Yesterday I spoke about a LENR Lobby, however LENR has no real lobby, just a few soloist voice unable to be united in a chorus; asking attention to the field, usually to what was done already and is not encouraging.
For the time given, I have no idea if the Coalition of rich Tech people is taking LENR in consideration or not at all. The pro-LENR messages are immediately neutralized by LENR-hostile messages or simply lost in crowds of a stressing hyper-diversity of ideas. However we must try.
This Fund could become an OPPORTUNITY and we also have to respect the principles of this BECFICE i.e: ask and use the funds early, broadly, boldly, wisely, together as the Principles of this Fund claim.
The problem is with defining "we" and having a Leader- representative for us. My idea of a Global Network of LENR Metamanagement is just an Utopian dream. The LENR community is fragmented, disunited, disorganised. The problem is not insoluble-
it will be a competition for the money and the best organisations, teams will get the lion's share. Those who can demonstrate that they work indeed for breakthrough clean energy.
Actually I have some experience in asking money for Cold Fusion from billionaires. In 2001, after my first retirement I was working at a local small ISP company, Dynamic Network Technologies as web-searcher and this company was a Soros Foundation "daughter"
My regretted good friend Akira Kawasaki from Los Angeles have tried to get money
from the Soros Foundation but we failed; the inner bureaucracy of the Foundation was the greatest obstacle, plus we were not sure about what can we promise.
This morning, Google Scholar Alert for (lenr) has sent me the titles of 2 inaccessible without paying, Springer papers by M. Martin- from a book
World's Tech Giants Team Up For Mega Investment In Clean Energy
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson are among the tech titans behind the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.
A Quick Guide To Managing Conflicts by Tanmay Vora
Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement. (Peter Drucker)
Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday. (Brian Tracy)DAILY NOTES
Yesterday I spoke about a LENR Lobby, however LENR has no real lobby, just a few soloist voice unable to be united in a chorus; asking attention to the field, usually to what was done already and is not encouraging.
For the time given, I have no idea if the Coalition of rich Tech people is taking LENR in consideration or not at all. The pro-LENR messages are immediately neutralized by LENR-hostile messages or simply lost in crowds of a stressing hyper-diversity of ideas. However we must try.
This Fund could become an OPPORTUNITY and we also have to respect the principles of this BECFICE i.e: ask and use the funds early, broadly, boldly, wisely, together as the Principles of this Fund claim.
The problem is with defining "we" and having a Leader- representative for us. My idea of a Global Network of LENR Metamanagement is just an Utopian dream. The LENR community is fragmented, disunited, disorganised. The problem is not insoluble-
it will be a competition for the money and the best organisations, teams will get the lion's share. Those who can demonstrate that they work indeed for breakthrough clean energy.
Actually I have some experience in asking money for Cold Fusion from billionaires. In 2001, after my first retirement I was working at a local small ISP company, Dynamic Network Technologies as web-searcher and this company was a Soros Foundation "daughter"
My regretted good friend Akira Kawasaki from Los Angeles have tried to get money
from the Soros Foundation but we failed; the inner bureaucracy of the Foundation was the greatest obstacle, plus we were not sure about what can we promise.
This morning, Google Scholar Alert for (lenr) has sent me the titles of 2 inaccessible without paying, Springer papers by M. Martin- from a book
No Disruption, No Exponential Progress
M Martin - Building the Impact Economy, 2016
8.4 LENR et alia: Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom. ...
Seven Game Changers for Our Energy Future
M Martin - Building the Impact Economy, 2016
echnologies are harder to evaluate, but may hold interesting contributions in store, such as low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Dr Maximilian Martin could help LENR
I will try to get in touch with Dr. Maximilian Martin.
The Russian official LENR website also informs about the Breakthrough Energy Coalition to Fund InnovativeClean Energy:
I will try to get in touch with Dr. Maximilian Martin.
The Russian official LENR website also informs about the Breakthrough Energy Coalition to Fund InnovativeClean Energy:
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson are among the tech titans behind the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.
Quinn: Can tech save the planet from climate change?
