Friday, December 25, 2015



Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. (Albert Einstein)

Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. (Ronald Reagan)

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. (
John F. Kennedy)


The subject of today, PEACE-in, for, from, to- LENR is multi-facetted. but It is two sided;
- Outer peace- peace with the great scientific community;
- Inner peace- peace within our LENR community as a whole- but let's be well aware: it is 
a fragmented whole.
You have always to pay a price for peace, but for the future's sake take care it should not be
a too high price! It is not permitted to sacrifice, compromise or diminish in any way LENR Scientific Rights (the equivalent of the Human Rights) for acceptance, funds or good press-
to join the invisible Club of mainstream sciences. No, this would be a false, peace!

Outer peace of LENR

I spoke yesterday about GOODNESS in LENR- it is clearly and exclusively the Goodness in the group of selected. brave researchers who are dedicated and have sincere faith in the value of the LENR idea. LENR itself the scientific-technological field is far from being GOOD in the sense of conformism with the dominant paradigm. Actually saying LENR is good science, it does not break the rules and it respects all the old Laws is useless and counter-productive, the enemies, detractors, haters, those interested in its destruction are punishing any weakness with instant cruelty - no chances to convince them. Some know the truth but consider it too dangerous to be revealed now. The lack of successes smelling of technology, of LENR on the experimental side, the Rossi vs the Rest situation, the VUCA-ness of LENR, the painful lack of inner peace, (all temporary troubles but present now)  is in favor of those who want to slow down, retard the unstoppable development of this Energy Source that will bring radical transformations.

No, the Good Boy status does not fit LENR that does not breaks rules and does not violate Laws just has its own rules and Laws.
I will present now the opinion of a physicist who is both a leading experimentalist and a creative thinker, Leonid Urutskoev from whom I am trying to learn. My friend and I am proud of it. I have presented his LENR ideas on this blog, please do a search, he knows where and how have we to search for LENR's profound truths, regarding the physical nature of it.
From Leonid I have understood that a genuine expert researcher has his own style- so chances are that Rossi will not be caught up but surpassed one day.

He says: " my opinion is. that In the science we call LENR, at the moment there is in a stage of accumulation of experimental facts. This is a difficult stage in any new study and it can be quite painful." 

I think he refers more to the NiH branch of LENR, for PdD  a lot of data have been gathered but due to over-discussed factors, these  have not generated neither a predictive, practical theory nor a fertile seed of theory.

But now it is different, Leonid has here drawn a vivid analogy with what has happened in physics toward the end of the 19th century starting with the study of the emission spectra of very hot gases. You know the historical line from electrodynamics to the Balmer formula, quanta hypothesis, Bohr's phenomenological model,  then ideas.theory of de Broglie, the Schrodinger equation, Heisenberg's method and then everything stops. Leonid thinks that actually the "systematization was not ended and new things will come. (History does not repeat itself but rhymes) 
It is arrogance from my part to explain what this Physicist says but I will try- LENR will find final peace only when the truth is known:
"The existing LENR theories are still naive. We are faced with a fundamentally new phenomenon  I became convinced that the proposed theories will not be able to explain LENR
an entirely new vector (i.e. a new direction) and a new dimension have to be introduced.
The many tricks of the theorists (as heavier electron, tunneling for surpassing the barrier, creation of strong field in micro crevices etc) al these will not help the particles to overcome the Coulomb barrier with the high probabilities observed in the experimental reality. 
Also, it is obvious that nuclear fusion would lead to gamma radiation- however this is not observed. The nuclear reactions have a nature based on exchange.How can this happen? In my opinion it is only one possible condition: if the nucleon particles (protons and neutrons) start to behave as "photons" of different frequencies How/why could this happen? I do not know the answer yet, but perhaps the theoretical works of V.I. Manko and V.V. Dodonov can offer a slight hope of an explanation. It is about the formation of coherent, correlated or entagled quantum states. In the recent years Vladimir Vysotskii has also worked in this direction.
However even the success of this hypothesis will be only phenomenological because the phasing of the wave functions of those quantum particles is still entirely unclear/\.

In my opinion, this Problem needs a new "quantum hypothesis" that is a Scientist on the level of Planck or de Broglie.
But what can lead to such a hypothesis? Obviously experimentation! Good and different read unexpected as was Rossi's.
My opinion: the LENR problem is very complex and will almost certainly lead to the revison of parts of our basic physical concepts- and this is so interesting.

