deserve.
ReplyDeleteAfter that, positive effects by cheapet heat, cleanest, cost savings general purpose technologies air etc. will visible with more moderate delay.
So at first a heavy losses, after that moderate and relative slow positive effects. Remember this.
If the past is prolog, China will be the major mover and the first adopter of the green LENR technology. Controls and regulation on the LENR reactor design, production and sales will not exist and the production of reactors will be spread far and wide throughout the Chinese industrial base. China will attempt to corner the LERN reactor market though a well-designed and heavily financed government inspired dumping strategy but the west will block the adoption of Chinese reactors in their industrial base through high tariffs and regulations restrictions under heavy political pressure from the fossil fuel energy sector lobby.
DeleteAs a reaction to the western LENR blocking strategy, China will convert the cheap energy costs for LENR power into low cost products far below what those products would cost when produced using fossil fuels.
Eventually, the west will be forced to adopt LENR reactors as a counter strategy to China’s dumping of reactors and low cost products into the global market place.
The speed of deployment of LENR reactors in China will be amazing having been encouraged and financed by the huge capital reserves of the Chinese government.
The Chinese environment will clear rapidly and the LERNerization of the Chinese economy will be abrupt and unstoppable. The standard of living of the Chinese population will rise rapidly causing catastrophic political upheaval and rapid political evolution of the Chinese system.
Eventually, to remain completive in the worldwide marketplace, western governments will slowly adopt LENR as a counter strategy to the Chinese LENR industrial effective. Here too, the west will suffer a profound decline of the standard of living among their populations which will force major political and economic upheaval and dislocations.
In just a more few days, we will be entering into interesting times. The time is growing short; take the time now to make sure your bunker is well provisioned.
As the U.S. will soon become the world leader in fossil fuel development and worldwide sales well into this century, it is not in the interest of Russia, the U.S. or its other energy producing allies to sponsor a competitive or more rightly a superior energy source. If the past is prolog, the U.S. will attempt to restrict LENR to secret military operations like Drone power, small naval vessel power plants, and remote base power sources. By proclaiming that the LENR technology is top secret and a dangerous nuclear application with weapons of mass destruction potential (remember when they want to mobilize popular opinion: "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."), they can maintain their worldwide advantage in fossil fuel sales of coal, oil and especially liquefied natural gas. The NRC will proclaim that LENR is highly dangerous as a responsive tool of the administration and Congress.
DeleteThe current nuclear power plant vendors will not change their technology and leave LENR to die on the vine. International commercial competition among nations is one leverage point that will change the attitude of the current and future U.S. decision makers visa vie this LENR blocking policy.
Axil is very probably right. Countries where some sort of dictatorship or authoritative regime exist (as Stalinist régime, as Nazi Germany) it is proven that some sectors of industry may be forced be directives to advance more rapidly then in some countries where folks are jumping over open fire. So such criticized authoritative regime in China may be very instrumental for rapid spread of such LENR technologies into real life.
ReplyDeleteIt is not my propaganda, it is historically proven fact.
LENR has a huge political as well as an economic footprint in the U.S were upwards of five million very high paying jobs are at stake in the energy production segments and the allied fuel transportation and distribution economy.
DeleteThat does not consider the peripheral jobs that depend on that employment base to survive.
In the immediate first pass, all those jobs whose average salary is about double the national average would easily shipped off shore to Chinese LENR factory production facilities.
The American population could not stand such an economic and political shock. Letting the American car industry to go under is only a mere shadow of what will happen when Chinese LENR is in full swing.
America will enter a deep depression with little prospects of competing in world markets. Plutocracy controlled Capital flow worldwide will be redirected to LENR production in China where most of the future LENR R&D will take place.
America will pay a heavy price for the contempt that they have shown to LENR and those who have worked on it over these many years.
I agree Axil.
ReplyDeleteOver the last decades Europe is folowing the same short visioned energy and science policy too! Unless...
I have two points to raise in this discussion:
ReplyDelete1). I can see a lot of frustration by US posters on CF sites on why technology created moved, or is about to move to other countries than US. So far Brilluin, a US company, choose S. Korea to build whatever technology they have, Rossi picks China whilst DGT is working in Canada. Who is working in US?
The US CF followers react like a new Sputnik shock, similar with the one of 59, and I am wondering why:
Is US or not the country who blocked Fleishman &Pons originally?
Is US or not the country that black listed all patent attempts around early CF
In other words, when US had created or controlled any such technology and "let it go"?
2.) What is not discussed in the internet CF followers forums is that China controls allmost 2/3 of the US deficit. Till now the balance between the two countries was due to energy control of US over China's needs with a return China not to flood the markets with USDs. If this control and balance is lost, "games over" as we know them till today.
I am not sure if the frustrated CF US followers realize this political reality and why Rossi's decision is a very high risk one. I just hope that the recent conflict between China with Japan and S.Korea over a rock island that has nothing to do with this story. And that US and EU leaders will finally realize that their present geopolitical dogmas, based on energy controls, are obsolete and too fragile to maintain nowadays with short visioned policies on energy and with controls over science evolution.
Johanna C., PhD student of Political Science
Its a really interesting discussion you have going on over there.
ReplyDeleteOf course its just predictions and guesses because obviously all possibilities are open - even those we cant predict.