By Michelle Quinn
Bill Gates at CNN:
Bill Gates launches multi-billion dollar clean energy fund
Quinn: Can tech save the planet from climate change?
By Michelle Quinn
Bill Gates at CNN:
Bill Gates launches multi-billion dollar clean energy fund
Jeff Morriss working for replications:
Rossi reveals E-Cat X, Gates and other billionaires open checkbooks for clean enrgy
Rossi on the E-Cats modular future, E-Cat X units can combine to make ower plants of any size:
Jeff Morriss working for replications:
Rossi reveals E-Cat X, Gates and other billionaires open checkbooks for clean enrgy
Rossi on the E-Cats modular future, E-Cat X units can combine to make ower plants of any size:
Clustered LENR reaction require that LENR be a catalytic reaction both in the cause of the reaction and the effects of the reaction.
Bose condensation in LENR requires that LENR must be a catalytic effect. Only a catalytic based reaction can support Bose condensation. A catalytic object is the same before and after the does not change. The LENR reaction cannot continue as a Bose condensate unless the Exotic Neutral Particle(ENP) is unchanged by the LENR reaction. This implies that any change such as energy gain that LENR produces must be shared equally by all the members of the Bose condensate.
This clustered reaction effect in a Bose condensate is called super-absorption. But in the experiments of J.C. Fisher, he shows that tens of thousands of LENR reactions are caused by a single catalytic exotic neutral particle (ENP). It is possible that this free moving particle is entangled with others of it kind in a bose condensate which will share equally in the energy produced in the clustered reaction.
For example in a extreme case, it looks like the 100 micron nickel Lugano ash particle #1 was converted to Ni62 in one clustered LENR reaction involving many billions of nickel and lithium atoms. The energy produced by this huge clustered reaction could have been buffered by a Bose condensate of ENPs.
and papers/0801/0801.2752.pdf
Here is the math support for the “Mössbauer Effect”. It shows that a monopole magnetic field is the most sensitive element to the Mössbauer effect.
From the Urutskoiev exploding titanium foil experiment
4) Various difficulties of interpretation gradually led Urutskoiev and his research team to the conclusion that magnetic poles could be a possible source of the strange radiation effects they had observed. They became aware of the present author’s work and a fruitful collaboration has been initiated.
From the very beginning, an important experiment was realized by Urutskoiev and Ivoilov [54], using the fact that 57Fe is at the same time magnetic and the most sensitive element to the Mössbauer effect. They irradiated, at some meters from the source of the supposed monopoles, a sample of 57Fe . Behind the iron sample was one pole of a long linear magnet, in order to repel the monopoles of the same sign and attract the monopoles of the opposite sign. Owing to the Mössbauer effect, they found a distinct shift of a characteristic γ ray.
They repeated the experiment with the other pole of the magnet behind the iron sample and, with the same exposure they found a γ ray shift in the opposite direction [54].
One can make two remarks about this experiment :
a) This is one of the most brilliant proof of monopole magnetism. But there are others : for instance, the fact that Ivoilov focused a monopole beam with an electromagnet.
b) If the 57Fe target sample used in the Mössbauer experiment is abandoned for three days, the preceding characteristic γ ray spectrum goes back to its mean normal position. This half-life effect seems to hold for all the effects of magnetism induced by monopoles: they seem to have a limited time of life (not predicted by theory). But other effects, such isotopic shifts are definitive.
From this experimental result, the half life of SPP monopole magnetism is three days.
54. N. Ivoilov & L. Urutskoiev, The influence of « strange » radiation on Mössbauer spectrum of F57 in metallic foils, Rus. Applied Physics, N° 5, 2004 (in Russian).
In English: aflb297m331.pdf
Here is the math support for the “Mössbauer Effect”. It shows that a monopole magnetic field is the most sensitive element to the Mössbauer effect.
From the Urutskoiev exploding titanium foil experiment
4) Various difficulties of interpretation gradually led Urutskoiev and his research team to the conclusion that magnetic poles could be a possible source of the strange radiation effects they had observed. They became aware of the present author’s work and a fruitful collaboration has been initiated.
