Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Problem solving- a quasi-desperate appeal

My Dear Friends from Everywhere,

Faster than everything else, troubles and problems are globalizing inexorably. The calendar shows we live in the 21st Century, the level of thinking and the memes of ethics are much more characteristic for the 12th Century. Add to this the permanence and remanence of the Crisis.
Humanity’s capacity to generate wicked problems is increasing day by day, while our capacity to work out efficient, total, true
solutions is degrading – we are both the cause and the victims of
an epidemics of probletence.
To change this tragic situation, I am offering you a set of problems
Solving rules, here in their final complete for,m They are infallible, inerrant and universal, easy to apply and can be improved by creative and pragmatic people. When they will be taught in the schools and at honest motivational courses, many stubborn problems will just melt away. Life will be better.
A problem that even these Rules  cannot solve easily, is that the Rules are not known. In part these is a Babel type problem, here
you will find the Rules in English and in Romanian- but they have to be known by the speakers of all languages because problems are in all continents, countries cultures.

and send them to my Blog or to my address-
I will publish the text, with credit for their work and generous help.

All I want is to save Mankind from itself and from all the other
non-anthropo-generated problems.

A big thank you!

by Peter Gluck



“ I think, I exist. I decide I live. I solve problems, I live with a purpose.”

1. There are NO isolated problems, they always come in dynamic bunches

2. There are NO final solutions for the really great problems, these have to be solved again and again.

3. NOT solving the problem, but defining it is the critical step.

4. NOT the unknown data, but those known and untrue are the greatest obstacle to the solution.

5. .NOT what we know, but what we don’t know is more important for solving the problem.

6. NOT the main desired positive effect, but those secondary negative and/or undesired effects decide in most cases if a solution is implemented.

7. NOT all problems have a complete, genuine solution.

8. NOT the solutions that seem perfect from the start, but those which are very perfectible are the best in many cases.

9.  NOT the bright, shiny, spectacular solutions but those elaborated, worked out with difficulty and effort and patience are more valuable and have a larger area of applicability.

10. NOT the solutions that are logical and perfectly rational, but those that are adequate for the feelings of the potential users, even if they are ilogical, have the greatest chances of fast implementation.

11. NOT the quality of the solution but the speed of its implementaion is the decisive factor in many cases. It can be better to have a partial solution applied fast than a slower almost perfect solution.

12. NOT always long hours of hard work and great efforts, but (sometimes) relaxation and fun is the best way to obtain solutions for (awfully) difficult problems.

13. NOT our own problems, but the problems of other people are usually more boldly and creatively solved by us

14. NOT the solutions worked out by us, but those borrowed. bought or stolen from others are more easily accepted and implemented.

15. NOT the enhancement of human strengths but the limitation
of human weaknesses is more useful for efficient problem solving

16. NOT the very careful perfect planning, but the smart assuming of risks and firm decision taking are the practical keys to successful problem solving.

17. NOT always the existent, real problems, but many times the fictive, imaginary ones are the most difficult to be solved.

18. Do NOT accept the premises of the problem, change them as necessary and possible.

19. Do NOT stop at the first solution, seek for alternatives.

However, for the really advanced problem solvers, there is a SUPER RULE- the most important of all;

20. NOT the wise application of these rules but the finding of the specific exceptions to these, is the real high art of problem solving.


de Peter Gluck

Arranged and hosted by Georgina Popescu

Motto: “Gandesc- deci exist. Decid- deci traiesc,
Rezolv probleme, deci am un scop”
 Peter Gluck

1. NU exista probleme izolate, singulare- ele vin intotdeauna in grupuri dinamice.

2. NU exista solutii definitive pentru adevaratele probleme mari, acestea trebuie rezolvate si re-rezolvate mereu.

3. NU rezolvarea propriu-zisa a problemei, ci definirea ei este faza critica, decisiva.

4. NU datele necunoscute, ci cele cunoscute si inselatoare sunt principalul obstacol pentru a ajunge la solutie.

5. NU ceea ce stim, ci ceea ce NU stim este mai important pentru rezolvarea problemelor.

6. NU efectul principal dorit, ci efectele secundare, nedorite decid in cele in cele mai multe cazuri daca o solutie va fi implementata.

