Tuesday, October 6, 2015



"It is called "art". EVERY human activity has an "art" segment and a "technology/science" segment. Early artists, for instance, mixed all their own paints, with all the knowledge of chemistry that implies." 
(this is the first and probably last time when I cite this guy named  Anonymous who has commented on my green finger idea of yesterday. I am looking for what somebody says and does not for who he/she is) 

LENR ART will come.


The most successful publication is still Louis DeChiaro's IEEE presentation. It has a broad echo and it is doing a lot of good for the future of LENR.
Mats Lewan says about his Brussels speech at Full Circle who (citing Mats)  "knew very little about the topic, so it was mostly a general orientation containing no news for this who follow the area.
I don’t think I can say something useful or interesting about it.
However, I did talk with some people in the EU administration, at the General Directorate for Energy, and although I expected no action from their side I might have been able to raise some awareness, which might be useful one day."

!11th International workshop on hydrogen loaded metals 
Program- complete, final:
Interesting changes- to be discussed...


1) Serious experimental research- Parkhomov replication by  the betatron lab of Ugo Abundo To follow this closely!
Progettazione di repliche e modifiche del reattore di A. Parkhomov
(ispirato all’E-cat) nel laboratorio Open Power 

2) Interview with Andrea Rossi, LENR energy pioneer

3) Deuterium powered houses and the return of the Cold Fusion Hype
Thanks to Jack Cole

4) Lithium corrosion by AXIL AXIL

5) Andrea Rossi about culture, especially Russian culture:

Andrea Rossi
October 5th, 2015 at 7:21 PM

Saturday Oct 10 at the Opera Theater of Miami Beach ( the “New World Symphony”) they will perform musics od Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble: I already bought the tickets and surely I will think to all the scientists that are making this very good work in Russia. I have asked my Team to cover me for several hours. My culture is impregnated by Russian art and literature, when I was a teen ager my favourite books were “War and Peace” of Tolstoj and “Delitto e castigo” of Dostoevskij. I read them repeatedly, as I always do when a book is very good.
Warm Regards,

Let me cite also other Russian scientists that have made a serious work of replication: Igor Stepanov, Yi Malakov. Also the nuclear physicist of the Chinese Atomic Institute Chi Nguyen Quoc worked with these replications. In the link sent us today from Ing. Michelangelo De Meo you can find the details of their work.

6) US Navy acknowledges cold fusion as science (DeChiaro Effect)

7) Mac Office users warning; Low Energy Nuclear; and other stories:

8) LENR theory- the set of assumptions to which I adhere (in Russian) 

9) Armenian scientists' works in the field of CNF

D. B. Davidyan, I. Yu. Danilov, R. V. Tumanyan, V. G. Davtyan 
Theoretical Prerequisites for Creating Cold Fusion Reactor he paper proposes a theoretical model which explains the energy output in cold fusion reactions, while using nickel and copper. The technique, presented by the authors, allows to determine what other isotopes of chemical elements can be used to optimize the energy output. The results can be used to create a source of energy for industrial purposes. 

10) Interesting but not accessible yet
The release behavior of helium in palladium nanowire: A molecular dynamics study

For subscribers or has to be bought, unfortunately!


  1. Peter, it is the 6th of OCTOBER today as the small face fond correctly shows, but not the large font at the top.
    Today's DeChiaro's interview interview is great. I hope it will be published in science magazins soon.

    1. thanks dear Marc, \gaffes are made always in the most visible places
      I know wwe are in October now, a very important month for me, toward its end I will be probably 78 years old a good performance for my professional history marked by the Devil's Element- chlorine.

  2. You can access the paper "The release behavior of helium in palladium nanowire: A molecular dynamics study" here: http://wikisend.com/download/210212/The_release_behavior_of_helium_in_palladium_nanowire.pdf