From the very beginning, an important experiment was realized by Urutskoiev and Ivoilov [54], using the fact that 57Fe is at the same time magnetic and the most sensitive element to the Mössbauer effect. They irradiated, at some meters from the source of the supposed monopoles, a sample of 57Fe . Behind the iron sample was one pole of a long linear magnet, in order to repel the monopoles of the same sign and attract the monopoles of the opposite sign. Owing to the Mössbauer effect, they found a distinct shift of a characteristic γ ray.
They repeated the experiment with the other pole of the magnet behind the iron sample and, with the same exposure they found a γ ray shift in the opposite direction [54].
One can make two remarks about this experiment :
a) This is one of the most brilliant proof of monopole magnetism. But there are others : for instance, the fact that Ivoilov focused a monopole beam with an electromagnet.
b) If the 57Fe target sample used in the Mössbauer experiment is abandoned for three days, the preceding characteristic γ ray spectrum goes back to its mean normal position. This half-life effect seems to hold for all the effects of magnetism induced by monopoles: they seem to have a limited time of life (not predicted by theory). But other effects, such isotopic shifts are definitive.
From this experimental result, the half life of SPP monopole magnetism is three days.
54. N. Ivoilov & L. Urutskoiev, The influence of « strange » radiation on Mössbauer spectrum of F57 in metallic foils, Rus. Applied Physics, N° 5, 2004 (in Russian).
In English:
Why Solar Power Could Hit a Ceiling
In the absence of energy storage, solar energy can’t grow without decreasing its own value.
In the absence of energy storage, solar energy can’t grow without decreasing its own value.
Mastering Leadership – A Roadmap for Personal Transformation:
Mastering Leadership – A Roadmap for Personal Transformation:

Fuel preprocessing
ReplyDeleteThe source of the many exotic heavy elements including rare earths found on the surface of the Lugano fuel particle may have come from the pretreatment of the fuel using an electric arc between electrodes made of heavy refractory elements like molybdenum or tungsten. The wide array of heavy elements look like a list of transmutation products rather than an additive of separate chemicals.
There has been many LENR experiments where electric arc driven transmutation have produced an array of dozens of heavy element byproducts. This process may be how Rossi seeds his fuel with Exotic neutral particles produced through the action of an electric arc heating process. Rossi does not describe the nature of the heating process that he uses to preprocess his fuel in his patent. Fuel preprocessing is the key component in LENR engineering reaction designs.
There is experimental evidence derived from exploding foil experiments that ENP can remain active for up to three days after ENP creation.
Holmlid must preprocess his fuel for weeks using laser irradiation before his fuel becomes LENR active. The ENP must store a huge amount of EMF energy before it can become active and mobile in order to catalyze a LENR reaction.
Fuel preprocessing
ReplyDeleteThe source of the many exotic heavy elements including rare earths found on the surface of the Lugano fuel particle may have come from the pretreatment of the fuel using an electric arc between electrodes made of heavy refractory elements like molybdenum or tungsten. The wide array of heavy elements look like a list of transmutation products rather than an additive of separate chemicals.
There has been many LENR experiments where electric arc driven transmutation have produced an array of dozens of heavy element byproducts. This process may be how Rossi seeds his fuel with Exotic neutral particles produced through the action of an electric arc heating process. Rossi does not describe the nature of the heating process that he uses to preprocess his fuel in his patent. Fuel preprocessing is the key component in LENR engineering reaction designs.
There is experimental evidence derived from exploding foil experiments that ENP can remain active for up to three days after ENP creation.
Holmlid must preprocess his fuel for weeks using laser irradiation before his fuel becomes LENR active. The ENP must store a huge amount of EMF energy before it can become active and mobile in order to catalyze a LENR reaction.
an open article by Maximilian Martin
LENR reactors need magnetic confinement
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the fundamental nature of the Rossi effect is based on magnetism. The catalytic particle that produces the reaction is magnetic in nature. This particle is produced by heat pumping and EMF stimulation. The nature of this Exotic Neutral Particle (ENP)is reflected by the behaviour of the E-Cat itself and reflect how the E-Cat operates.