7. NU toate problemele au o solutie completa, adevarata.

8. NU solutiile care par perfecte de la inceput ci cele care sunt foarte perfectibile sunt cele mai bune in multe cazuri.

9. NU solutiile deosebite, stralucite, spectaculare ci cele elaborate, realizate cu dificultati si efort si cu multa rabdare sunt cele mai valoroase si au cea mai mare arie de aplicabilitate.

10. NU solutiile care sunt logice si perfect rationale ci cele care sunt potrivite cu sentimentele utilizatorilor potentiali , chiar daca sunt ilogice, au sansele cele mai mari de implementare rapida.

11. NU calitatea solutiei ci viteza implementarii sale este factorul decisiv pentru acceptare in multe cazuri. Poate fi mai bine sa ai o solutie partiala aplicata repede decat o solutie aproape perfecta, dar inceata.

12. NU intotdeauna orele lungi de munca si eforturile sustinute, ci relaxarea, munca de placere, distractia ne duc pe calea cea mai buna pentru obtinerea de solutii pentru problemele ingrozitor de dificile.

13.NU problemele noastre proprii ci problemele altor oameni le rezolvam cu mai mult curaj si creativitate.

14. NU solutiile elaborate de noi insine, ci cele impumutate, cumparate sau furate de la altii sunt acceptate si implementate mai usor.

15. NU intarirea punctelor noastre forte ci  limitarea slabiciunilor noastre  omenesti este mai utila pentru rezolvarea eficienta a problemelor.

16. NU planificarea foarte grijulie, perfecta ci asumarea inteligenta a riscurilor si luarea de decizii curajoase sunt cheile practice pentru reziolvarea cu success  a problemelor.

17. NU intotdeauna problenele existente, reala ci de multe ori cele fictive, imaginare sunt mai greu de rezolvat.

18. NU accepta niciodata premizele problemei asa cum apar ele ci schimba-le cu curaj si hotarare - atat cat este necesar si posibil. 

19.. NU te opri niciodata la prima solutie, ci cauta mereu alternative.

Insa pentru maiestrii avansati in rezolvarea problemelor exista o
SUPER REGULA- CEA mai importanta ca toate:

20. NU aplicarea inteleapta a acestor reguli, ci gasirea exceptiilor specifice fata de ele este adevarata mare arta a rezolvarii problemelor.


  1. Replies
    1. Dear Bob,

      I am indebted to you for this feedback. I am
      impressed by the amazing vastness of your field(s)
      of interest and culture.
      I will read regularly your fine blogs...and I hope
      we will be friends and exchange ideas.
      Can you please suggest me a possibility to translate
      the Rules in some less accessible language by a friends of yours?

    2. I suggest that we provide illustrations. Let me begin:

      (1) Here is an illustration for Rule #3 (read in English): John is 3 years older than Bob. Their combined age is 29. How old is each of them? (solution: 16 and 13).

      (2) Here is an illustration for Rule # 7 (read in English): John is 15 years older than Bob. Their combined age is 10. How old is each of them? (impossible)

      (3) I cannot invent an illustration for Rule #15. Please help.

    3. A wonderful idea, dear XYZ. I am not more young
      and despite the fact that I like immediacy and
      know the value of time, I have to think and and
      get these illustrations for all.
      However Rule 15 can be illustrated by a practical
      example from the life of many people today in our area.

      You get a salary increase of 10%; your happiness increases with 7 units.
      Now your salary is reduced by 10%, your unhappiness
      increases sharply by 72.3 units.
      The effect of or the reaction to something negative are much stronerg thatto sometjing positive of the same magnitude. Negative is stronger than positive.

      Thank you,

    4. I would say that the salary example is a valid observation, not a rule for solving a problem.

  2. In other words, both "rule 15" and the above example are observations, not rules for solving problems.

    1. You are right, however in practice you have
      to be more focused on avoiding errors than being
      excellent. There is some analogy between a chess
      party wins the player who makes less errors and
      makes them earlier. However analogies have a limited
      area of application. Say what happened with the transistor
      and with LENR- before the Start.
      In problem solving, 93.2% of the errors are irreversible

  3. Ukrainian is as follows:

    Правила вирішення проблем.

