If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
(Rudyard Kipling, 1895)
If you can substitute a complex reality with a primitive ideal,
If you are able to divide and exclude, combine and confuse, mix and destroy
If you master with fastness your kalashnikov of explosive lies
if are ready you help generously the means to replace aims
If you are prepared to distort and mutilate Truth with no mercy
You will succeed to kill the Earth with everything culture and life on it!
(Sad reality, the third killer Idealism hitting the World in 100 years)
I wrote the Anti-if poem being desperate to see how due to Probletence, a rather small but significant Continent is drowned in incompatible, destructive cultures. Ok, that's politics not for my blog/
But I was also stimulated by a "local, LENR" question: what if not only IF, but IH too, has it a dark side?
IF IH is trying to reject and destroy a working, useful revolutionary energy technology, try to invalidate a really stellar ERV Report with no proof- if they do this, then nothing can excuse them including funding of SERIOUS LENR research and organizing ICCF21- this would be unerasable dark side of the Company and its supporters.
I have told you yesterday about the over 7000 messages from the echo site of the litigation. Today a few tens were added, many in the defense of IH's honesty and correctness. Read them and tell if they are convincing, if the zero excess heat axiom is credible.
In contrast with the claimed brightness of the IH party- is the huge number of messages that are pure (?) slander against Rossi well surpassing 10,000 from the start of the conflict. For some leading IH supporters there are more than 30 per day, an activity indistinguishable from a full-time paid job. It seems dark and dirty and not useful - the litigation is about plant, technology not a person.
We will see...
1) From the Miami Court Pacermonitor re the Rossi vs Darden litigation=
Thursday, April 27, 2017
notice Notice of Change of Address Thu 1:58 PM
NOTICE of Change of Address by John William Annesser, II (Annesser, John)
If you can substitute a complex reality with a primitive ideal,
If you are able to divide and exclude, combine and confuse, mix and destroy
If you master with fastness your kalashnikov of explosive lies
if are ready you help generously the means to replace aims
If you are prepared to distort and mutilate Truth with no mercy
You will succeed to kill the Earth with everything culture and life on it!
(Sad reality, the third killer Idealism hitting the World in 100 years)
I wrote the Anti-if poem being desperate to see how due to Probletence, a rather small but significant Continent is drowned in incompatible, destructive cultures. Ok, that's politics not for my blog/
But I was also stimulated by a "local, LENR" question: what if not only IF, but IH too, has it a dark side?
IF IH is trying to reject and destroy a working, useful revolutionary energy technology, try to invalidate a really stellar ERV Report with no proof- if they do this, then nothing can excuse them including funding of SERIOUS LENR research and organizing ICCF21- this would be unerasable dark side of the Company and its supporters.
I have told you yesterday about the over 7000 messages from the echo site of the litigation. Today a few tens were added, many in the defense of IH's honesty and correctness. Read them and tell if they are convincing, if the zero excess heat axiom is credible.
In contrast with the claimed brightness of the IH party- is the huge number of messages that are pure (?) slander against Rossi well surpassing 10,000 from the start of the conflict. For some leading IH supporters there are more than 30 per day, an activity indistinguishable from a full-time paid job. It seems dark and dirty and not useful - the litigation is about plant, technology not a person.
We will see...
Thursday, April 27, 2017
NOTICE of Change of Address by John William Annesser, II (Annesser, John)
2) LENR ideas from Gregory Goble
5) New THREAD on LENR Forum
My Last Straw: Me356 Moves Past Nickel Without Honoring Promise To Share Ni-H Know How by THEDEBATEISUSELESS
3) Fusione Fredda- tutti recenti svilluppi in un nuovo articolo di E.N. Tsyganov
4) Kirk Shanahan answers to Steve Krivit:
My Last Straw: Me356 Moves Past Nickel Without Honoring Promise To Share Ni-H Know How by THEDEBATEISUSELESS
6) Trap reputation. Cold Fusion- nothing has changed from the year 1989? II Part
7) Has Rossi reached Sigma 4?
Pułapka reputacji: Zimna fuzja - nic się nie zmienia od 1989 roku? cz 2 ...
1) Private fusion machines aim to beat massive global effort
Daniel Clery Abstracts only
Science 28 Apr 2017:
Vol. 356, Issue 6336, pp. 360-361Summary
When finally complete in 2025, the $20 billion fusion reactor called ITER, rising near Cadarache in France, will be seven stories tall. Even then, nothing guarantees that it can induce nuclei to fuse and release energy. Now, a small U.K. company has unveiled a 2-meter-tall chamber that looks like an oversized beer keg and cost about £10 million to develop. Using a different reactor shape than ITER and, eventually, superconducting magnets, the company says it has a cheaper and faster path to an energy-producing fusion reaction. It is not alone. A few other privately financed startups are also challenging the status quo and two in North America are building new machines in the next few years that aim to get close to the break-even point, where the energy generated equals the energy put into the system.
