Wednesday, January 28, 2015


This morning I have asked Alexander Parkhomov  if his presentation will be published today? He answered politely and rationally that the second presentation that of 29 January will be the more detailed and the publication comes only after this. That's tomorrow guys! 
However when it is about web search, my model is the Inevitable Man- I am fighting to solve the problems. I judged that there are bloggers in Moscow and some of them had participated at the presentation. So I Googled for "а.г. пархомов” "last 24 hours" and I have discovered a 2 hours video in which he describes his device-
it is quite clear but I will report you about it later- in meantime, nice surprise my Northern European friend David Nygren (LENR  Forum) has discovered the up-to-dated report of Parkhomov that is discussed now LENR-land-wide and I have translated  the most interesting part of it. 
The report, a honest, professional fine work- the comparison of reactors with and without fuel is great- and he can repeat these any time.
I had a mixed feeling seeing so many reactors destroyed by overheating , it is much intelligent work invested in them however what hell of energies are inside!

We will have much to discuss these days, captivating things.

i let here my raw translation (done after going with my wife to shopping) and I will ask you to go to see Frank Acland's two Parkhomov papers of today and the report with images at E-Cat World.


Construction of the reactors used.
See the existing document text.

Photography of the reactor.

Image of calorimeter without cover .

The inner vessel with the reactor has a massive( heavy) cover

It is immersed in water introduced in the outer vessel. The cylindric thermoinsulation has a cover made of foamed plastics-
0n this is put the Geiger counter.

The reactor during working time
The covers are taken down- see the thermoinsulation and the vessel with the reactors.

The components of the setup

Up from left to right: amplifier of the signal of thermocouple with a power regulator, computer recorder for temperatures and counter speed of the Geiger counter, a device measuring the rate of the Geiger counter.

From left to right below: ammeter, power supply reactor, voltmeter, electronic meters "Mercury", switch power supply.

Power consumption supply and control system.

During the first experiments the electric supply for heating the reactor was taken directly from the mains using thyristors

Later used changing transformer windings. Switching both manual and automatic with using the controller that controls the  signals of the thermocouple.
This allows us to provide continuous operation of the reactor at the given temperatures thus improving the stability of functioning of the reactor.

For measuring the the used electric energy we have used the electrocounter "Mercury 201" (?) that allows the transfer of the information to the computer,  also from the voltmeter and amputate.
Control of the radiation level.

Top- Geiger counter SI 85

Down- dosimeter DK-02

For the registration of  neutrons we use a foil of Indium immersed in the water of the calorimeter. for measuring the activity of indium we use two Geiger counters. The impulses of the counters are recorded by a specialized computer. The same computer records the impulses of the recorder put above the reactor and those of the counter of electricity (consumed)
Modification of the temperature during the process of heating.

Experiment from 20.12.2014

The 1000 C degree level was obtained after 5 hours of heating

On the same diagram is shown the counting speed of the Geiger SI-85; this counter reacts to the alpha. beta, gamma and Rontgen rays. It can be seen that during the entire process of heating the values cannot be distinguished from those of background. 
It was not observed any increase of the radiation dose during the proces on the dosimeter Dk-02 in the limits of the measuring error. (5mR)
it was no observable activation of the indium foil)

Her it can be seen in more detail the modification of the temperature with the magnitude of heating near to 300, 400 and 500 W. It can be observed that at unchanged values of heating, the temperature is increasing stepwise, especiallly strongly in the last part.

At the final part of the highest temperature it takes a place an oscillation of the temperature. This end with ceasing of the heating due to overheating (burning)
of the heater. After this during 8 minutes the temperature is maintained at the level

of 1200 C and only after this starts to decrease sharply. This shows that in the reactor it is produced heat during this time at the kilowatt level without any electric heater.

Thus it can be seen already from the heating curve that the reactor is able to generate much heat above the electric heating.

Determination of the released heat.

Determination of the released heat and the COP based on the example of the experiment from 20.12.2014

At temperatures of 1150 and 1200-1300 the heat released from the reactor is  is much greater than the electric energy consumed. During work in these regimes (90 minutes) it is is generated about 3MJoules or 0.83kWatt hours energy.

ATTENTION This is new, 
Reactor with fuel
Reactor with electrical heating

In these two comparative tables there are shown the results obtained inthe performed experiments. The reactors with fuel mixture of Ni +LiAlH4 are compared with reactors with no fuel. At temperatures under 1000C the ratio of consumed energy to released energy for both reactor without and with fuel is near to 1.

Significant excess heat for the reactors with fuel can be observed only near to 1000C or above.

Problem uncontrolled local heating effects

The main problem is the short working time of the reactors connected with destructions due to local overheating.

Local overheatings  leading to the destruction of the reactor.


Experiments with the analogs of Rossi's high temperature thermal generators , charged with a mixture of nickel and lithium aluminum hydride, have shown that
by heating of temperatures of 1100 C or higher the produced energy is greater than the energy consumed.

The level of ionizing radiation during the functioning of the reactor is not observably greater than the background radiation. The density of the flux of neutrons is  not higher than 0.2 neutrons/cm2 s


  1. with the video this shows a honest work than could be checked by peers, and reproduced...
    Nice to see you can do real science, with good competence yet what looks garage technology.

    1. Only looks so, and is a first stage. For working 32 or 64 days (as I have predicted) the system has to evolve remaining pragmatical.
      We will discuss with this scientist on his way forward.

    2. Thanks a lot Peter!
      Can you please ask Dr Parhonov to clean up his spreadsheet? It's devastating as such errors jeopardize the whole impression of his work. Please check comments from Anon2012_2014 here

    3. Dear Mats,

      He has to present today a detailed report and tomorrow or Monday the Russian website CNT&BL will publish it with editing and review (as is done today for the Andrev paper that I want to offer to my readers in English)
      This intermediate document obtained by David Nygren is just some notes.. but relevant with or without the errors discussed.
      I will not disturb Alexander just efore his presentation< I have learnd as researcher, journalist and Homo discontentus to avoid
      unanswerable questions and to do impossible things with self-imposed limitations
      The coming report will be object of such discussions.

    4. Thanks for your answer Peter,
      Hopefully the errors are clarified then. Can you please give a link to the CNT&BL website? Is it main stream or "exotic"?

    5. absolutely mainstream - it appears repeatedly in my blog and it is
      quite rich one- now waiting for Parkhomov and Samsonenko (hydrino) papers plus a theorist re Coulomb Barrier overcoming
      It is connected to my blog and to Doktor Bob's...

  2. 'Significant excess heat for the reactors with fuel can be observed only near to 100C or above." should read "... to 1000C ...".

    Thanks for the quick work, Peter.