    Пітер Глюк

    Гасло: ". Я думаю – значить існую. Приймаю рішення – значить живу. Вирішую проблеми та маю ціль життя ".

    1. Нема окремих проблем, проблеми завжди виникають гуртом і динамічно.

    2. Великі проблеми не мають остаточного рішення, їх доводиться вирішувати постійно.

    3. Рішення проблеми не такий важливий крок, як формулювання.

    4. Найбільшою перешкодою у вирішенні цієї проблеми є те, що ми розуміємо не вірно, а не те, що ми не знаємо.

    5. Найважливішим, у вирішенні проблем те, що ми не знаємо, а не те, що ми знаємо.

    6. Від чого залежить реалізація проектів? Не від бажаного позитивного ефекту, а найчастіше від негативних та/або несприятливих факторів.

    7. Не кожна проблема має цілком корисне рішення.

    8. Які рішення часто є кращими? Ті, які вдосконалюються, а не досконалі від початку.

    9. Які рішення є більш корисними, і мають ширше застосування? Ті, котрі здобуті зусиллями і терпінням, а не ті, котрі виглядають сенсаційно.

    10 Які ідеї мають найкращі шанси для швидкого впровадження? Ідеї, котрі відповідають потребам потенціальних користувачів, навіть тим, котрим не ясна логіка.

    11 Вирішальним чинником у більшості випадків, є швидкість рішення, а не досконалість його. Швидке часткове вирішення проблеми, іноді, більш корисне, ніж повільне майже ідеальне рішення.

    12 Рішення дуже складних проблем, не завжди є результатом довгих годин напруженої праці та зусиль. Вони часто є наслідками приємної роботи та відпочинку.

    13. Які проблеми найкраще вирішуються нами? Проблеми інших людей, а не наші власні.

    14. Які рішення проблем нам легше зрозуміти і усвідомити? То рішення позичені, куплені, або вкрадені, а не наші власні.

    15 Що є найкориснішим у вирішенні проблеми? Це межа нашої слабості, а не сили.

    16. Що є ключем до успіху у вирішенні проблем? Це розумний та рішучий ризик, а не розумне та обережне планування.

    17. Найскладніше вирішити проблеми уявні, а не проблеми реальні.

    18. Непогоджуючись із формулюванням проблеми, змінюй формулювання до необхідного та можливого.

    19. Не зупиняйся на першому варіанті, а шукай інших.

    20. Майстри мають такий домінуючий принцип - мистецтво вирішення полягає не в дотриманні цих принципів, а в пошуку нових підходів.

  4. Dear Peter,

    1) Your 20 statements keep me thinking. That is good; thank you.

    2) Here is another illustration. It probably applies to your "rules" 12 and 18.

    Problem: "A man walks a mile north, a mile west, and a mile south, and finds himself back in camp. What color is the bear?"

    The answer, of coruse, is "white" because it's a polar bear.

    This is an old joke; I did not invent the illustration.

    1. Dear XYZ,

      The puzzle (I doubt it is a joke too) is a smart definition of an unique place on the Earth.
      Rule 12 is illustrating the diversity of approaches
      to human creativity. Hard work and fun are complementary
      not contradictory.Problem solving after the data gathering
      and definition phases (that actually never end) comprises
      a phase of very intense search- and fun, relaxation, humor csn be of great help.

      Rule 18- is essential in showing the difference between mathematical problems with rigid unchangeable premises
      and real life problems - for these the premises have to be changed in the favor of the problem solver, the Solution. I hsve used this story:
      It seems the problem is insoluble, they cannot please
      I have invented a continuation to the story.

      In the evening, tired and angry, Father and Son go to the pub. They tell the story to the keeper (owner)- a wise man.
      The keeper says: 'Something is missing here. buy or build a cart and put that Donkey to pull it. You can both sit
      on the cart and nobody will scorn or offend you."
      do you agree, dear XYZ?
