Thursday, July 16, 2015



Dynamism is a function of change.(Hillary Clinton)

Why indeed must ''God'' be a noun? Why not a verb - the most active and dynamic of all. (Mary Daly)
(I am not a religious man, but, based on experience, I believe in the existence of a trans-cultural spiritual wisdom)

A  third saying could have been added to these two-"existence is non-existence in movement" I created it 60 and some years ago- before being indoctrinated with the teachings of the dialectic materialism, however this is trivialized- I have used it three times in Ego Out  till now. However, the Web does not deny my paternity of it- as expression- as idea it goes back to the Neanderthalians.
Not so with active sites in cold fusion/LENR

The problem surfaced again yesterday when Sveinn Olafsson has informed the LENR world about the very interesting paper: 
Spontaneous ejection of high-energy particles from ultra-dense deuterium D(0)
Leif Holmlid and Sveinn Olafsson
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (available online 14 july 2015)
See please the positive reaction of Daniele Passerini to the publishing of this paper- at NEWS!

Sveinn writes:
"There can be many conclusions from this paper I will allow you to discover them for yourself but I can only give one suggestion:
Edmund Storms  NAE site might have been found - and it is probably the hydrogen atom itself who is the main actor."

My guess is that Ed Storms will not be enthusiastic for the idea.
For me, due to semantic, historical, technological and personal considerations - it is about active sites, not N.A.E.and I was inspired by Sveinn's idea. It is about one of the Pillars of LENR, Dynamicity: the active sites are dynamic not static, wave-like not holes of any size!  
When in 1991-2 I postulated the catalytic nature of Cold Fusion, my vademecum was the book "Catalysis by noble metals.Dynamic features"  by V.M. Gryaznov and N.V. Orekhova, Nauka 1989 and my understanding was based on Surface Dynamics. Now recently I have seen that active sites can appear in molten metals too. The Holmlid-Olafsson paper closes the list: active sites can form in gases too- and this is possible only by their inherent dynamic character. As the second Motto says it; active sites is a verb not a noun.I told many times that the differencebetween interesting-only LENR and productive LENR+ is the higher dynamicity in the later.

I have absolute no chances to win in my years-long dispute with Ed Storms see:

But also no bitterness at all, Ed is performing experiments to confirm his theory based on nano-cracks, Hydroton and slow release of excess energy and I wish him success. For the high temperature systems, the experiments will be extremely difficult, I hope he will get help.
I am ready (but also in vain due to the power of post-logical thinking) even to compromises let's be NAE for Pd D and active sites for NiH.


Brillouin Energy- new website- first announced by LENR Forum see also....and comments here:

First try of getting power from negative resistance
Free Phases -asymmetrical plasma electrolysis

The official Russian LENR website has published the translation of the Cook-Rossi  theory paper
Перевод статьи А.Росси и Кука "О ядерных механизмах, лежащих в основе производства тепла в E-Cat" с комментариями
Перевод статьи, Болотский, ЦНИИХМ

The Italian website 22passi has annaounced gladly the Holmlid-Olafsson paper
Emissione spontanea di particelle ad alta energia da Deuterio ad altissima densità
The owner, Daniele Passerini a man of high culture and dedication, writes:
"This is again a bit of satisfaction for those who along the years (more than 4 in this caase) defending the honest scientists have called the attention to LENR thus putting themselves in an uncomfortable position as an a bank of a river, while the orchestra of the sceptics continued stubbornly and arrogantly to play their pompous and hostile music in the ballroom of their Titanic!"
A great satisfaction for Science and Mankind!

Rossi triggered the giants? Mentions meeting with Boeing and Airbus.


Regarding catalytic action in LENR and HHO.

LENR is basically a catalytic reaction. In the Rossi reaction, the nickel powder is a Commercial Off the Shell (COTS) catalytic product. What makes LENR powerful and capable of over unity power production is the addition of an amplifier of the catalytic action. For example, Rossi calls this amplifier his “secret sauce”. So LENR is a two step process like an multi stage rocket. The first stage will not get us to where we want to go. We need the booster stage to get into the over unity power zone. 

That booster is a mechanism to initially produce and then regenerate nanoparticles through dynamic chemical and/of plasma condensation processes. These particles add power to the LENR catalytic reaction through a nano optical amplification process. 

For example, electric arc and/or exploding wire experiments produce nanoparticles through plasma condensation.

The catalyst must burn nanoparticles to get its power generation level into the over unity zone. In the case of HHO, a catalytic converter will produce heat by combining oxygen and hydrogen but it will not reach the over unity zone. A nanoparticle booster must be added. Nanoparticles of water must be created in sufficient quantities to boost the activity of the catalytic converter to over unity. 

The way to produce nanoparticles in water is to cavitate it or to expose it to an electric arc. Cavitation is the most efficient way to produce water nanoparticles. After a prolonged period of cavitation, this nanoparticle enriched water when it is chock full of nanoparticles can be used as a feedstock into a catalytic process to extract over unity energy.

This is how Joe Papp produced his secret fuel. His trick was to produce nanoparticles of water and in a latter improvement, nanoparticles of noble gases to get his fuel to over unity levels.

Santilli produces nanoparticles in his special hydrogen gas by decomposing oil waste in an electric arc. That hydrogen gas contains nanoparticles. Rossi gets into the over unity zone by using a secret sauce to produce nanoparticles of lithium and hydrogen to boost the activity of his nickel catalyst. 

This is why the nickel particles in the ash produced in the Lugano demo was completely covered with lithium. That lithium came from the residue of nanoparticles of lithium that exist at high temperatures. 

Note. One Anonymous had an interesting idea re PdD:

I am wondering where are the hot cold fusion experiments that make use of Palladium powder plus LiD. Palladium has a higher melting point than Ni and far greater affinity for hydrogen isotopes. The extra cost of using Pd instead of Ni and D instead of H in bench top Hot-Cat experiments is negligible. Mono-isotopic D is commonly available while mono-isotopic H is very rare. Of course one obvious additional tweak might be to use 6Li instead of common Li. Given the well established utility of 6Li in fusion that path might lead to interesting results. 


An Algorithmic Sense of Humor? Not Yet.

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