The ENP can exist at low energy pumping where the energy coming into the particle is equal to the energy leaving the particle. This is similar to the way Rossi keeps his reactor under control. Too much external energy pumping will result in the E-Cat going critical.
The same process of over pumping happens with the ENP. Overpumping brings it to the stage where it becomes self-sufficient requiring no additional EMF input. The energized ENP can get EMF from the environment around it not requiring external heat or EMF simulation to be applied.
The same is true for the E-Cat. When the E-Cat is subcritical, it requires heat and EMF stimulation to be applied. But when it is "over stimulated" it begins to meltdown since it has become independent from externally applied stimulation.
The ENP can live as long as it can catalyze energy production from the material around it. The ENP can live for days on its own as it brings in energy from the environment to sustain its internal LENR reaction processes.
Magnetic confinement increases efficiency of the reaction. Such confinement saves the externally applied energy that produced the ENP from being wasted.
The ENP can leave the reactor if the material that makes up the reactor enclosure is transparent to the optical and magnetic nature of the ENP. This might be why electrolytic cells have difficulty in sustaining powerful LENR reactions. In this case, the ENPs escape the glass beaker reactor enclosure and all the input energy that was pumped into the ENP is wasted to the environment. outside the electrolytic cell.
If the cell is made of material that can contain the ENP both optically and magnetically, the reactor will be efficent. Alumina is antiferromagnetic and will confine magnetic particles that to escape the reactor shell. Another method of ENP confinement that Rossi might use is a solenoidal confinement coil that keeps the ENPs away from the reactor walls and in the center axis of the reactor.
The so called Erzion phenomenon was discovered in a series of electrolytic experiments marked by unexplained changes in a pool of cooling water outside of the catalytic cell. After 40 minutes of electrolytic cell operation, water on the tungsten anode side of the cooling vessel started loosing its transparency.
ReplyDeleteWater on the stainless steel cathode of the pool of cooling water remained transparent, at the same 40 C temperature. A sample of bubbly water, removed from the anode side, was tested for induced gamma radioactivity. No such radioactivity was found in it; the sample became transparent after 24 hours. Attempts to reproduce the long-term loss of cooling water transparency with other electrolytes, and under different electrical discharge conditions, were not successful. But the effect was highly reproducible when experimenting with the tungsten-anode electrolytic cell and the 7 M KF electrolyte containing 50% of heavy water.
That cooling water on the outside of the electrolytic cell's glass reactor shell at the right side (see Figure 1) is close to the anode while cooling water on the left side is close to the cathode. The disappearance of bubbles, after the electrolysis, was very slow (half-life of about 10 hrs). Attempts to explain the phenomenon in terms of cavitation, and other ultrasonic effects, were not successful. The only satisfactory explanation was possible within the framework of the erzion model. Authors believe that bubbles are produced through the action of neutral Erzions.
The Erzons phenomenon behavior is consistent with the magnetic based Exotic Neutral Particle(ENP). To begin with, the glass container is transparent to the magnetically based ENPs both optically and magnetically. The LENR reaction that keeps the ENPs viable produce the vapor that forms the water bubbles. The ENPs become energetically self sufficient in the water of the cooling pool where the ENPs remain viable for hours.
If the Erzons phenomenon is produced by magnetically based ENPs, an iron plate placed just on the outside of the glass wall adjacent to the anode would prevent the ENPs from exiting the glass electrolytic cell. With the ENPs blocked from travel, bubble production would be eliminated.
It has be recently revealed that each 250kVA E-Cat tiger reactor module is composed of 16 reactors. Only one of those reactors is a powered activator(mouse). The other 15 are drones driven by the activator. The activator produces a reaction catalyst that drives the other drones. I say that the reaction catalyst is the magnetic Exotic Neutral Particle(ENP) that becomes mobile as its energy content level reaches a self sustaining threshold. At low temperatures the alumina tub reactor shell that all these reactors are comprised of confines the ENP. But as all these reactors heat up, the alumina shell becomes electrically conductive. At high temperatures, the alumina becomes magnetically transparent and this allows the ENP to leave the activator an enter the drone where the ENP catalyzes the LENR reaction.
Electrical conductivity Vs, temperature.