My best thanks to Leonid; I enjoyed so much this episode of being in consonance with his ideas, so I decided to publish them without delay and to continue to speak about LENR and peace tomorrow.


Widom Larsen Theory LENRs . . . Energy Revolution? with Lewis Larsen President of Lattice Energy LLC:

ХТЯ и ШМ two presentation from the Seminar of Dec 24, 2015 at the RUPF- published now:

2) А.В. Багуля, О.Д.Далькаров, М.А.Негодаев, А.С.Русецкий, ФИАН, Москва, Исследование низкоэнергетических ядерных реакций (LENR) в кристаллических структурах.

3) М.Я. Иванов, В.К. Мамаев, ЦИАМ, Москва, Единая природа теплосодержания ядерных и химических топлив. Теория и эксперимент.

4) Recent LENR Events, Papers, etc

5) Dialogs of Andrea Rossi:
Erwin Haga
December 24th, 2015 at 10:59 PM

Dear Andrea
About your patents: how many patents do you think will be necessary to protect your IP, and which is now the status: can you give this information?
Andrea Rossi
December 25th, 2015 at 8:29 AM

Erwin Haga:
Will be necessary about 150 patents and I am very optimist about the fact that 140 will be granted. Leonardo Corporation has 200 patents either pending or in preparation.
Warm Regards,

Frank Acland
December 24th, 2015 at 7:34 PM

Dear Andrea,

I know Christmas day will be another work day inside the shipping container, but I hope it’s a happy one for you and your colleagues.

You mentioned that only 3 out of four reactors are running at the moment — are you going to replace or re-charge the fourth?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Frank Acland
Andrea Rossi
December 24th, 2015 at 8:22 PM

Frank Acland:
Now all the magnificent 4 are working: we are not here to sharpen the tips to the pencils.
Merry Christmas from inside the plant,

6) CFA Institute on Possible Global Impact of Cold Fusion                        
7) E-Cat Wafers Will be Manufactured ‘Like Microelectronic Components         


Our Energy Transformation in 2015
Like 1973, the year 2015 marked a decisive shift in the world’s energy economy.
By Richard Martin on December 25, 2015


  1. A leading LENR experimentalist and a creative thinker, Dr. Leonid Urutskoev states:

    "The existing LENR theories are still naive. We are faced with a fundamentally new phenomenon I became convinced that the proposed theories will not be able to explain LENR an entirely new vector (i.e. a new direction) and a new dimension have to be introduced.”

    On connecting the dots, both the Holmlid and LeClair experiments shows that there is a disintegration of nucleons occurring thereby producing meson by-products of all kinds. This leads to the proposition that analog monopoles are producing disruption of the color force in the affected nuclei. Monopole fields are connected to non-associative quantum mechanics. This unusual quantum behavior is occurring on LENR. What this then leads us to is a realization that a new kind of physics applies that has its origins in string theory called TOPOLOGICAL GEOMETRODYNAMICS. This system postulates that reality is a completely geometrical layered structure where the plank constant changes based on the level of reality that we are interested in. Just understanding this stuff entails a lifetime of effort, but based on the weird stuff that LENR occasionally is showing us, some far out completely off the wall descriptions of a new reality is in order.

  2. A leading LENR experimentalist and a creative thinker, Dr. Leonid Urutskoev states:

    "The existing LENR theories are still naive. We are faced with a fundamentally new phenomenon I became convinced that the proposed theories will not be able to explain LENR an entirely new vector (i.e. a new direction) and a new dimension have to be introduced.”

    On connecting the dots, both the Holmlid and LeClair experiments shows that there is a disintegration of nucleons occurring thereby producing meson by-products of all kinds. This leads to the proposition that analog monopoles are producing disruption of the color force in the affected nuclei. Monopole fields are connected to non-associative quantum mechanics. This unusual quantum behavior is occurring on LENR. What this then leads us to is a realization that a new kind of physics applies that has its origins in string theory called TOPOLOGICAL GEOMETRODYNAMICS. This system postulates that reality is a completely geometrical layered structure where the plank constant changes based on the level of reality that we are interested in. Just understanding this stuff entails a lifetime of effort, but based on the weird stuff that LENR occasionally is showing us, some far out completely off the wall descriptions of a new reality is in order.
