Monday, May 30, 2016



The signal is the truth. The noise is what distracts us from the truth. (Nate Silver)

Distinguishing the signal from the noise requires both scientific knowledge and self-knowledge: the serenity to accept the things we cannot predict, the courage to predict the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. (Nate Silver)

When catastrophe strikes, we look for a signal in the noise - anything that might explain the chaos that we see all around us and bring order to the world again. (Nate Silver

Until you remove the noise you are going to miss a lot of the signal (Seth Godin)

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat, but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory. (Alfred North Whitehead)


a) Thinking about signal, noise-in LENR.

This seems to be a must read book...and I have not. Shame on me!
Back to study!

Surely I have understood long ago the definitions and met signal and noise myriads of times in my professional and in my personal life:

Signal vs Noise  
Signal and noise are two terms used in electrical engineering and communications. Signal is a time or space varying quantity carrying some information, and noise is an unwanted effect on signal which reduces the visibility of that information. Signal to noise (S/N) ratio is a widely used parameter to measure the quality of signals. The higher the S/N ratio, better the signal in quality.
Seriousness- see please:                                                
can also be defined as the ability to focus on the signal and to filter out and ignore the noise. Think about the capacity of attention and concentration in a noisy enevironment
Noise is grease or dirty lubricant spilled over the DIKW scaleSignal is relevance, noise is worse than irrelevance it is negative relevance to be subtracted from the genuine one.

As a moderately senile blogger I usually want to insert here the story of a personal meeting with signal noise.
In April-May 1972 when my wife was at her parents in Cluj with our newborn daughter Antonia, I was working very intensively at a research project- the manufacture of the raw material for vinyl phonograph discs- at OLTCHIM.
The material was a co polymer 85% vinyl chloride 15% vinyl acetate with rather strict quality requirements- for the technology of using it see e.g.:

I have participated at the testing of our stuff at the ELECTRECORD disc house in Bucharest. I phonically well insulated cabins, you could clearly distinguish the signal- music and the background noise called "potato frying"
Eventually- after studying the audio characteristics and fine-adjusting the
properties as hardness, elasticity and relaxation of the co-polymer we solved the problem and our product was used for manufacturing the Romanian vinyl discs
till these till replaced disruptively by CDs and DVD's.

Or by the Web, the signal noise of this music recording that I have enjoyed this morning:

is far better than it was at any vinyl disc. Add to this that my audio abilities have NOT improved during the last 44 years.

b) The most relevant - available abstracts at the satellite Meeting:

An important meeting of the peak performers, the best men (plus a lady) of the classic LENR- plus New wave- Rydeberg matter research leader Sveinn Olafsson.
Global impression- from there earlier than 5 years there will not come some breakthrough in understanding LENR or something even vaguely correlated with technology. However- fine research! Most Interesting aspects highlighted in the abstracts

Pamela A. Mosier-Boss
Presentation : Pd/D Co-deposition and LENR
In the Pd/D co-deposition process, a platinum anode and a cathode, comprised of a material that does not absorb deuterium, are immersed in a solution of palladium chloride and lithium chloride in deuterated water. Palladium is then electrochemically reduced onto the surface of the cathode in the presence of evolving deuterium gas. The resultant cathode exhibits a highly expanded surface consisting of small spherical palladium nodules. Because of this high surface area and electroplating in the presence of deuterium gas, the incubation time to achieve high D/Pd loadings necessary to initiate LENR is orders of magnitude less than required for bulk electrodes. Besides our group, other researchers have used variations of the Pd/D co-deposition process to explore condensed matter nuclear reactions occurring within the palladium lattice. Reaction products that have been observed during Pd/D co-deposition include heat, transmutation, tritium, X-rays, energetic charged particles, and neutrons. The results of the work done by our group and these other researchers will be discussed.
Vittorio Violante

Presentation : Material Science for Understanding the Fleischmann and Pons Effect
The study of the Fleischmann and Pons Effect (FPE) i.e. the production of excess power production during electrochemical loading of deuterium in palladium has a multidisciplinary character.
Correlations between the material status and the occurrence of the effect as well as some changing of the electrochemical interface status have been observed .
During the last two decades the phenomenon was observed, well above the measurement uncertainties, in several calorimetric experiments.
The lack of reproducibility has been so far responsible for the absence of a clear explanation of the phenomenon but measurement chains have been conceived to enhance the spectrum of information required to define the effect.
Recently a specific study has been carried out in order to investigate if the excess power was produced concurrently with the emission of radio frequency from the active cathode. The preliminary results and the features of the electrochemical interface of active samples are highlighting the importance of performing studies on such a specific aspect of the FPE.
Yasuhiro Iwamura 

Presentation:Transmutation reactions induced by deuterium permeation through nano-structured multilayer thin film
Low energy nuclear transmutation reactions have been observed in nano-structured Pd multilayer thin film which is composed of Pd and CaO thin film and Pd substrate, induced by D2 gas permeation. Up to now we have observed transmutation reactions of Cs into Pr, Ba into Sm and W into Pt. Replication experiments have been successfully performed by some researchers. This new phenomenon would be used as an innovative nuclear transmutation method for radioactive waste or a new energy source if we could solve many problems for commercialization.