Study offers new theoretical approach to describing non-equilibrium phase transitions breaking
A new and elegant take on Quantum Mechanics has arrived on the scene just in time to help explain how LENR works. With this new tool, dynamic systems are understood to include phase transitions at the extreme limits of their solution sets.
Dynamic operators that have been only discovered a few years ago are now widely used in quantum optics which is at the heart of the LENR reaction.
Phase transitions are hot in physics now central to the understanding of the Higgs field, optics with changing indices of refraction, and superconductivity all demonstrate phase transitions and the famous Mexican hat upside down potential that only using the complex number set can properly explain.
In this figure, think of the blue optical resonators as the Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP) with a whispering gallery wave structure. The red toroids are the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
In this experimental setup explained by the figure, coupled optical resonators (paired red and blue toroids on little pedestals) are PT symmetry systems. When they are tuned through a “phase transition” light, instead of moving through them in both directions, can only travel one way.
In LENR terms when a phase transition occurs is the SPP optical resonators, and when a proton decays, the energy of that decay in the form of a Gamma ray can only be absorbed by the SPP. Light energy cannot move from the SPP into the proton.
We learn from this model that quantum theories need not obey the conventional mathematical condition of Hermiticity so long as they obey the physical geometric condition of space-time-reflection symmetry (PT symmetry).
PT symmetry challenges a standard convention in physics—the widely held belief that a quantum Hamiltonian must be Hermitian. And, because PT symmetry is a weaker condition than Hermiticity, there are infinitely many Hamiltonians that are PT symmetric but non-Hermitian; we can now study new kinds of quantum theories that would have been rejected in the past as being unphysical. Moreover, PT-symmetric systems exhibit a feature that Hermitian systems cannot; as indicated in the energy levels become complex when energy from outside the system changes in the system.
The transition from real to complex energies is a key feature of PT-symmetric systems and it is called the PT phase transition. At this transition the system goes from a state of physical equilibrium (called a state of unbroken PT symmetry) to nonequilibrium (broken PT symmetry).
LENR occurs when PT symmetry is broken in an optical micro cavity.
Daniel Clery Abstracts only
Science 28 Apr 2017:
Vol. 356, Issue 6336, pp. 360-361Summary
When finally complete in 2025, the $20 billion fusion reactor called ITER, rising near Cadarache in France, will be seven stories tall. Even then, nothing guarantees that it can induce nuclei to fuse and release energy. Now, a small U.K. company has unveiled a 2-meter-tall chamber that looks like an oversized beer keg and cost about £10 million to develop. Using a different reactor shape than ITER and, eventually, superconducting magnets, the company says it has a cheaper and faster path to an energy-producing fusion reaction. It is not alone. A few other privately financed startups are also challenging the status quo and two in North America are building new machines in the next few years that aim to get close to the break-even point, where the energy generated equals the energy put into the system.
2) Looking for the quantum frontier
Beyond classical computing without fault-tolerance?
Date:April 27, 2017
Source:Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology
A new theoretical framework has been developed to identify computations that occupy the 'quantum frontier' - the boundary at which problems become impossible for today's computers and can only be solved by a quantum computer. The team demonstrates that these computations can be performed with near-term, intermediate, quantum computers.
A nanoplasmonic based experiment suggested as a probe of the nature of the LENR reaction involving the fission of thorium by muons as follows:
ReplyDeleteThis expanded experiment is based on this one that has already been performed as follows:
Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au nanoparticles in
the presence of Thorium aqua-ions
A.V. Simakin and G.A. Shafeev
“The resulting average size of Au NPs as determined by Transmission Electron Microscopy lies between 10 and 20 nm.”
The addition is to configure this experiment with two double concentric glass chambers with pure water and gold nanoparticles in the inner chamber and one with a thorium salt in solution in water filling the outer chamber but without any nanoparticles inside of it.
First, test the two concentric chambers without nanoparticles added to the inner chamber. Expect to see no transmutation in either the inner or the outer chamber.
Next, test the two concentric chambers with nanoparticles added to the inner chamber. Expect to see transmutation results involving thorium in the outer chamber as was seen in the referenced experiment done by A.V. Simakin and G.A. Shafeev.
This will show that interaction between light and nanoparticles produce the LENR reaction and that the reaction is carried out at a distance by subatomic particles that can penetrate a glass wall.
Variations on the wall material: aluminum, iron, stainless steel, lead etc can be carried out if the laser beam enters the inner chamber from an open top of the inner chamber.
Next, a high voltage spark discharge can replace the laser light that is fired just above the top of the water level on the inner chamber. As a probe of the LENR reaction with gold nanoparticles present, expect to see transmutation results involving thorium in the outer chamber.
No LENR reactions will be produced without the presence of gold nanoparticles in the inner chamber.