Saturday, May 2, 2015



Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle.
(Ken Hakuta)

The only people in the world who can change things are those who can sell ideas. (Lois Wyse)

Recently I have asked you for ideas that could help us: 
- to accelerate technological progress and scientific understanding;
- to amplify the world wide work in active advanced LENR
- to answer the basic questions of LENR 
Strategically I think the Tao is not to simply throw out and forget the ill willed obsolete and collapsed ShutdownRossi site ( and replace it with a positive MultiplyUp.Rossi site- it is impossible. Rossi is unique (in more senses) and has a huge competitive advantage- 5-10 years. He cannot be imitated, catched up, only outpaced - that means by some brand new creative technological solution.
History rhymes, Fleischmann and Pons had a huge advantage over all the researchers trying Cold Fusion. Piantelli has found a very different new way- that. we see it today, not then- is better for technology. A great opportunity was now tragically delayed, but I hope other new ideas will prevail.

If you ask where are now the ferocious Rossi killers Mary Yugo et company? They are alive well bartering, exchanging personal assortments of poisons  at I was already repeatedly declared there  a monument of gullibility and naivete (to use mild euphemism there)
I hope they will not read this editorial. or why not? I will send them a fine musical piece by Mozart. Guess which!


Cold Fusion- a quality video- in The People Friendship Univ- Bazhutov, Sapogin-Riabov, Sapogin April 30, 2015, Global Wave
Холодный ядерный синтез в РУДН-Бажутов-Сапогин-Рябов - Джанибеков - 30.04.2015 - Глобальная Волна

E-Cats getting smaller:

Buy your hydroton mug, and fund LENR research:

In Finnish, Google translates it as "all blogs speech about NASA Cold Fusion LENR"
Kaikki blogit puheenaiheesta NASA Kylmäfuusio LENR
I ask our Finnish readers to explain this, in context. Thanks!

A small mystery- why the Russian standard site has posted just now an older presentation by Focardi in Italian?

Andrea Rossi answers a smart question:

E Hergen
May 1st, 2015 at 4:04 PM

Dear Mr Rossi,

with a small reactor of 1 kw and 1g of fuel how many month would the reactor approximately run?

When the fuel gets exhausted, what happens? Will the reactor become instable? Would we see a slowly decline in the energy production or would we see an abrupt stop?

Thank you for your answers.

Andrea Rossi
May 1st, 2015 at 7:33 PM

E. Hergen:
Good questions.
We grant the charge for 6 months.
We have not yet enough statistics to know exactly how long a charge can endure, for this reason, to be sure, we grant 6 months, that is a period we tested repeatedly.
After 6 month the charge is retrieved by us and entirely recycled after due treatment.
BUT: we decided to try not to change the charges of the 1 MW E-Cat in operation in the factory of the Customer of IH and try to perform with the original charges all the 350 operative days we have to run through, and see what happens. It will be very interesting.
Warm Regards,
E Hergen


  1. I thinks that we have in the litterature, from US to Russia, by Japan , China, already tons of new ideas that have not been enough replicated, and cross-breeded.

    When glow dischage will mix with THz beat, Thermacore, nanotube... will it be better and more controllable technology ?

    Brillouin seems to have simple control, while Rossi is playing with a crazy cat that it try to seduce by fine control.

    As you says there is a need, not to catchup, but to overtake...
    And no doubt Rossi will react by being even more creative.

    Money is important, but as the glue to make people work with a dynamic collaboration.

    There is also a great need of sharing ideas, not being afraid to be exploited by people you trust, and with whom you will share some success, and their technology too.

    protection of IP have slowed down progress of LENR, but people need to be paid for their efforts. Solution is to share IP, and share success, among a group who trust each other, work hard, and admit that success is the fruit of hard work of many people, and of some luck.

    and that with the freedom to go back to the lone and selfish state if others don''t respect you...

    we need people to work hard, share, results and success, and anyway feel they benefit from their own work...

  2. My translation for "Kaikki blogit puheenaiheesta NASA Kylmäfuusio LENR" is "All (my) blogs where topic is NASA Cold Fusion LENR". Jouni is a blogger who write every now and then cold fusion related topics.

    1. Dear osmo,

      Very nice, thank you.
      The problem is what knows Jouni about NASA's implication in the development of NASA in LENR+ beyond what was published. It is vital to have real contributions to the new technology- as far as possible- in advance to the classic PdD scientific weaklings. I speak only technologese here...
      Your country's LENR activity is somewhat a mystery, data missing and nothing reliable about TIAM are they manfacturing only patents or much ore?
      The patents are highly intelligent and show they know much, understand the basics. But are they a kind of young NOKIA or just speaking well, I don't know. If you do and ae allowed to tell something, please...
      thank you,


    2. Unfortunately I do not have any inside information on LENR stage of development in Finland. Every now and then I try to mix and match lines, and the names of players to each other, but so far with little luck. I will continue to monitor developments ...