Graham Hubler

Presentation : Fundamental Physics Experiments to Microscopically Define the Anomalous Heat Effect
Recognizing the potential benefits to society and the environment of a new source of energy derived from the Anomalous Heat Effect (AHE), philanthropist Mr. Sidney Kimmel provided initial 5-year funding totaling $5.5 M to establish the Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance (SKINR) in April 2012 as an entity within the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Missouri (UM)[1].
The MISSION of SKINR is “to find the origin of the Anomalous Heat Effect (AHE) with a sound materials science approach and with no preconceptions as to the origin of the phenomenon. To publish findings in the open literature and to openly collaborate world-wide with researchers in the field and in cross disciplines.”
We will discuss progress and plans for in situ x-ray diffraction, in situ perturbed angular correlation (PAC) study at ISOLDE (CERN), in situ Mossbauer spectroscopy, in situ elastic and inelastic neutron scattering, all during electrolysis on a Pd cathode in 0.1M LiOD and while the cathode is producing heat. Another initiative is perform an experiment in vacuum using a high flux deuterium ion beam coupled to x-ray, particle and RF detectors.
The outcome of this program will be the knowledge of the electromagnetic environment experienced by the Pd and Deuterium atoms during excess heat events, knowledge of the emitted RF frequencies during excess heat events, determination of the lattice site dynamics of the Deuterium, and knowledge on how to trigger and sustain the AHE. These experiments will reveal crucial information required to formulate a model of the AHE.

Peter Hagelstein

Presentation : A theoretical approach to modelling excess heat and other anomalies
Excess heat in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment is thought to be of nuclear origin, since there are no commensurate observable chemical products; however, there are also no energetic nuclear products observed in amounts commensurate with the energy produced. There has been observed He-4 in the gas phase, time-correlated with the excess power, and in amounts consistent with the mass difference between two deuterons and He-4. This provides a conundrum for theoretical modeling.
A Hamitonian formalism has evolved over the years that is capable of describing nuclei in a lattice,based on the notion of nuclei as composite quantum systems. This allows us to describe coupling between vibrations, as well as other condensed matter degrees of freedom, and internal states of the nuclei.
For many years we have studied coherent energy exchange between two-level systems and a highly excited oscillator. In the presence of loss mechanisms there can be an enhancement of the efficiency of energy exchange in the multi-phonon regime. Models for this suggest a mechanism for excess heat in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment, as well as provide an interpretation for a variety of other anomalies that have been observed over the years.
Sveinn Ólafsson

Presentation : Rydberg Phase of Hydrogen and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
For over the last 26 years the science of cold fusion/LENR has been researched around the world with slow pace of progress. Modest quantity of excess heat and signatures of nuclear transmutation and helium production have been confirmed in experiments and theoretical work has only resulted in a large flora of inadequate theoretical scenarios. Here we review current state of research in Rydberg matter of Hydrogen that is showing strong signature of nuclear processes. In the presentation experimental behavior of Rydberg matter of hydrogen is described. An extensive collaboration effort of surface physics, catalysis, atomic physics, solid state physics, nuclear physics and quantum information is need to tackle the surprising experimental results that have so far been obtained. Rydberg matter of Hydrogen is the only known state of matter that is able to bring huge collection of protons to so short distances and for so long time that tunneling becomes a reasonable process for making low energy nuclear reactions. Nuclear quantum entanglement can also become realistic process at theses conditions.

1) Rossi: 1 Week E-CatQuarkX Test to Start at End of May with Potential Cutomer/Partner

2) Meet Fred Zoepfl – the Secret Weapon of IH/Apco or a “Physisist” Malfunctioning?

3) And Now: Let’s Have a Closer Look at a Real Apco Astroturfing Professional?
4) stats and valuation

5) The ХТЯ и ШМ site gives a connection of its readers to the Satellite Meeting, re LENR June 4-8 at the European Conference for Plasma Physics- already discussed here including today

6) Interesting news, really: It started to work in the normal mode the new site of the Independent Laboratory MAUS dedicated to research of LENR.
It is concerned with the theory and prcatice of the revolutionary technology- in Rusian:"Metastabilno Atomnogo Upravleisanogo Sinteza" that is Metastable Atomic Controlled Fusion"- MAUS gives the possibility of controlled triggering and functioning of LENR.
During the coming days, on the site: you could find:
- about the improvement of the Ni/H reactor of Focardi based on the MAUS technology- the results of the first experiments,  video of the first successes in replication of the Vachaev plasmoids- starting of work in continuous regime of the device "Energoniv-2" use regime  of polymetallic powders

Researchers use strain to engineer first high-performance, two-way oxide catalyst

But the best for you is to read INNOVATION EXCELLENCE!


  1. Peter
    Your Daughter was born the same year as the famous
    Canada Russia hockey summit in 1972.
    Paul Henderson who scored the winning goal for Canada
    grew up playing hockey in a town near me.
    I remember it like it was yesterday.

    1. Dear Sam,

      Hockey is a great sport, especially in Canad but also in Russia and in Scandinavia.
      I remeber many events in hockey but my focus is on athletics my father was a great athlete and later coach.
      I have a cult for the Fosbury Flop.
      I could be a very successful swimmer but my parents wanted me to become an intellectual- and engineer.
      "My favorite sport is swimming.
      My havorite meta-sport is swimming counter-stream.

      HOW OLD are you, friend?

    2. Dear Sam,

      Hockey is a great sport, especially in Canad but also in Russia and in Scandinavia.
      I remeber many events in hockey but my focus is on athletics my father was a great athlete and later coach.
      I have a cult for the Fosbury Flop.
      I could be a very successful swimmer but my parents wanted me to become an intellectual- and engineer.
      "My favorite sport is swimming.
      My havorite meta-sport is swimming counter-stream.

      HOW OLD are you, friend?

  2. Peter
    I am 64.
    That is one reason I like followingA.R
    We have both seen almost the same life movie of the world.
    And following you I get the experience you
    have of a bit longer life movie of the world.
